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José N. Harris

José N. Harris was born in Detroit, Michigan on December 25, 1962. He lived there for several years before his family relocated to Juan Aldama, Zacatecas, Mexico and later the border town of Tijuana, Mexico. His mother, a migrant farm worker, would travel back and forth between Ventura County, California and Tijuana for work, sometimes taking José and his siblings with her.

José eventually ended up in and out of the foster care system. At the age of 17, He enlisted in the US Army where he obtained his GED and became an Army medic. He volunteered for and became a Paratrooper and an Army Ranger. Later he earned his “Green Beret” as a Special Forces Medical Sergeant. He served in Central America in the 1980s. He was honorably discharged from the US Army in 1987 and enlisted in the Army Reserves where he continued to serve in the 12th Special Forces Group.

Harris married and had two daughters while pursuing his education at the University of California at Irvine where he received his B.A. in both Psychology (with Honor’s) and Psychobiology. He entered the University of California at Berkeley Psychology M.A. /Ph.D. program. He was divorced and then he completed his Ph.D. in Psychology at Hebrew University of Jerusalem/WUJS in Israel. He also completed post doctoral studies in behavioral neurology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the Hadassah Medical Center. He remained in Israel, where he had private practices in psychology and neuropsychology. He served as the Chief Neuropsychologist at the Sarah Herzog Memorial Hospital in the division of Neuropsychogeriatrics and in the Neurobehavorial Clinic, where he supervised psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists. He also taught as an Associate Professor, at both the Institute of Technology, Arts and Science, Holon and at The Technion University in Haifa, Israel.

Upon returning to the United States, Dr. Harris pursued a career in social services as a Family Law Mediator, Adoptions Specialist, and as a Program Director for multiple adoption and foster programs in the San Francisco Bay area. He also served as the chief operations officer at a large medical facility in Northern California.

A few years later, he began work on his book, MI VIDA: a Story of Faith, Hope and Love. He is currently working on his second book- UNDECLARED WARS: Central America in the 1980s. And also a Spanish translation of "MI VIDA."

José currently resides in Luzon, The Philippines.

