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John Gay

John Gay was an English poet and dramatist. He is best remembered for The Beggar's Opera (1728), set to music by Johann Christoph Pepusch. The characters, including Captain Macheath and Polly Peachum, became household names.

“A man is always afraid of a woman that loves him too much”
John Gay
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“Love is so whimsical in both sexes that it is impossible to be lasting. But my heart is particular and contradicts my own observation.”
John Gay
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“Variety's the source of joy below, From whence still fresh-revolving pleasures flow, In books and love the mind one end pursues, And only change the expiring flames renews.”
John Gay
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“My Own EpitaphLife's a jest, and all things show it.I thought so once, and now I know it.”
John Gay
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“Life is a jest, and all things show it, I thought so once, and now I know it.”
John Gay
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“MRS. PEACHUMHow the mother is to be pitied who has handsome daughters! Locks, bolts, bars and lectures of morality are nothing to them – they break through them all.”
John Gay
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