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Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

“To climb ever closer to God is not to move away from our troubled and troubling neighbors, but closer to them.”
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
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“We learn to dwell with God by learning the practices of hospitality, listening, forgiveness, and reconciliation—the daily tasks of life with other people. Stability in Christ is always stability in community”
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
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“For the Christian tradition, the heart’s true home is a life rooted in the love of God. Like Lao-tzu and Dorothy both, Christian wisdom about stability points us toward the true peace that is possible when our spirits are stilled and our feet are planted in a place we know to be holy ground.”
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
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“Staying, we all know, is not the norm in our mobile culture. A great deal of money is spent each day to create desires in each of us that can never be fulfilled. I suspect that much of our restlessness is a return on this investment.”
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
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“As participants in a mobile culture, our default is to move. God embraces our broken world, and I have no doubt that God can use our movement for good. But I am convinced that we lose something essential to our existence as creatures if we do not recognize our fundamental need for stability. Trees can be transplanted, often with magnificent results. But their default is to stay.”
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
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