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John Swartzwelder

American absurd satirical novelist and former writer of the animated comedy show "The Simpsons"

Swartzwelder won an Emmy Award as a writer of 59 episodes of the Simpsons.

In 2004 he released his first satirical science-fiction novel about a private investigator called Frank Burly.

“He told me the crooks used this place for more than just a dumping ground for undesirables. He said they also had a lot of food stored here in case there was ever a nuclear war. That way they could insure that in the future there would still be criminals.”
John Swartzwelder
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“I was sleeping like a baby - waking up every three hours screaming and crapping my pants.”
John Swartzwelder
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“This guy was making me tired. “Thanks for the afternoon’s entertainment,” I said. “I’ll flush a copy of my bill down the toilet. You should be getting it in a couple of days.”
John Swartzwelder
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“They can kill the Kennedys. Why can't they make a cup of coffee that tastes good?”
John Swartzwelder
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“The next day, a dead turtle was left on my doorstep as a warning. I couldn’t figure out as a warning for what, and I guess whoever was watching me picked up on that, because the next morning there was another dead turtle, but this one had several sheets of paper glued to it’s back leg. The pieces of paper contained a long footnoted explanation of all the symbolism involved. It didn’t make a lot of sense to me. The turtle was the “turtle of inquisitiveness” and the cheese smeared on it’s shell meant something, and the little cowboy boots on its feet meant something. Everything about this animal meant something apparently to whoever sent it. I still didn’t get what it was all about. The next morning there was no turtle. Somebody just shot at me from the bushes.”
John Swartzwelder
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“I made a circular motion with my finger around my temple to indicate I thought this guy was crazy, forgetting that there was no one in the room to see this circular motion except him. He saw it and frowned.”
John Swartzwelder
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“I try to maintain a positive attitude at all times, because clients notice little things like that, and if you're frowning and crying all the time and saying "why? why?", they get worried.”
John Swartzwelder
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“I'm 190 pounds of rock hard muscle, underneath 40 pounds of sturdy protective fat.”
John Swartzwelder
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“As my exciting story began I was being punched in the stomach.”
John Swartzwelder
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