Jovan Dučić photo

Jovan Dučić

The exact date of Dučić's date of birth is still undetermined; it is variously said to have been on 17 February (or 5 February according to the Julian calendar) of 1871, 1872, or 1874, with the latter date most often given. He died on 7 April 1943 at age 72.

He was born in Trebinje in today's Bosnia-Herzegovina, where he attended primary school. He moved on to a high school in Mostar and trained to become a teacher in Sombor. He worked as a teacher in several towns before returning to Mostar, where he founded (with Aleksa Šantić) a literary magazine Zora ("Dawn").

Dučić's openly expressed Serbian patriotism caused difficulties with the authorities—at that time Bosnia-Herzegovina was de facto incorporated into the Austro-Hungarian Empire—and he moved abroad to pursue higher studies, mostly in Geneva and Paris. He was awarded a law degree by the University of Geneva

and, following his return from abroad, entered Serbian diplomatic service in 1907. Although he had previously expressed opposition to the idea of creating Yugoslavia, he became the new country's first ambassador to Romania (in 1937). He had a distinguished diplomatic career in this capacity, serving in Istanbul, Sofia, Rome, Athens, Cairo, Madrid and Lisbon. Dučić spoke several foreign languages and he is remembered as a distinguished diplomat. His Acta Diplomatica (Diplomatic Letters) was published posthumously in the United States (in 1952) and in former Yugoslavia (in 1991).

It was, however, as a poet that Dučić gained his greatest distinctions. He published his first book of poetry in Mostar in 1901 and his second in Belgrade, 1912. He wrote prose as well: several essays and studies about writers, Blago cara Radovana (Tsar Radovan's treasure) and poetry letters from Switzerland, Greece, Spain and other countries.

Like Šantić, Dučić's work was initially heavily influenced by that of Vojislav Ilić, the leading Serbian poet of the late 19th century. His travels abroad helped him to develop his own individual style, in which the Symbolist movement was perhaps the greatest single influence. In his poetry he explored quite new territory that was previously unknown in Serbian poetry. He restricted himself to only two verse styles, the symmetrical dodecasyllable (the Alexandrine) and hendecasyllable—both French in origin—in order to focus on the symbolic meaning of his work. He expressed a double fear, of vulgarity of thought, and vulgarity of expression. He saw the poet as an "office worker and educated craftsman in the hard work of rhyme and rhythm".

Dučić went into exile in the United States in 1941 following the German invasion and occupation of Yugoslavia, where he joined his relative Mihajlo (Michael) in Gary, Indiana. From then until his death two years later, he led an Illinois-based organization (founded by Mihailo Pupin in 1914) which represented the Serbian diaspora in the US. During these two years, he wrote many poems, historical books and newspaper articles espousing Serbian nationalist causes and protesting the mass murder of Serbs by the pro-Nazi Ustaše regime of Croatia. During this time he attracted some criticism from other Yugoslav exiles for his espousal of Greater Serbian ideas, a position which also attracted the attention of the US Government's Office of Strategic Services (the forerunner of the CIA).

He died on 7 April 1943 and was buried in the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Saint Sava in Libertyville, Illinois. He expressed a wish in his will to be buried in his home town of Trebinje, a goal which was finally realized when he was reburied there on 22 October 2000 in the newly built Gračanica church.

“Ima među ženama više heroja nego što ih ima među ljudima, ali su ljudi celu istoriju prigrabili za sebe, i za priče o sebi. Međutim, mi smo heroji u bojnoj vatri, a žene u hladnoj svakidašnjici; mi smo hrabri pred smrću, a one pred životom; mi pred drugim čovekom, a one pred celom sudbinom.”
Jovan Dučić
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“Mi nekog ljubimo ne zаto što tu ljubаv zаslužuje potpunije i isključivije nego iko drugi, nego što smo mi nа tu ličnost prosuli jedno svoje sunce koje gа je ozаrilo i izdvojilo od sveg drugog nаokolo po zemlji.”
Jovan Dučić
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“‎''Ljubavnici su najveći utopisti, a ljubav najveća utopija. U ljubavi se oseća više nego što treba, pati više nego što se misli, sanja više nego što se živi, i kaže i ono u šta ni sami ne verujemo. U ljubavi nema ničeg razumnog. Ljubav je jedno duševno stanje bez ravnoteže i bez razabiranja.”
Jovan Dučić
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“Što uspemo našom pameću, pokvarimo našom ćudi, a što uspemo našom dobrotom, upropastimo našim porocima, i, najzad, što postignemo svojom mudrošću, izgubimo našim temperamentom. Jer ima nešto jače i presudnije od svih naših sila, a to su naše slabosti.”
Jovan Dučić
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“Naše mržnje škode nama, više nego našem protivniku. Govorite rđavo o nekom čoveku pola sata - i vi ste posle toga nesrećni i otrovni; a govorite pola sata o njemu dobro, pa čak i kad to ne zaslužuje, i bićete mirni i blaženi, čak i ponosni na lepotu svojih osećanja, ili bar na lepotu svojih reči.”
Jovan Dučić
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“Je li ovo ljubav, ili bolna jedna potreba da ljubim?”
Jovan Dučić
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“Nijedna tuđa sreća nije bez pomalo sreće i za nas druge. Zato je jedna velika mudrost od tuđe sreće praviti sreću i za sebe.”
Jovan Dučić
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“Kad bi svi ljudi i žene govorili samo četvrtkom, na svetu bi bilo mnogo manje gluposti i mnogo manje zla; jer čovek drugom čoveku uvek više škodi rečima nego delom”
Jovan Dučić
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“... ni u najvećem gradu, nad čijim ulicama vise samo uska platna neba, proleće se ne da sakriti.... ima dva načina da se bude veseo i sretan: imati mnogo novca ili imati veliko mišljenje o sebi.Ja mislim da se misao o Bogu začela pred velikom pučinom ili usred pustinje, jer se samo tamo mogla steći ideja o neizmernom i večnom. Zato ljudima rođenim pored mora pučina izaziva samo besnu ljubav za život.Tako je i Bog jedna istina srca. Zato ga nece ni ubiti razum, jer ga on nije sazdao...Umreti u lepoti, to izgleda vrhunac života na zemlji.... lepota se izgubila zato što je postala lepa za ceo svet.Ne kajem se za grehove koje sam učinila, nego za one koje nisam učinila.Ima nešto savršenije od lepote stvari u prirodi: to je sve ono što je ljudska misao dodirnula i ljudska lepota osvestila.”
Jovan Dučić
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