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Josh Lieb

“According to the fortune-cookie logic most people live by, the best things in life are free. That's crap. I have a gold-plated robot that scratches the exact part of my back where my hands can't reach, and it certainly wasn't free.”
Josh Lieb
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“Daddy was overcome by the charm of this scene. "They're just so amazing at that age. So innocent. So ... pure. As pure as the snow they play in." He apparently hadn't noticed the places where the snow was distinctly yellow.”
Josh Lieb
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“Pammy surges out of her seat, arm straining for the sky. She will apparently pee herself if she's not allowed to answer this question.”
Josh Lieb
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“Moorehead is one of those sad people who go into teaching so they can be worshipped by the only people sadder than they are - students.”
Josh Lieb
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“Sunrises and sunsets are real jerks about putting things in perspective.”
Josh Lieb
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“and sunsets are real jerks about putting things in perspective.”
Josh Lieb
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“It’s simply the most adorable thing ever: My mother has joined a gang.”
Josh Lieb
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“We can all agree that children are ugly.”
Josh Lieb
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“Boys are idiots.Girls are idiots, too, of course, but boys are a special kind of idiot.A girl, for instance, will vote for a boy in an election, or go to a movie that's about a boy, or buy a book that features a boy hero (or villain). Boys are much less likely to return the favor. They can't wrap their feeble minds around the idea that this girl might have anything in common with them. It's like they can't recognize girls as human beings.”
Josh Lieb
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“I am amused when goody-goodies proclaim, from the safety of their armchairs, that children are naturally prejudice-free, that they only learn to "hate" from listening to bigoted adults. Nonsense. Tolerance is a learned trait, like riding a bike or playing the piano. Those of us who actually live among children, who see them in their natural environment, know the truth: Left to their own devices, children will gang up on and abuse anyone who is even slightly different from the norm.”
Josh Lieb
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“Crime is for poor people. You don't need to rob the bank if you own it.”
Josh Lieb
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“What is evil?' you ask. To which I reply, 'Who are you, Friedrich Nietzsche?' To which you respond, 'Duh, wha? Me no understand.'Then I put you back in your cage.”
Josh Lieb
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