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John Wilmot

See John Wilmot Rochester for pseudonymous works by the Russian spiritualist V.I. Kryzhanovskaya.

John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester was an English libertine, a friend of King Charles II, and the writer of much satirical and bawdy poetry.

He was the toast of the Restoration court and a patron of the arts. He married an heiress, Elizabeth Malet, but had many mistresses, including the actress Elizabeth Barry and drank himself to death at the tender age of 33.

“Merely for safety, after fame we thirst, For all men would be cowards if they durst.”
John Wilmot
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“After Death nothing is, and nothing, death,The utmost limit of a gasp of breath.Let the ambitious zealot lay asideHis hopes of heaven, whose faith is but his pride;Let slavish souls lay by their fearNor be concerned which way nor whereAfter this life they shall be hurled.Dead, we become the lumber of the world,And to that mass of matter shall be sweptWhere things destroyed with things unborn are kept.Devouring time swallows us whole.Impartial death confounds body and soul.For Hell and the foul fiend that rulesGod's everlasting fiery jails(Devised by rogues, dreaded by fools),With his grim, grisly dog that keeps the door,Are senseless stories, idle tales,Dreams, whimseys, and no more.”
John Wilmot
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“Man differs more from man than man from beast”
John Wilmot
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“Nothing suits worse with vice than want of sense”
John Wilmot
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“For Hell and the foul fiend that rulesGod's everlasting fiery jails(Devised by rogues, dreaded by fools),With his grim, grisly dog that keeps the door,Are senseless stories, idle tales,Dreams, whimseys, and no more.”
John Wilmot
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“Bawdy in thoughts, precise in words,Ill-natured though a whore,Her belly is a bag of turds,And her cunt a common shore.”
John Wilmot
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“God bless our good and gracious King,Whose promise none relies on;Who never said a foolish thing,Nor ever did a wise one.”
John Wilmot
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“A kind of losing loadum is their game,Where the worst writer has the greatest fame.”
John Wilmot
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“How blest was the created stateOf man and woman, ere they fell,Compared to our unhappy fate:We need not fear another hell.”
John Wilmot
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“All monarchs I hate, and the thrones they sit on,From the hector of France to the cully of Britain.”
John Wilmot
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“This signior is sound, safe, ready, and dumbAs ever was candle, carrot, or thumb;Then away with these nasty devices, and showHow you rate the just merits of Signior Dildo.”
John Wilmot
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“Then, if to make your ruin more,You'll peevishly be coy,Die with the scandal of a whoreAnd never know the joy.”
John Wilmot
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“Now piercèd is her virgin zone;She feels the foe within it.She hears a broken amorous groan,The panting lover's fainting moan,Just in the happy minute.”
John Wilmot
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“I shall never forgive you for teaching me how to love life.”
John Wilmot
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“I wish to be moved. I cannot feel in life. I must have others do it for me in theater.”
John Wilmot
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“The entire piece has been devised with the French in mind. In France, fornication in the streets with total strangers is *compulsory*.”
John Wilmot
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“Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories.”
John Wilmot
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“any experiment of interest in life will be carried out at your own expense”
John Wilmot
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