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Jonathan Nolan

Jonathan Nolan is a British-American author and screenwriter. His short story

„Memento Mori“

(Latin for remember you will die) was used by his brother, director Christopher Nolan, as the basis for the screenplay for the critically acclaimed film Memento. He has also co-written the screenplays for The Prestige and The Dark Knight, with his brother. He recently created the CBS drama Person of Interest. He has also been credited under his nickname of Jonah.

“Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Time eventually convinces most of us that forgiveness is a virtue. Conveniently, cowardice and forgiveness look identical at a certain distance.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Everybody else needs mirrors to remind themselves who they are. You’re no different.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“The secret, of course, to any list is to keep it in a place where you’re bound to see it.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“The only way out of this mess, of course, is to take steps to ensure that you control the idiots that you become. To take your chain gang, hand in hand, and lead them. The best way to do this is with a list.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Lists are the only way out of this mess.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“They tried to teach you to make lists in grade school, remember? Back when your day planner was the back of your hand. And if your assignments came off in the shower, well, then they didn’t get done. No direction, they said. No discipline. So they tried to get you to write it all down somewhere more permanent.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Of course, weakness is strong. It’s the primary impulse. You’d probably prefer to sit in your little room and cry. Live in your finite collection of memories, carefully polishing each one. Half a life set behind glass and pinned to cardboard like a collection of exotic insects. You’d like to live behind that glass, wouldn’t you?”
Jonathan Nolan
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“How can you forgive if you can’t remember to forget?”
Jonathan Nolan
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“If time and fear aren’t enough to dissuade people from their revenge, then there’s always authority, softly shaking its head and saying, 'We understand, but you’re the better man for letting it go. For rising above it. For not sinking to their level. And besides,' says authority, 'if you try anything stupid, we’ll lock you up in a little room.'”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Not too many professions out there that value forgetfulness. Prostitution, maybe. Politics, of course.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Why bother reading something that you won’t remember?”
Jonathan Nolan
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“For a few moments, the secrets of the universe are opened to us. Life is a cheap parlor trick. That's the miserable truth.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“For a few minutes of every day, every man becomes a genius. This is the tragedy of life.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Every man is a mob, a chain gang of idiots.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“You will be late for your own funeral.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Believing the lie that time will heal all wounds is just a nice way of saying that time deadens us.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Time is an absurdity. An abstraction. The only thing that matters is this moment. This moment a million times over. You have to trust me. If this moment is repeated enough, if you keep trying — and you have to keep trying — eventually you will come across the next item on your list.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“You're different. You're more perfect. Time is three things for most people, but for you, for us, just one. A singularity. One moment. This moment. Like you're the center of the clock, the axis on which the hands turn. Time moves about you but never moves you. It has lost its ability to affect you. What is it they say? That time is theft? But not for you. Close your eyes and you can start all over again. Conjure up that necessary emotion, fresh as roses.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Here's the truth: people, even regular people, are never just any one person with one set of attributes. It's not that simple. We're all at the mercy of the limbic system, clouds of electricity drifting through the brain.”
Jonathan Nolan
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“Everybody is waiting for the end to come, but what if it already passed us by? What if the final joke of Judgment Day was that it had already come and gone and we were none the wiser? Apocalypse arrives quietly; the chosen are herded off to heaven, and the rest of us, the ones who failed the test, just keep on going, oblivious. Dead already, wandering around long after the gods have stopped keeping score, still optimistic about the future.”
Jonathan Nolan
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