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John Shors

Hi, everyone. I hope this message finds people well.

I'm the bestselling author of The Demon Seekers trilogy, My Midnight Sun, Unbound, Beneath a Marble Sky, Temple of a Thousand Faces, Cross Currents, Beside a Burning Sea, Dragon House, and The Wishing Trees. My novels have won multiple awards and have been translated into twenty six languages. I have also spoken (via speakerphone) with more than 3,000 book clubs around the world.

For more information on my work, please visit or friend me on Facebook or Instagram.

Thank you for your support!

- John

“Never deny yourself love, my child. For to deny love is to deny God's greatest gift. And who are we to deny God?”
John Shors
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“...and when the twilight of that ride is finally upon us, we will look at the trail we have taken and at the signs of our passage. And though our tears will be many, we will know that great lives have been lived, and that our memories will forever bind us together.”
John Shors
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“I'll treasure every day that I have with you. For I've known what life was like before you and..and since you, and as far as I'm concerned, these are two different lives. And one makes me so very much happier that the other.”
John Shors
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“They say all things end. But I say all things begin.”
John Shors
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“At that moment with the dolphins gliding about her, Annie realized that the sea could be dark and cold and unforgiving but could also be full of light and warmth and hope. And was life any different? Yes she had almost died three times-once as a girl, twice as a woman. And those scars would never truly leave her. But a scar shows that a wound as mostly healed, and if something has mostly healed, why did she need to live in fear of it?”
John Shors
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“I'm not trying to save the world, much of it is not worth saving.”
John Shors
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“The body can survive while the soul dies.”
John Shors
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“I believe that people who find each other in this life will find each other in the next.”
John Shors
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“How can you say goodbye to someone who is a part of you?”
John Shors
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“No you don't understand. I've been afraid my whole life.So Sorry, but may I ask of what?Of the future...of my path..I've..I've been afraid of so many things.Perhaps..Perhaps your days of being afraid are done.”
John Shors
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“I listen....because I don't have any answers.”
John Shors
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“She was tired of being afraid, so impossibly weary of her own fears that a part of her wanted to sit on the quite beach forever. If she sat in the sand forever,she wouldn't have to face the troubles that often seemed to define her life. As a tear descended her cheek, she wiped it away, turning toward the sea.”
John Shors
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“A Reason? People always say that. But only pepole who haven't really suffered talk about reasons. Because that's so much eaiser to say than to hear. What's the reason that our patients die? That they'll never walk again? That we've treated children whose limbs have been blown off? For that matter what's the reason for this hideous war?”
John Shors
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“Taj Mahal adalah bangunan yang menjadi bagian dari salah satu tujuh keajaiban dunia. Dibangun oleh Shah Jahan sebagai pusara bagi istrinya Mumtaz Mahal yang meninggal karena melahirkan sungsang ketika peperangan sedang berlangsung. Bagi Shah Jahan Taj Mahal adalah gambaran kecantikan dan keanggunan isterinya yang akan selalu dikenang oleh dirinya dan rakyatnya. Shah Jahan mengutus arsitek berdarah Persia untuk membangun Taj Mahal, Isa namanya. Yang akhirnya jatuh cinta pada Jahanara, puteri Shah Jahan yang bersuamikan Khondamir. Isa sangat mengagumi kecantikan Jahanara yang sangat mirip dengan ibunya, Mumtaz Mahal. Jahanara pun selingkuh dengan Isa yang juga sangat ia cintai, karena sejatinya Jahanara tidak pernah mencintai khondamir. Mereka menikah hanya karena alasan politik. Dibalik bangunan indah dan berdiri megah itu terdapat kisah yang haru, kejam, indah sekaligus membawa pembaca pada zaman kerajaan Hindustan.”
John Shors
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“I wondered then why children played so in the river, but adults ceased to see it with the same eyes. Why couldn't we embrace such simple joys?”
John Shors
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“Ultimately, my love saved me, for my love gave me strength. At night, when sleep was sunwilling to rescue me, I gritted my teeth and devoured my fondest memories.”
John Shors
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“Many fear death. But I do not. For I've tasted the oneness we call love. Death cannot steal it. Nor temper it. No, I'll take my love with me, wherever I travel. And it shall endure.”
John Shors
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“Do the strong cry every night for a month? she asked softly.When they need to, I countered, clasping her hand. Women, Arjumand, women are taught that there's no strength in our tears. But why are one's tears powerless, if those tears lead to insight, or a sense of peace?”
John Shors
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“Loved ones are sometimes taken from us, either by death or other circumstances outside our control. Yes, we should lament their departure and yes, we should pray for them often. But we shouldn't dwell so deeply upon such vacancies that life itself becomes empty.”
John Shors
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“You shine...such a light on me.”
John Shors
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“without you there is only me, and with you there is us.”
John Shors
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“A sibling would be the one person in the whole world who would be with you from birth until death. At every step, she or he would be there.”
John Shors
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“Because...because how can I expect the world to be a better place if I ain't gonna try real hard to make it better?”
John Shors
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“Musuh membiak seperti tikus. Kau injak mereka, kau racun mereka, kau bakar mereka, akan lebih banyak lagi yang muncul! Tidak ada bedanya apakah kau hidup pada masa perang atau damai, makmur atau kelaparan! Musuh selalu menyusun rencana di belakangmu.(Shah Jahan dalam Taj Mahal, Kisah Cinta Abadi)”
John Shors
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