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Jose Garcia Villa

Jose Garcia Villa was a Filipino poet, literary critic, short story writer, and painter. He was awarded the National Artist of the Philippines title for literature in 1973, as well as the Guggenheim Fellowship in creative writing by Conrad Aiken. He is known to have introduced the "reversed consonance rime scheme" in writing poetry, as well as the extensive use of punctuation marks—especially commas, which made him known as the Comma Poet. He used the penname Doveglion (derived from "Dove, Eagle, Lion"), based on the characters he derived from himself. These animals were also explored by another poet e.e. cummings in Doveglion, Adventures in Value, a poem dedicated to Villa.

(From, retrieved 14 March 2011. More info here.)

Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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“Observe me, I do not speak.But I am very quickAnd already I have spoken.Observe me as now I speak.But I am very quickAnd already I have unspoken.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“A poem islanguagebuiltto the struc-ture of aflower.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“Art is a miraculous flirtation with Nothing!Aiming for nothing, and landing on the Sun.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“Sir, there’s a tower of fire in meBinding me with terrible strength The whole of my mortal lengthAnd splitting brave the skull’s emperyIn a rush of dauntless energy To reach the most luminous etherI am the mortal grounding of a towerImminent with immortality.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“Nevermore to delay lifeEnd the beginningDevise the bravest perpendicularTo the squarest circle.Assume the ending.If He lies broken who broke Him?Assume your innocence!If you are broken who broke you?Assume His innocence!The perpendicular of heaven and death!Now the wounded may rest.If He—on your breast.If you—on His brest.Rest, rest.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“Between one and oneBetween integer and integerIs itself’s nothingThe abstract zero.Between I and I Between self and selfIs itself’s everythingThe abstract HeroThat self may equate to Or keep ever as two.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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“I,astonish,Death,with,my,largesse. She,becomes,a,silly,maid,Saying, “Never,mind. Never,mind.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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“A matter of physics—Length and Tension—How does the performer make it sing above the laws of sound?”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“Where are there square bubbles?”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“The way my ideas think meIs the way I unthink God.As in the name of heaven I make hellThat is the way the Lord says me.And all is adventure and dangerAnd I roll Him off cliffs and mountains But fast as I am to push Him offFast am I to reach Him below.And it may be then His turn to push me off,I wait breathless for that terrible second:And if He push me not, I turn around in anger:“O art thou the God I would have!”Then He pushes me and I plunge down, down!And when He comes to help me upI put my arms around Him, saying, “Brother,Brother.” . . . This is the way we are.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“Have I sung?Have I become soft, beautiful?”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“I shall talk to you through trees, through the arms of dancers, through sweet words uttered by many lovers.The arms of dancers round you shall be my arms.The eyes of men admiring you shall be my eyes.I have many arms, many eyes.It is that, loving you, I have become many lovers.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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“in blue wihout when blues dream bearsthe only living girls are goldquickly the living boys will bring them starsand stars will sing them bellsin bells without when bells dream bloomsthe only living boys are bravequickly the living girls will bring them doomsand dooms will praise their love”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“A radio made of seawaterWill have mermaids for music: Who when me they will kissAll my senses will greet.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“But since Christ is not easy(You must hunt him first amongThe white shadows of black birds With a mask upon your shoulderAnd a rose upon your eyes!)—”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“Be beautiful, noble, like the antique ant,Who bore the storms as he bore the sun, Wearing neither gown nor helmet, Though he was archbishop and soldier:Wore only his own flesh....Trace the tracelessness of the ant,Every ant has reached this perfection.As he comes, so he goes,Flowing as water flows,Essential but secret like a rose.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“there where her night beginsthere be her goldest rosest rosethat in her deep wisdom knowsboygrace will knight her Rose”
Jose Garcia Villa
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“First, a poem must be magical,then musical as a sea-gull.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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Jose Garcia Villa
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“I can no more hear Love’sVoice.”
Jose Garcia Villa
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