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Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates is a recipient of the National Book Award and the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in Short Fiction. She is also the recipient of the 2005 Prix Femina for The Falls. She is the Roger S. Berlind Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at Princeton University, and she has been a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters since 1978. Pseudonyms ... Rosamond Smith and Lauren Kelly.

“Unbidden, Unwelcome, Yet unable to resist, I entered a stranger's life”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“The standards for horror fiction should be no less than those for 'serious literary' fiction in which originality of concept, depth of characters, and attentiveness to language are vitally important.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“The surreal is as integral a part of our lives as the 'real,' although one might argue that, since the unconscious underlies consciousness, and we are continuously bombarded by images, moods, and memories from that uncharitable terrain, it is in fact more primary than the 'real.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“In a family, what isn't spoken is what you listen for. But the noise of a family is to drown it out.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“During these mad dashes to the wall phone in the kitchen she hadn't time to fall but with fantastical grace and dexterity wrenched herself upright in midfall and continued running (dogs whimpering, yapping hysterically in her wake, cats scattering wide-eyed and plume-tailed) before the telephone ceased it's querulous ringing--though frequently she was greeted with nothing more than a derisive dial tone, in any case.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“The secret of being a writer: not to expect others to value what you've done as you value it. Not to expect anyone else to perceive in it the emotions you have invested in it. Once this is understood, all will be well.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Society is the picnic certain individuals leave early, the party they fail to enjoy, the musical comedy they find not worth the price of admission.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Only in love is there trust - even the possibility of trust.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“A wet autumn morning, a garbage truck clattering down the street. The first snowfall of the season, blossom sized flakes falling languidly and melting on the ground, a premature snow fall delicate as lace, rapidly melting.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Did you know, Marianne: how by breaking the code that day, you broke it forever? For us all?”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Like the silence that surrounds the tolling of the bell allows you to hear the bell.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Critics sometimes appear to be addressing themselves to works other than those I remember writing.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Our house was made of stone, stucco, and clapboard; the newer wings, designed by a big-city architect, had a good deal of glass, and looked out into the Valley, where on good days we could see for many miles while on humid hazy days we could see barely beyond the fence that marked the edge of our property. Father, however, preferred the roof: In his white, light-woolen three-piece suit, white fedora cocked back on his head, for luck, he spent many of his waking hours on the highest peak of the highest roof of the house, observing, through binoculars, the amazing progress of construction in the Valley - for overnight, it seemed, there appeared roads, expressways, sewers, drainage pipes, "planned" communities with such names as Whispering Glades, Murmuring Oaks, Pheasant Run, Deer Willow, all of them walled to keep out intruders, and, yet more astonishing, towerlike buildings of aluminum and glass and steel and brick, buildings whose windows shone and winked like mirrors, splendid in sunshine like pillars of flame; such beauty where once there had been mere earth and sky, it caught at your throat like a great bird's talons, taking your breath away. 'The ways of beauty are as a honeycomb,' Father told us, and none of us could determine, staring at his slow moving lips, whether the truth he spoke was a happy truth or not, whether even it was truth. ("Family")”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“The days were brief and attenuated and the season appeared to be fixed - neither summer nor winter, spring nor fall. A thermal haze of inexpressible sweetness, though bearing tiny bits of grit or mica, had eased into the Valley from the industrial region to the north and there were nights when the sun set at the western horizon as if it were sinking through a porous red mass, and there were days when a hard-glaring moon like bone remained fixed in a single position, prominent in the sky. ("Family")”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“There are people, primarily women!--who are what I call 'conduits of emotion.' In their company, the half dead can come alive. They need not be beautiful women or girls. It's a matter of blood warmth. The integrity of the spirit." He turned the page of his sketch pad and began anew, whistling thinly through his teeth."Thus an icy-cold soul, in the presence of one so blessed, can regain something of his lost self. Sometimes!”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Your punishment if you're a woman. Not loved enough.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“In this way unwittingly the Widow-to-Be is assuring her husband’s death—his doom. Even as she believes she is behaving intelligently—“shrewdly” and “reasonably”—she is taking him to a teeming petri dish of lethal bacteria where within a week he will succumb to a virulent staph infection—a “hospital” infection acquired in the course of his treatment for pneumonia. Even as she is fantasizing that he will be home for dinner she is assuring that he will never return home. How unwitting, all Widows-to-Be who imagine that they are doing the right thing, in innocence and ignorance!”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“There is an hour, a minute - you will remember it forever - when you know instinctively on the basis of the most inconsequential evidence, that something is wrong. You don't know - can't know - that it is the first of a series of "wrongful" events that will culminate in the utter devastation of your life as you have known it.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Keep a light, hopeful heart. But ­expect the worst.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“It was a very American story, somehow. 'Lost.' Each community had such stories. Possibly, each family.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Storytelling is shaped by two contrary, yet complementary, impulses—one toward brevity, compactness, artful omission; the other toward expansion, amplification, enrichment.