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Jolyn Palliata

“The color of her hair spreading across the pillow looked like a liquid flame, licking and curling its way as it spilled across the fabric, and it occurred to him…that was how it felt to love her—like a fire that’s constantly burning, constantly consuming. He would have it no other way.”
Jolyn Palliata
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“I love you so much, Robbie. Sometimes it feels like too much.” His heart lurched as her eyes welled up. “But I trust it. I want it. And I want you. Always.”
Jolyn Palliata
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“God, she wanted this. Wanted him. He made her feel wanted, needed. He lit fires inside her she hadn’t known could burn so fierce, in places she didn’t even know existed. Nothing in life could ever make her feel this complete, this whole. He was as much a part of her as her own soul.”
Jolyn Palliata
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“He knew when he had her, when he brought her to peak for the second time. The sound of his name on her lips made his own release all the more euphoric, and totally consuming.She was his.”
Jolyn Palliata
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“Let me show you, Robbie,” he murmured, his kisses raining down between her breasts. He got on his knees and looked up at her. “Let me show you how much I love you.”
Jolyn Palliata
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“Were you eavesdropping?” “Hell, yeah. Spying too!”
Jolyn Palliata
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“Oh, my God. What was she thinking?! Sex - even superior mind-blowing sex - wasn't worth not being able to see again. Then again.... Rhys chuckled in her ear, his hand splayed across her belly. Interesting train of thought. Shit, I knew I was good, but to the point of wishing you were blind? Damn, I'm a god!”
Jolyn Palliata
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“He eased himself into her mind slowly so he didn’t jar her awake. He held her in her dreamless state, the sensations of his primal cravings chaining her under. With his delicious promises of fulfillment, he drew on her urges and pinned them out to bear, bringing her to the brink without so much as a touch.”
Jolyn Palliata
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“This is going to be one long-ass depressing life if I have to have Mr. Condescending Assface in my head for the rest of my years.”
Jolyn Palliata
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