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John Zeaman

John Zeaman writes an arts column for Design NJ and reviews art for The (Bergen)

Record and The Star-Ledger. He was the art critic and design writer at The Record for

more than twenty years and has won numerous journalism awards. He is also the author of a series of childrens books called Before They Were Pets, and the young adult book, Overpopulation. He lives in Leonia, New Jersey."

“There is a hope that a dog injects into everywalk, more than a hope- an expectation, really- that this si going to be something wonderful. You'll see, says the dog, something great is going to happen- just you wait.”
John Zeaman
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“It's a tricky balancing act, finding that point between safety and danger where you can feel both secure and adventurous. I used to read books about fishing by people who had given up jobs and careers to show up every day at a trout stream. What made them do it? They realized, after years of fortifying the walls, of making life safe and secure, that they also needed what was on the other side.”
John Zeaman
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