Winner of the 2017 Aquillrelle Poetry Publication Prize, Tupelo Honey & Other Tales, is available at Amazon & B&N. Primarily a poet, I coined the term, "Bluetry" to define my art. Bluetry grew out of people approaching me after readings to compliment me or complain my poems were too sad.
Other Publications:
Spot of Bleach By Joy Leftow
Insights of Joy (chapbook)
Lipstick Diaries
Seek Truth by New Art Review
World Healing World Peace 2012
Aquillrelle Anthology
Chewbone 1993
Wings (various years and editions)
My drive to write, create and share, defines my art. I write because I have no choice. My performances are an extension of my art, evolving like a child develops in the womb and his mother gives birth to him.
Always on the edge, in the early 90’s, I performed narrative poetry and was chastised by other poets who said my work was not poetry. Now, many spout narrative rhyme. I’m off to something different, performing poetry to blues music.
I write and get published when I am not busy doing cat rescues and meeting my muse.
Taking artistic risks defines me!
BA Columbia University
MSW Columbia School of Social Work
In spite of an impoverished and abusive upbringing & overcoming tons of obstacles - even near death situations, I managed to survive and thrive. Gimme a high five! I am a double alumna of Columbia University; Undergrad B.A. in anthropology under the auspices of the Higher Education Opportunity Program, I continued to study there to get my Masters in Social Work. This solidified my already instinctual propensity to understand what motivated people. I have my 2nd masters in creative writing from CCNY.
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