Jonathan Anthony Burkett was born in 1987. He is a bright writer inspired by many, as he continues to struggle in life. Devoted for achievement in his lifetime, he is willing to take any test. He told himself, that he would never give up no matter the trials and tribulations. He decided to write to help him move towards a bright future for himself; and because he knows that s what his Grandparents want for him.
Learning now that life is a challenge for many, with trials, tribulations, brutality, hatred, along with grief and manipulation. Jonathan is writing now to release his thoughts about life, after being motivated, inspired to prosper, encouraged to tolerate, uplifted, and empowered from his past.
“Father God strengthen my willpower, for I have made it through battles, but I know that the war is nowhere close to being over, for me. However, I plan on standing strong throughout it all, never giving up, and believing that I will live to see brighter nights and days” Jonathan pray’s.
His latest novel is “Friends 2 Lovers” a beautiful portrayal of how the strong bond of friendship and truly knowing someone can blossom into a lifetime of love……..
Can a close friendship grow into something deeper – a loving relationship perhaps? In this compelling and emotive story that evokes a gamut of emotions and thoughts, author Jonathan Anthony Burkett portrays how it is possible for best friends to be more than “just friends”. Find out how Claude and Kelly end up from being Friends 2 Lovers as you follow them through their disappointing, confusing, loving, shocking, encouraging, and romantic moments. But can their bond last and withstand all the challenges that cross their way? Experience an overwhelming ebb and flow of emotions when you join them in their journey.
“When you pray and hope for a change. Don't expect a change to come. Expect the opportunity for a change to come.”
“There's a difference between driving and texting. When your driving your eyes have to be open and on the road watching the cars around you, road signs, and traffic lights. Along with your mind on the road and destination. Which means you are multitasking. When your texting your eyes are on your cell phone screen and key pad. Along with your mind on what your going to say next. So how can you do both? Please stop!”
“Trust and believe, and you will achieve.”
“We're all made the same but then born to change. Which then don't make us the same.”
“In every relationship one must sacrifice to show thy love. Are you willing to make sacrifices for someone you love?”
“Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond who you were.”
“It's faith that will take you through and determination that will drive you.”
“You'll may not have all the things you'll want in the world, but the true love that you'll have for each other should be enough for you two to be thankful in life still.”
“As long as your not hiding behind a closed door, he'll come.”
“Let the love grow. Your mistake would be to rush it. Never allowing the seeds you've planted to grow, is all you'll be doing. Everything takes time. Nothing blooms overnight. If you want that man to stay in your life you must be the woman in the relationship. Men if you want that woman to stay, you must be the man in the relationship. Nothing just comes to you. If you want it, you have to try and even sacrifice. No pain, no gain. That's life, whether you accept it or not it's going to always stay the same.”
“Instead of treating your child like how you were treated. Treat them with the same love and attention you wanted from your parents while growing up.”
“Neglected but Undefeated I stand today living the life I was told I would never live all because my faith grew.”
“We all fight for money, some for power, but most of all for love. But me, I fight to become a champion.”
“Will I fail or will I succeed and accomplish the unexpected?”
“Faith is why I'm here today and faith is why I believe I can achieve something in my life.”
“You'll never know the the outcome unless you just go out there and just do it.”
“It's risky most of the time, but its better to listen to your heart.”
“Do you consider yourself a blessing or just another person?”
“Death, I've dreamed of it, I've desired it, but what real happiness can come from it?”
“Stop worrying about being that perfect person because no one is perfect. Put your focus on being that right person that will love, understand, and care for that other.”
“Strong relationships come from well-bonded friendships.”
“The best foundation for relationships to grow, flourish, and succeed is a deep-rooted friendship.”
“I rather now strive to reach rather than wait to receive!”
“Why do most people take the shortest route to settle their differences and just walk off, break up and go separate ways instead of trying to talk and work things out?”
“When all one person do is complain, people don't want to talk or listen to them.”
