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Jordan Deen

I'm really outgoing and get teased (a lot) for my knack to make friends anywhere including, but not limited to: the bank, the store, the bathroom, the movies... you get the idea.

A few of my fave things are my son, my yorkie, cupcakes, wine, coffee and (of course) tattoo'd boys.

I'm available on Twitter, Facebook and of course, here on Good Reads.

Go Team #WolfPack!

“I pressed my lips to his and felt the addictive draw that everyone told me about. It was so much more enticing than anyone could have ever described.”
Jordan Deen
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“Why can't you understand that I love you so much, that not being able to touch you hurts? I can't stand the fact that I can't get into your thoughts. Haventon is gone to you, but it's also gone to me. I miss it so much. It feels like my heart's been ripped out from my chest.”
Jordan Deen
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“You are meant for me, and I for you," Brandon whispered in my ear, and pressed his lips to my neck, sending more dreams of our future through me.”
Jordan Deen
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“His smile and beautiful green eyes drew me in and made my knees weak..."You know, my heart almost stopped when you kissed me.”
Jordan Deen
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“But, it was all true. I love you, more than my own life. More than anyone can humanly love anyone else. Every inch of you...I breathe you, everyday. I live only to be with you." Hearing him confessing his devotion, made every part of my body tingle.”
Jordan Deen
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“You make this sound like a chore for you, like a job. This...," he pressed his fingers to my heart, "it's about love for me--undying, unwavering, unrelenting love. A love that won't let me move on, it won't let me get over you. I don't want to focus on the sickness that could replace you in my heart. I don't want to think of what will happen if I stop fighting for you, for us. But, sometimes I feel like I'm alone in this fight.”
Jordan Deen
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“The feelings for each of them competing for space in my heart and justification in my mind.”
Jordan Deen
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“The minute you see him, your hand will throb, your heart will pound out of your chest, and you won't be able to breathe.”
Jordan Deen
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“Your heart can't be in two places at once, at least not while maintaining a relationship.”
Jordan Deen
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“You know this isn't right. You know you aren't supposed to be with him. If you do this with him...if you continue to fall in love with him...I will die.”
Jordan Deen
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“His lazy grin incinerated the rest of my heart.”
Jordan Deen
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