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John D. Woodbridge

“I see Christianity's influence as a resplendent mural with many scenes, each depicted in bright, brilliant, and beautiful colors. Without Christianity, there would be an awful lot of grays and only a few scattered and disconnected lines here and there giving any sense of meaning. But Christianity adds so much meaning, hope , and beauty and richness to the picture.”
John D. Woodbridge
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“There have been people who have done things in the name of Christ they never should have done...not everything done in the name of Christ should, in point of fact, be attributed to Christianity. It's important to remember that it's not Jesus' teaching that are at fault here; it's the actions of those who, for whatever reason, greatly strayed from what he clearly taught...”
John D. Woodbridge
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“The lifestyle of Christians matched their teachings, so that many early Christians were not afraid to say, 'Imitate us as we imitate Christ.' Unfortunately, in contemporary evangelicalism sometimes people say, 'Don't look at us, look at Christ,' because we are worried what people will find if our own lives are scrutinized.”
John D. Woodbridge
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