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John Portmann

“It is now illegal in the United States to perform genital alteration on female minors, no matter how minimal the surgery or how safe and sanitary the procedure. Newborn male genital alteration, however, is an accepted procedure in the United States.”
John Portmann
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“It is a bad idea to fixate on the wedding day while neglecting the rest of a marriage in which an initial virgin may stray into illicit beds. A onetime sexual tiger who becomes monogamous ( through sheer force of will or love) in marriage may deserve quite a bit more applause than the wedding-day virgin who later strays.”
John Portmann
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“I also argue that sin (or at least our thinking about it) has evolved significantly since the 1950s and continues to do so, such that Fidel Castro’s confident cri de Coeur from the early 1960’s, “History will absolve me,” could work today for a great many religious Jews and Christians wrestling with their conscience.”
John Portmann
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