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Joso Skarica

I've been obsessed with literature since I was a teenager. It all started back in the 1990s when I read Kerouac's "On the Road", and then read it again and again. Then I got my hands on "The Tropic of Cancer" and that sealed it.

My literary interests are quite wide and I am open to different genres - from poetry, general fiction, and even science fiction (mostly PKD). The only criteria I have is that the book must be of high quality and a true work of art.

I am currently based in the UK where I am pursuing a post-graduate degree in Social Anthropology. This means that at this particular point in my life I have very little time to read anything besides technical anthropological and sociological literature.

I have recently released a collection of poems - "From Within". It is available on as kindle version and paperback. If you are interested in getting the physical copy of the book, or the kindle version I would be happy to send it to those of you who have genuine passion for poetry, because right now I am interested in honest opinions and critique from fellow authors and poets.

“Daylight dreamer beware, Thin is the wall of illusion.The magic might be over too soon,Before you even reach the sun.”
Joso Skarica
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“How mournful can be the words of an artist, concealed among the beggars and the roses?”
Joso Skarica
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