“If you really love someone. You wouldn't hide them. You would be proud to let the whole world know that you have feelings for that special someone. If I got asked who do I love. I would straight up say the name. Just imagine how special that person would feel to know that you aren't afraid or embarrassed to let everyone know that person means a lot to you. However, sometimes its understandable especially when you have your friends or family against it. Which to me shouldn't matter because it's your life and we only live once. Even if it doesn't work out, we grow from our own experiences, right?”
“It all comes down to that one person you always think about before you fall asleep at night. And text "Good Morning" as soon as you wake up.”
“Don’t you ever let another put their hands on something that’s already yours, because you might end up breaking your own heart.”
“Faith doesn't get you around problems in life and relationships, it gets you through it.”
“You know my name, not my story. You've heard what I've done, but not what I've been through.”
“I just want you to know that where ever life takes you, I'll always be happy for you as long as its something that makes you happy because that's all that really makes me happy. Why? I'm just listening to my heart and all it's telling me is to understand. Which in a way I can but then again I can't. I'm use to it all though because not everyone lives a fair life if you know what I mean.”
“Be confident in your approach to success in having a better future. Take risks, try new things, become diligent, and find new techniques because in the end you will develop a compelling emotional element.”
“You never know who's waiting for you and you never know when love is coming your way or who it might be. But let me just say, a healthy relationship requires SACRIFICE and DEDICATION.”
“Look for the heart in a man before you look at what he has.”
“It's so simple to fall in love but it's such a struggle to find true love.”
“True best friends never fail on understanding, forgiving, and being there for one another no matter what situation that they might be in or having with one another because of the fact of that no matter if it’s two males or females love should always be there as if brothers or sisters if their what we call best friends.”
“Give more, so that we can build more, put interest in understanding another more in whatever actions one might carry out in life. Because we all are fighting for survival against adversaries and are sometimes falling, but if we stand together and help shield and strengthen one another, imagine the world that we will live in together, having more happiness with one another, at one another’s side.”
“If two people are meant for one another, that doesn't mean that they have to rush and be together right away. Real love takes time to grow, just like how it takes time to grow from children to adults.”
“Find out how Claude and Kelly end up from being Friends 2 Lovers as you follow them through their disappointing, confusing, loving, shocking,encouraging, and romantic moments. But can their bond last and withstand all the challenges that cross their way?”
“Nobody can define what exactly true love is. Some believe in it and many others don't. If somebody tries to define it, there will be many agreements and disagreements. Especially since nowadays marriages don't even last long anymore which encourages many to stay single. Faith and understanding in relationships is what many lack because it seems we've forgotten nothing and no one is perfect.”
“For a permanent solution to easing tension and soothe the rough waters of the world that cause people to go to drugs, drinking, gambling, pornography, overeating, or anything that will give them some temporary relief, you can’t beat the support and encouragement of a friend.”
“It's better to have a few faithful friends than numerous shallow friendships.”
“Nurturing, Providing, and loving you passionately. May that be, my number of responsibilities. As one to the end, forever more. That's how long I desire, our love to last for. Providing for you many and joyful memories. In hours of darkness, as well as brightness. I plan to supply for you. For your love for me and happiness, is all that matters to me.”
“After listening and getting to know more about you. Also, feeling a deep connection between us that goes beyond physical attraction. I'm beginning to feel for, so much more than the friendship that I waited to grow with you. I'm not going to try and rush things. However, I don't want to wait until it's to late.”
“In life nowadays it matters to most of us, what we do and how much we have in our lives.... However it should mostly be who we have beside us through our lives, that should really matter.”
“The same whom create, is the same whom will destinate”.”
“You've fallen in love with someone and feel that the both of you was meant to be. However, something or someone is standing in the way..... wait patiently, continue to have faith and set that one free from out of your life if that question ever gets asked.... and in due time your question will be answered. ......Jonathan Anthony Burkett”