“If you want to see if you can swim, you have to have enough faith and be willing to get your feet wet first...”
José N. Harris
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“Thank you God. I believe in You and always will.”
José N. Harris
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“Somedays, I feel as if I'm Marc Anthony.... and not because I can sing!”
José N. Harris
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“Happy? Happy!!!”
José N. Harris
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“The foundation for a happy and successful life is made up of equal parts of honesty, hope, integrity, love, loyalty and faith in God.”
José N. Harris
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“I have proved to myself again and again, that if I believe in something and set my mind to it, I could actually accomplish it. You might be surprised what YOU are capable of doing. Just believe, try, and don't give up!!!”
José N. Harris
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“We are only human. Don’t be mad at yourself. Forgive yourself, forget the past and start over.”
José N. Harris
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“We hardly ever realize it, that we have the ability to cut anything out of our lives, any pain, any misery, any negative person, anytime, in the blink of an eye. We hold the power.”
José N. Harris
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“To a warrior there is no time for regrets or doubts. There is only time for decisions.”
José N. Harris
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“A man lives by thinking about action. A warrior lives by taking action.”
José N. Harris
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“Our doubts can be traitors that make us lose out on all the goodness we are capable of having in our lives, by fearing to take chances, risks, by not having faith or trust. A wish or a dream is a good place to start, but eventually we have to get up off our behinds and make "it" happen. Take some risks. Stop being afraid. Pick up a pen and write your own story. It could be magnificient!”
José N. Harris
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“The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of God's love.”
José N. Harris
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“I need, therefore I dream. I take risks and sometimes I am hurt. But without risks there is no life. I have a history. We all have a history. I write to struggle against my silence. We all have the basic need and desire to be heard and understood.”
José N. Harris
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“The secret is... That it's not about how we obtain our dreams, it's about how we live our life.If we live our life the right way, the dreams will come to us...”
José N. Harris
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“Today is a better day. Today is a good day. Its a blessing to be heard when you need to say something and you have kept it inside of yourself for so long...”
José N. Harris
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“Sometimes it takes a period of deep darkness, before we end up seeing the brightest stars...”
José N. Harris
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“Faith. Trust. They don't come naturally, but as we lay those first bricks, we notice that little by little, a foundation is forming. Eventually we can end up building the most beautiful things with faith and trust.”
José N. Harris
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“Some people live in a bitter, angry, hate-filled world.Some people living in a friendly, caring, love-filled world.Same world...”
José N. Harris
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“When I have to choose between being right or being kind, I always try to make the choice that helps us grow into better people.”
José N. Harris
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“If you ever meet me, you will notice that I am a very simple person. I prefer Diet Coke over merlot. A hamburger over steak au-poivre. If I have done anything with my life it is because... when I really want to accomplish something- I always begin with the end goal in mind. I start with focusing on what I want to happen, then I work my way backwards. If you truly want to, you can make any dream possible. Have faith!”
José N. Harris
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“Whoever survives a test in life, whatever it may be, must tell their story. That is our duty... to share our struggles and how we overcame them.”
José N. Harris
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“Don't say it...Do it!”
José N. Harris
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“Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful...”
José N. Harris
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“Just listening, can sometimes be a great act of kindness!”
José N. Harris
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“If we focus just on what's ugly and bad, we attract more ugliness into our thoughts, and then into our emotions, and eventually into our lives...”
José N. Harris
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“Don't let your plans or goals become more important than yourself, or the ones you care about! :)”
José N. Harris
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“A star falls from the sky and into your hands. Then it seeps through your veins and swims inside your blood and becomes every part of you. And then you have to put it back into the sky. And it's the most painful thing you'll ever have to do and that you've ever done...”
José N. Harris
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“When someone tells me "no," it doesn't mean I can't do it, it simply means I can't do it with them. I never give up. :)”
José N. Harris
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“What does it mean if we're afraid? Does it mean something bad is going to happen to us? No, it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen. It just means that we have the chance to be brave!”
José N. Harris
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“Every time I wrote for her, it was like I was courting her, and she would fall in love with me again. And that's the most wonderful feeling in the world. How many people are ever given that chance? To have someone you love fall in love with you over and over again?”
José N. Harris
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“As a child I felt mostly alone. Now, having been trained as a psychologist, I am still, because I know things and must hint at things which others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know.”
José N. Harris
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“Everyone is going through tough times. The irony in it is that everyone thinks what they're going through is harder than what you are. Life isn't about surviving these things, it's about understanding this- We are all struggling.”
José N. Harris
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“I want to be the air that you breatheA lock of your hairYour seventh senseAnd the light in your dawn.Make a wish.Reveal your eyes.Enter your nameAnd live the dream… together”
José N. Harris
