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Joseph Staten

Joseph Staten is the New York Times bestselling author of Halo: Contact Harvest. He started working with game developer Bungie Studios in 1998, and has since served as a writer and designer for Oni, as well as writer and cinematics director for Halo and Halo 2. He also works with Peter Jackson's game development studio, Wingnut Interactive, writing and designing in the Halo universe. Staten attended college at Northwestern University and earned a master’s in military history and political science at the University of Chicago.

“<\ But this winter won't last, darlin'. >> * Not forever >> (.....\\ . > And when new hands >> set to tending this earth they'lltill my pieces under. > > Grind them into the veins of g0ld I've laid.<\ Then the roots of all they plant wi\\> wind around usS---<\ KEEPING<\ US<\ CLOSE--- \ \<\ For an eternal summer that will notfade.”
Joseph Staten
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“ideas are more powerful than guns.we should not let our enemies have guns,we should let them have ideas”
Joseph Staten
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“hoo-leee shite!”
Joseph Staten
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