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Jonathan Culver

Worst Selling Author of multiple works of incendiary experimental fiction.

"Jonathan's sole concern is destroying the world of modern literature as we know it from the inside."


“i want to never settle for anything less than my soul on paper.”
Jonathan Culver
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“i want to bleed ink and shit prose.”
Jonathan Culver
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“I write because writing is power. Writing is creation. When you write, you are as a god, a deity wielding his pen like some Harry Potter staff, making whatever you want to happen, happen. By sheer force of will and some clever word placement, I can arrange all of these little symbols together to invoke emotions and ideas at a whim out of whosoever allows me to cast my spell. It does not take a man and a woman to create. It just takes a writer.”
Jonathan Culver
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“In times of war or peace the US will gladly pay a man to fail should his heart be in it, a small shimmering proof of the American dream.”
Jonathan Culver
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“Artists are agents of chaos. It is the artistsjob to encourage entropy, to promote chaos. Idols must be killed, icons crushed, beliefsshattered. It is the artists job to encourage legitimate, unadulterated, raw thought andemotion. Art that does nothing new, that simply fills an established role, is not art.It is a product. A stale, stagnant product of a disgustingly mundane process that has beendone so much it is assumed mandatory. Little different than feces. The last thing the world needs is to get shittier.”
Jonathan Culver
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“With the manipulation of abstract symbols, an artist can send you information without sound, change your feelings and,sometimes, even beliefs. Artists convey the unspeakable. Artists inspire.”
Jonathan Culver
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“The English language is a work in progress. Have fun with it.”
Jonathan Culver
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“If it aint broke, break it. Then build something better.”
Jonathan Culver
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“I think it is the duty of all human beings, as intelligent and communicative beings, to learn all the ideas thought up before ours and use them as a means to think up new ones.”
Jonathan Culver
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“It's just so quiet out here. Not like the quiet in the house. This is different. This is a quiet you can‟t fight, you can't change. This silence is bigger than you and me, we don‟t cause it. It's like Gods refusal to speak.”
Jonathan Culver
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“I don't deserve progress. I deserve un-progress. I'm just an asshole. I'm not enlightened. I'm an idiot. A grade SS fucking idiot.”
Jonathan Culver
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“Well I’ve just been thinking, and don’t youthink it’s kind of, well, kind of vain, to decide weneed to make little clones of ourselves when theworlds already pretty overpopulated. It’s just notpractical and kind of greedy.”
Jonathan Culver
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“On this moment Huey’s balls grew threesizes. By Huey’s estimates, this made theminhumanly enormous. Ginormous even. In Spanish,the word for testicles is “juevos”. This is also theword for eggs. On this moment, Huey’s juevos werehard boiled.”
Jonathan Culver
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“Lying to other people isn’t hard. It’s lyingto yourself that’s the trouble.”
Jonathan Culver
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“I'm a mother fucking human holocaust!”
Jonathan Culver
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