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“YOUYou are that song that plays rarely on the radio,But when it does I have to sing it out loud…You are the water that formed a puddle on a rainy day,that I played in,When I was only eight years old.You are the first snowfall of the season,And the reason I like the morning...You’re a single seashell that washed up onto the shore.You are my set of old medalsHidden deep in a drawer…You are the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the planets. You are the first breath of a baby just born.Eres una dandelion que encuentro,I pull, make a wish, then blow.You are the sunrise that I tried to paint after I woke up in Eilat.You give the nights its meaning… to dream, while others just sleep.You are my 3rd grade valentine,Read, frayed and loved a thousand times.Eres perfección envuelto en humildad…Eres oro, plata, y diamantes…Eres mi querido viejito Pooh, que nunca lo abandonare.You are my first time driving my brother’s Impala,When I was just fourteen.You are the name hidden deep inside my name…And I’m the fingers interlaced with yours.Eres el PS: I love you at the end la carta,Y yo soy el PS: I love you too.Somos el principio, el medio y la ultima palabraDe mi libro final.Eternamente nosotros, nosotros, nosotros…Porque nosotros siempre es mejorQue solamente… yo…YOU”
José N. Harris
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“Eres es la explosión de rosas en un cuarto oscuro.O el sabor inesperado y dulce en el té que tomamos en StarbucksYou are the moon that gives midnight its meaning.And the explanation of water for all living things.You are my compass,A sapphire,A bookmark,A rare coin,Un trompo,Un canica,De mi juventud.Eres miel y canelachocolate y jamoncillo.You are rare spices lost from a boatThat was once sailed by Cortez.Eres un rosa, prensado en un libroun anillo de perla de herenciay un frasco de perfume rojo que se encuentran cerca de las orillas del Nilo.You are an old soul from an ancient place,A thousand years and centuries and milleniums ago.And you have traveld all this way…Just so that I could love you…And,I do.”
José N. Harris
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“Tell me what it is that you are hiding behind your eyes.Tell me of the pain, so I can make it go away.Tell me what it is that you are missing in your life.I want to be the angel who takes care of your soul.Finally I’m alive in your love. There is so much tenderness in your heart.There is so much spirit in your smile.But it is your innocence mixed with mischievousness that I love.I am with you to protect you for the rest of my life.Finally I’m alive in your love. Do not let anything dilute your smile ever again.To see you happy I would do anything, mi amor. You are the woman that I dream of late into the night.It is because of your smile that my life has meaning once again.Finally I’m alive in your love.And every day my love grows stronger for you.And the sadness that I once carried is forever gone.I thank destiny and God for putting you in my life.Since you came into my world, my dreams have all woken up. Finally I’m alive in your love.”
José N. Harris
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“Había una vez,Una vez, cuando fuistes mía.Me acuerdo de cielos,Reflejada en tus ojos.Me pregunto dónde te encuentras?Me pregunto siPiensas en mí?Había una vezEn tus sueños más distantes?Por una vez, el mundo era nuevo.Nuestros cuerpos se sentía el rocío de la mañana,Que da la bienvenida al nuevo día.Y no nos podíamos separar.Me pregunto si a ti te importa?Me pregunto si ay aún recuerdo de mi?Había una vez,En tus sueños más distantes?Y cuando suena Enrique...Y cuando las palabras sonConmovido por el dolor...Cuando suena la música,Oigo el sonido.Tuvia que seguirlo,Había una vez.Una vez bajo las estrellas,El universo era de nosotros.El amor era todo lo que yo sabíaY todo lo que sabía eras tu.Me pregunto si usted sabe?Me pregunto si te piensas en eso?Había una vezEn tus sueños más distantes?Había una vezEn tus sueños más distantes,que te recuerdas de mi?”
José N. Harris
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“I have reached the point in my life where I let my heart choose which paths to follow. I don't do this blindly. I take the time to think about it; about whether the path itself has a heart. Is it a good heart? Is it one of God's paths? If not, the path is of no use to me. But if it is a good path with a good heart, I will follow it to its end... excited, in awe, breathless.”
José N. Harris
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“The perfect time for falling in love is when you are emotionally available, you feel completely self-fulfilled, and free of worries and cares. If you wait for the perfect time to fall in love… it’ll never happen.”
José N. Harris
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“It's six o'clock in the morning-I open my eyes and think about you.I thought it was like a never ending fairy-tale.But I'm alone in my bedroom, looking at the celling-Thinking about what we have; what we've done-I was thinking about our life together-Thinking about our love.The only thing I know is...That I'm in love with you,That I'm in love with you.”
José N. Harris
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“There are moments in our life that feel so perfect and so real. These are the moments that we live for. The moments we never want to end...”
José N. Harris
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“We had a choice... and we became warriors. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. Our lives are filled with endless challenges. We do not look at challenges as either good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges...”
José N. Harris
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“Most people do not know how to love anymore. They don't know how to give it, or worse, even how to receive it. They have been so hurt, that they have put up walls to protect themselves, but at the same time, these walls have shut out the people that love them. Our most basic need is that we all want and need to be loved. Love comes from God. God is love.”
José N. Harris
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“Think of yourself, during your earliest childhood memory.As a teenager.The first time you fell in love.Your first job.Your finest moment.Your most painful moment.Your last day at work.Yesterday. Today. Now.Thru all of this- You are still the same person. No EVENT or PERSON can change the core of who you are. You are still the same person; wiser, much stronger and more beautiful than you imagine...”
José N. Harris
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“When you are struggling with something, look around at everyone else and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through. We are all struggling.”
José N. Harris
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“When I was young, I used to think I was the weirdest person in the world. But then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone else out there who felt the same as me. Maybe that person might be out there wondering about me too? Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this... just know, that yes, it’s true I’m here and we're both weirdos!”
José N. Harris
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“If you follow your dreams, and you put yourself on a path towards those dreams, the life that you would like to be living is the one you will start living. When you can see that, you will begin to meet people who are in your field of dreams, and they will open doors for you. Follow your dreams, have faith in God, don't be too afraid, and doors will open for you that you didn't even know existed...”
José N. Harris
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“Dream. Think. Believe. Pray. Do. Become. Then, share your story and inspire others. Share you story!”
José N. Harris
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“Be wary of liars. For, a liar can be your worst kind of thief. They can steal your hopes and dreams...”
José N. Harris
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“We" is always so much better than "I". :)”
José N. Harris
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