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Joshua Wisenbaker

“Scars are an affirmation of living.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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“Failure is the sourness that makes success All the more sweeter.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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“Tears are words the mouth can't say nor can the heart bear.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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“Pain is inevitable. Pride is lasting. Do something for humanity to be proud of.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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“Lust is Only skin deep.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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“True Genuis often goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Only through the lense of time do we see genuis and how it has affected the world around us.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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“With time comes perspective.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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“If your life was complete, you'd be dead.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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“Don't be a leach, buy a round occassionally.”
Joshua Wisenbaker
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