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John Geddes

“......and not out of fear or loneliness, but only to find myself again... for we have come too far my Life, to turn back now...”
John Geddes
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“...does it seem strange in the loneliness of the present time, that I run to you?...”
John Geddes
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“... only darkened trails of rain could paint your face upon a pane...”
John Geddes
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“...a passing face together with his grief turned you into a weeping Madonna...”
John Geddes
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“ are a river rock and belong in a stream - not here in this upper room sinking in my bed...”
John Geddes
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“...dark furrow lines grid the snow, punctuated by orange abacus beads of pumpkins - now the crows own the field...”
John Geddes
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“...the winter is kind and leaves red berries on the boughs for hungry sparrows...”
John Geddes
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“...perhaps in actions I'm less of a man - but, oh the words - such lovely words...”
John Geddes
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“...come lie beside me again and understand - the others can show by actions, but I alone will immortalize you in words...”
John Geddes
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“ are enchanted - only a princess can leave glass footprints in the snow...”
John Geddes
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“..snow gently settles like dust in a shaft - for one moment there is no one else - only the wind like the hiss of an ice skate ...”
John Geddes
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“...I recall that day on the beach - the sand so brilliant, the clouds so massive, and the wind punishing your hair...”
John Geddes
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“ heart rides the wind and my thoughts sail away - to a land below the horizon where I know you hide from me...”
John Geddes
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“...the wind hums low with sweet exultation, sings its lullaby, while you sleep ...”
John Geddes
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“...we went to watch the waves that bitter day and the wind took your red cap and mittens - blew them into the sea...”
John Geddes
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“...strands of your hair and tendrils of the wind spin into nothingness the memories of that day...”
John Geddes
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“...the wind has a purpose - to rattle the window panes, disturb the cat and make me miss you ...”
John Geddes
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“...not even the wind can bring a tear to my eye the way you do...”
John Geddes
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“...I live with regrets - the bittersweet loss of innocence - the red track of the moon upon the lake - the inability to return and do it again...”
John Geddes
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“Deb and I were married on a snowy night - wind cross-wove a veil of snow for her then threw confetti at us as we left the lighted church...”
John Geddes
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“...I'm a modern mountebank - I believe in Physiognomy - after all, we are in control of our face - it's the map of where we've been...”
John Geddes
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“...don't tell me I should only talk to people with a high influence score, or I'll Klout you...”
John Geddes
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“...I've always idealized women I've loved - they all fell short, save one - the one God chose for me - she lights up a room by walking into it...”
John Geddes
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“ must be hard when you are a beautiful woman and no one will look at your soul...”
John Geddes
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“...when we perfect 3-D copiers and they reproduce tissue, we'll have a million Marilyns walking around with no souls...”
John Geddes
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“...when someone is honest and vulnerable, they wring my heart - I want to hug them for being real...”
John Geddes
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“ the access to your heart and write down what your voice is whispering...”
John Geddes
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“...God and your heart both whisper - incline your ear - don't just learn from your head...”
John Geddes
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“... God is not a Sunday plumber - he's always available...”
John Geddes
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“ don't need a calling to minister love...”
John Geddes
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“He heard her in his heart - whispering from the mist”
John Geddes
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“...I see myself at crossroads in my life, mapless, lacking bits of knowledge - then, the Moon breaks through, lights up the path before me...”
John Geddes
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“...poetry is paying attention to life when all the world seems asleep to its beauties and truths...”
John Geddes
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“...Sunday evenings are heavier than clouds with rain, darker too and often interminable...”
John Geddes
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“...some nights I'd sneak out and listen to the radio in my Dad's old Chevy - children need solitude - they don't teach that in school...”
John Geddes
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“...when I was a kid, Toronto streets were deserted and quiet on Sundays, except for the sound of church bells I stood on the sidewalk one December listening to the Christmas bells - I've never forgotten that moment...”
John Geddes
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“...I will find once again the light of your beauty - your colored windows in the night...”
John Geddes
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“...if you've got writer's block, you aren't empty - maybe it's just like Twitter - overwhelmed, and loading seems to be taking a while...”
John Geddes
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“...the strands that connect us are frail, so don't hang great weights on slender wires...”
John Geddes
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“...that yearning inside you that seeks for fulfillment - does it still burn?...”
John Geddes
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“...the heart's not an organ but a whisper in your head ...”
John Geddes
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“...the most beautiful things don't always make you happy - often they make you weep...”
John Geddes
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“...if it weren't for you, mornings wouldn't be so comforting - slippers wouldn't scrape through the rooms of my heart...”
John Geddes
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“...the making of stories is only one part of my craft -mainly, I'm a heart whisperer...”
John Geddes
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“... the house is on fire, but go ahead - finish painting the verandah...”
John Geddes
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“ heart is a desolate field over which geese vee, the sky turns and the days lie fallow...”
John Geddes
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“ want things to remain the same, which they never can, and so you’re wounded by your own feelings & resentful others don’t seem to care...”
John Geddes
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“...If I ever got sloppy and maudlin, it would be for the streets of my childhood—but no self- respecting writer should ever eulogize a slum...”
John Geddes
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“...How terrible, those dreams before sleep were—the worse kind, mixing hope with despair...”
John Geddes
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“ dreams are tangled in images of stars and clouds and firelight - we go camping at night - it's my lucid dream of being with you...”
John Geddes
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