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“To the young there are no degrees of old just as there are no degrees of dead - either you are, or you are not.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Boxing has become America's tragic theater. ”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“These are the moments for which we live.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“I'm drawn to failure. I feel that I'm contending with it constantly in my own life.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“And this is the forbidden truth, the unspeakable taboo - that evil is not always repellent but frequently attractive; that it has the power to make of us not simply victims, as nature and accident do, but active accomplices.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“But he doesn't love her. I invented that. It is a plot if you imagine people in love--the lazy looping criss crosses of love, blows, stares, tears. No. It doesn't happen. No love. People meet, touch, stare into one another's faces, shake their heads clear, move on, forget. It doesn't happen.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“When writing goes painfully, when it’s hideously difficult, and one feels real despair (ah, the despair, silly as it is, is real!)–then naturally one ought to continue with the work; it would be cowardly to retreat. But when writing goes smoothly–why then one certainly should keep on working, since it would be stupid to stop. Consequently one is always writing or should be writing.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“The act of sending a letter is an act of generosity, even if, in retrospect, it might seem reckless. Why regret one's generosity? Why regret one's impulsiveness, one's misjudgment of others? The inevitable discovery that someone is selling letters you'd written in trust is simply to discover an obvious human truth: there are those who don't cherish us as we'd cherished them, and had wished to be cherished by them.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“To the west, the Pacific Ocean, which revulses me, for its vastness cannot be fitted into any box.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Then the noise faded and Legs squinted up at the sky, the moon so bright you'd never think it could be merely rock like the earth's common rock and lifeless, merely reflected light from an invisible sun and not a powerful living light of its own...”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“I'm Legs Sadovsky I'm FOXFIRE I don't fuck around with guys.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Death is just the last scene of the last act.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“the music was always in the background, like music at a church service; it was something to depend upon.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“The fact was that the woman lived the life she chose, she was happy in that life and it was no one's business after all but her own, my uncle's face darkening with blood as he spoke, my mother's fair fine skin pink as if smarting yet still I persisted, for I thought it such a horror, such a grief, yes and an embarrassment too, I said, "She's made a prison of this house, it's like she's a nun, it must be to punish herself," and my mother said quietly, angrily, "You don't know - what do you know! People do what they want to do.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Because we are linked by blood and blood is memory without language.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“And that's the insult of it, how always it comes back to a woman being a "good" mother in the world's eyes or a "bad" mother, how everything in a woman's life is funneled through her body between her legs.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“My self is all to me. I don't have any need of you.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“I could EAT YOUR HEART & asshole you'd never know it. ”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“...failure is a human condition, not victory over odds; for each Hellen Keller who triumphs, there are tens of millions who fail, mute and deaf and insensate as vegetables tossed upon a vast garbage pile to rot.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Why should I want what's good for me?' Beatrice asked him, smiling. 'Is that what you want for yourself - only what's good for you?”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“As a librarian for 18 years at the Merck branch of the Trenton Public Library, I was sorely tested by the slow-witted and obtuse among the citizenry”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Of our hurts we make monuments of survival. If we survive. ”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Dorie herself was not very surprised, because a daydreamer is prepared for most things and in a way she had planned even this, though she had not guessed how it would come about.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Was it confusing because it was artistic, or artistic because it was confusing?”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Literature, art, like civilization itself, are only accidents.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Love commingled with hate is more powerful than love. Or hate. ”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Maybe, love is always forgiveness, to a degree.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“Maybe all there is is just the next thing maybe all there is is just the next thing maybe all there is is just just the next just the next thing maybe all there is is just the next maybe all there is is is just is just the next thing Roslyn's words stuck in her head & she could not stop repeating them Maybe all there is is just the next thing like a Hindu mantra & she was a yogin murmuring her secret prayer Maybe all there is just the next thingShe thought, That's a comfort!”
Joyce Carol Oates
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“I live now for my work. I live for my work. I live only for my work. One day I will do work deserving of my talent & desire. One day. This I pledge. This I vow. I want you to love me for my work. But if you don't love me I can't continue my work. So please love me! - so I can continue my work. I am trapped here! I am trapped in this blond mannequin with the face. I can only breathe through that face! Those nostrils! That mouth! Help me to be perfect. If God was in us, we would be perfect. God is not in us, we know this for we are not perfect. I don't want money & fame. I want only to be perfect. The blond mannequin Monroe is me & is not me. She is not me. She is what I was born. Yes I want you to love her. So you will love me. Oh I want to love you! Where are you? I look, I look & there is no one there.”
Joyce Carol Oates
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