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John Perry Barlow

“the first responsibility of a humanbeing is to be a better ancestor.”
John Perry Barlow
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“information is simultaneously a relationship,an action, and an area of shared mind. What it isn't is a noun.Information is not a thing. It isn't an object. It isn't something that,when you sell it or have it stolen, ceases to remain in your possession. Itdoesn't have a market value that can be objectively determined.”
John Perry Barlow
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“The future's here, we are it, we are on our own”
John Perry Barlow
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“This is so much better than the 60's. So much less self indulgent and desperate. What you have here is a large group of people trying to practice unconditional love for strangers, and for the most part, succeeding.”
John Perry Barlow
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“We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat.”
John Perry Barlow
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