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Jorge Franco

Jorge Franco, born in Colombia, studied Film Direction at the London Film School and Literature at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. MALDITO AMOR was his first book of short stories and MALA NOCHE his first novel, both of which received prestigious national awards.

ROSARIO TIJERAS, published in 1999, has enjoyed spectacular commercial success in Colombia and marked the breakthrough of one of the most promising writers of new Latin American narrative. It is the story of the love triangle between outlaw Rosario and two young men from Colombian high society. Terrorism, violence and narco-trafficking provide a fascinating background to the fast-paced plot. It has recently been made into a major feature film, taking the Colombian box-office by storm with more than 1.000.000 movie-goers flocking to the big-screen within only two weeks of opening. PARAÍSO TRAVEL (2002) solidly reaffirmed Jorge Franco’s reputation with the tale of a young Colombian couple who attempt to escape the widespread violence of their country of origin by fleeing to New York as illegal immigrants. MELODRAMA (2006) is yet another contemporary story of “Colombians abroad” in Paris. He made an important comeback with the novel EL MUNDO DE AFUERA, winner the Premio Alfaguara 2014. His last book EL CIELO A TIROS, published in September 2018, became a #1 best selling title in it's first week in bookstores. Gabriel García Márquez has said about Jorge Franco: “This is one of the Colombian authors I would like to pass the torch to”.

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“Si ojos tienen que no me vean; si manos tienen que no me agarren; no permitas que me sorprendan por la espalda; no permitas que mi muerte sea violenta; no permitas que mi sangre se derrame; Tú que todo lo conoces, sabes de mis pecados, pero también sabes de mi fe, no me desampares, Amén.”
Jorge Franco
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“He got to know me, not with the minuteness with which I knew him, but with his spontaneous conclusions. He talked about everyone and defined them, but I had the privilege of being the only one in whom he discovered new facets, the only one to whom he addressed questions from the soul, the only one he examined and in whom he found what they never gave him, but he was frightened by the discovery. The two of us were filled with fear that night, the only night, when we again closed what we’d opened, as if we’d never seen it.”
Jorge Franco
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“I wanted to save myself from that drug that contaminates the body and veins and not from the other drug, you know that drug that enters through your eyes and your private area, the one that settles into your heart to screw it up, that damn drug that naive people call love. The stupid drug that’s just as dangerous and deadly as the one that you find on the streets wrapped up in little packages.”
Jorge Franco
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“I’ve always thought that there are no couples in love nor any love triangles, only an Indian file where you love the person in front of you and that person in turn loves the one in front of him, and so on, and where the one behind me loves me and that one is loved by the one behind him and so on, but always loving the one whose back is turned to us. And the last one in line isn’t loved by anyone”
Jorge Franco
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“My fight isn’t so simple, it has very deep roots, from long ago, from earlier generations. Life weighs on me with the weight of my family history, my genes drag along a race of sons of plenty and sons of bitches who with a blade of a machete cleared the pathways of life. They’re still doing it. They ate with the machete, they worked, they shaved, killed, and settled differences with their wives with machete. Today the machete is a shotgun, a nine-millimeter, a chopper. The weapon has changed but not its use. The story has changed, too, has become terrifying. Once proud, we are now ashamed, without understanding how, why, and when it all happened. We don’t know how long our history is, but we can feel its weight.”
Jorge Franco
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“Quería salvarme de la droga que contamina el cuerpo y las venas y no de la otra, la que entra por debajo y por los ojos, la que se enquista en el corazón y lo corroe, la maldita droga que los más ingenuos llaman amor, pero que es tan nociva y mortal como la que se consigue en las calles envuelta en paqueticos.”
Jorge Franco
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“Siempre he pensado que en el amor no hay parejas, ni triángulos amorosos, sino una fila india donde uno quiere al que tiene delante, y éste a su vez al que tiene delante de sí y así sucesivamente, y el que está detrás me quiere a mí y a ése lo quiere el que le sigue en la fila y así sucesivamente, pero siempre queriendo a quien nos da la espalda. Y al último de la fila no lo quiere nadie.”
Jorge Franco
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“Aprendió a conocerme, no con la minuciosidad que yo lo conocí, sino con sus conclusiones espontáneas. De todas hablaba y las definía, pero yo tuve el privilegio de ser la única a la que le descubrió nuevas facetas, la única a la que le hizo preguntas de adentro, la única en que esculcó para encontrar lo que nunca le dieron, pero se asustó con el hallazgo, los dos nos llenamos de miedo. Ese dia, cuando volvimos a cerrar lo que abrimos como si nunca lo hubiéramos visto.”
Jorge Franco
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“Aprendí, muy pequeña que la vida tiene un lado oscuro, y que ése me había tocado a mi”
Jorge Franco
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“Hablaba con los ojos, con la boca, con toda mi cara, lo hacía con el alma cuando hablaba con el”
Jorge Franco
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“Siempre hago lo que me da la gana, fui voluntariosa desde chiquita”
Jorge Franco
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“Definitivamente sé cuidar mi misterio, es imposible saber más de lo que yo misma cuento”
Jorge Franco
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“Una vez me dijo que por mí iría hasta el infierno; nunca entendió, yo quería seguirlo a él al cielo.”
Jorge Franco
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