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john harte

John Harte was born in London, England, between the two World Wars. He absorbed the experiences and lessons of the first world war while growing up in its aftermath, and lived through the second one.

The fact that the author was born when London was the center of the British Empire and the free world, politically, financially, socially and culturally, invests his books about Winston Churchill and England with particular significance, since few people are left who can describe at first-hand what it was really like.

He witnessed at first hand the bombing of London and the Battle of Britain; the launching of the D-Day landings from England's south coast, and the enemy's V1 and V2 rocket attacks intended to destroy London and its population.

He began his writing career as a playwright with four plays produced in London theaters. He was also an investigative journalist writing for three leading publications in the UK.

After moving to South Africa to work in the advertising industry with J. Walter Thompson, he also wrote freelance feature articles for the two leading newspapers, which were syndicated worldwide by Reuters, and he also broadcast his own stories on the SABC.

He now lives in Ottawa, Canada.

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representation: Steven Harris, CSG Literary Partners

“...trying to predict whether global warming will moderate the next ice age is not only impossible but irrelevant. It doesn't help us get through the next few centuries. And one can only imagine our future, shivering, ice age descendants cursing us for leaving them no fossil fuel to create a global warming "greenhouse" effect when one is really needed.”
john harte
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