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JonArno Lawson

JonArno is the author of two books of poetry for adults, Love is an Observant Traveller and Inklings, as well as a contributor for The Chechens: A Handbook. The Man in the Moon-Fixer's Mask is his first book for children. He lives in Toronto, Canada, with his wife and two children.

“There is no light at the end of the tunnel, only a pack of matches handed down from one generation to the next. Humanity does not have a long fuse and this generation holds the last match.”
JonArno Lawson
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“I'm going to do something bigger and better,bigger and betterand bolder, but first,I'm going to do somethingsmaller and worse.”
JonArno Lawson
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“She came around the corner andall of a suddenI understood it:all love is sudden.”
JonArno Lawson
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“Are you worried you're notlike everyone else?Your worries will only worsenwhen you findthat the path to conformityis different for each person.”
JonArno Lawson
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