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John Crotts

“The degree of a person's amazement about God's grace directly corresponds to their apprehension of the absolute holiness of God and the filthy depths of our rebellion against his will and his ways.”
John Crotts
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“I am a great sinner, but Christ is a great Saviour.”
John Crotts
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“Voices calling Christians to forget about doctrinal differences and just love Jesus do not represent Christian maturity. This is like that humorous bit of wisdom, if you want to succeed every time, just lower the standards”
John Crotts
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“God did not entrust his truth to the world casually or haphazardly. He gave his church the role of preserving and protecting his truth. In the same sentence that describes the church as God's household, Paul describes the valuable role the church is to play: "If i delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of truth (1 Tim. 3:15). With all of the assaults against the truth of God, what hope is there that truth and error can still be sorted out? God has established churches to study, know, do and proclaim his Word in the world”
John Crotts
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