John C. Stipa loves the beach, family time, woodworking, playing and coaching sports, traveling, good food and storytelling. He is the author of adventure / mystery / romance novels including When Ink Bleeds, We Are The Storm, The Angel Solution, The Foiled Knight and No Greater Sacrifice as well as a Stipa family history: Johnny No Home. He has also published several short stories with his writing groups.
The Indie Spotlight featured John in an interview:
“David: “How the hell did you get dressed so fast?”Renee: “How do you know I didn’t streak naked through the lobby and had clothes waiting for me in the car?” David: “Heh. Good thing the archaeological paparazzi didn’t have a team on duty.”Renee: “I’d have taken ’em out. My whole body is a weapon.”
“Renee: “The Greek government doesn’t know that I found anything that day in the temple. And they for sure wouldn’t want to know about the little mess I left behind.” She grimaced.Trout: “Little mess? You started a freakin’ cave in, you moron. Nice work by the way. Way to keep up international relations. ‘Uh, yeah, hi, I’m Renée, I’m an American. I’m here to, you know, like, drink all your wine, trash the joint, steal all your valuable shit and then bolt the country.’ Why didn’t you just drop your shorts and pee in the Parthenon?”
“Renee: “Trout, get your mind out of the gutter.”Trout: “Can’t help it—it’s attached to my body.”
“David: "There's nothing so pulverizing to a son's psyche than a father's disregard for his own child's worth.”
“Renee: "You know what I did when I finished Moby Dick?"David: "You harpooned the guy that sold you the book?”
“The true measure of a person’s character is revealed when they learn of another’s darkest fears. It is in that moment the listener either displays grace or the ugly head of apathy.”
“Do the best you can with what you've got where you are.”