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Josephin Peladan

“He crowned her with roses, girded her with verbena, in the costume of an amorous holocaust.”
Josephin Peladan
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“The absence of symbols in our life debases it as much as any government can...”
Josephin Peladan
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“There is an admirable fact about the psychology of France: she knows no half measures, loathsome or sublime, she forges the thought and the beauty of a world or of a dung heap; her destiny is never to be mediocre.”
Josephin Peladan
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“Those very superficial sensualists and profligates who lead the dance of Latin decadence have not seen, among their dancing girls and their pennies, that the disappearance of symbols was a precursor to the ruin of a people; communities only have abstract reasons for existing...”
Josephin Peladan
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“Covering oneself, surrounding oneself with shapes and colors that correspond to a plan, mean that that plan is beginning to be realized.”
Josephin Peladan
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