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Joseph Sebarenzi

“Countries rush to war thinking it is the quickest, easiest solution to conflict, only to find themselves still entrenched years later, suffering more losses than they expected and asking themselves, bewildered, "How did we get here?" There is no "winning" a war.”
Joseph Sebarenzi
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“I did not fully understand the havoc that war wreaks on communities. Yes war kills-I knew that-but that is only part of its destructive path. War makes widows and orphans. War cuts off arms and legs and rips emotional wounds that never fully heal. War drives people from their homes-in this case, hundreds of thousands-and dooms them to lives of poverty and displacement. ”
Joseph Sebarenzi
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“Like the gazelle who doesn't know the rustle in the grass is a leopard, we didn't know what hit us until it was too late.”
Joseph Sebarenzi
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“Some things you know without ever being told. Other things you learn slowly. You learn them despite what you want to believe.”
Joseph Sebarenzi
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