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John Forbes Nash

John Forbes Nash, Ph.D. was an American mathematician whose works in game theory, differential geometry, and partial differential equations have provided insight into the forces that govern chance and events inside complex systems in daily life. His theories are still used today in market economics, computing, artificial intelligence, accounting and military theory. Serving as a Senior Research Mathematician at Princeton University during the later part of his life, he shared the 1994 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences with game theorists Reinhard Selten and John Harsanyi.

Nash was also the subject of the Hollywood movie A Beautiful Mind, which was nominated for eight Academy Awards (winning four). The film, based very loosely on the biography of the same name, focuses on Nash's mathematical genius and his struggle with paranoid schizophrenia.

“Though I had success in my research both when I was mad and when I was not, eventually I felt that my work would be better respected if I thought and acted like a 'normal' person.”
John Forbes Nash
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