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Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, Joyce’s books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Through Joyce Meyer Ministries, Joyce teaches on a number of topics with a particular focus on how the Word of God applies to our everyday lives. Her candid communication style allows her to share openly and practically about her experiences so others can apply what she has learned to their lives.

Joyce’s programs, Enjoying Everyday Life and Everyday Answers with Joyce Meyer, can be seen around the world through television, radio, and the Internet. Joyce has authored more than 100 books, which have been translated into more than 100 languages and over 65 million of her books have been distributed worldwide. She teaches in cities across America as well as internationally. Joyce Meyer Ministries has offices in nine countries.

Joyce’s passion to help hurting people is foundational to the vision of Hand of Hope, the missions arm of Joyce Meyer Ministries. Hand of Hope provides worldwide humanitarian outreaches such as feeding programs, medical care, orphanages, disaster response, human trafficking intervention and rehabilitation, and much more – always sharing the love and Gospel of Christ.

Her latest book, LIVING A LIFE YOU LOVE, releases Spring 2018.

Hachette Book Group has sold over 30 million copies of Joyce Meyer's books.

“The thing about secrets is they keep you in a prison. Once you share, WHOOSH, there is a release.”
Joyce Meyer
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“The biggest black eye that you can give the devil is to give God your pain and let Him turn it into gain.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Wow! you might actually have to act like a Christian sometimes!”
Joyce Meyer
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“I always say believe for a bunch, and even if you only get half of it you are better off than believing for a little and getting all of it.”
Joyce Meyer
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“It is amazing the quality of human beings that are in this world if we can just get past people not dressing the way we want them to dress.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Justified means just as if you've never sinned.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Faithfulness is not doing something right once but doing something right over and over and over and over.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Grace is the power of the Holy Spirit coming to us free of charge to enable you to do with ease what you could never do on your own with any amount of struggle and effort.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Average is very acceptable in our society but I don't think the angels are applauding. If you are determined to be excellent, to not back out of it, you will reap a harvest in your life.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Come to me all who are weary and heavy burden.." Go to the throne, not the phone. The people on the other end aren't qualified to fix your problems, they don't know what they're doing either!!! ~ -Joyce Meyers”
Joyce Meyer
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“Wisdom is doing now what you are going to be happy with later on”
Joyce Meyer
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“Seek His face and not His hand.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Why wouldn’t we run to God. He’s sooo good. God’s not mad at anybody. He just wants to help us be the best that we can be.”
Joyce Meyer
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“God doesn’t tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle. He tells you to do things the things that He knows are gonna work out to your good in the end.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Complain and remain. Praise and be raised.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Do what you don’t want to do to get what you want to get.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Don’t run to the phone, run to the throne.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Just because you go to church doesn't mean you're a Christian. I can go sit in the garage all day and it doesn't make me a car”
Joyce Meyer
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“You can be pitiful, or you can be powerful, but you can't be both”
Joyce Meyer
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“If you are accused of being a Christian, there should be enough evidence to convict you.”
Joyce Meyer
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“When you are tempted to give up, your breakthrough is probably just around the corner.”
Joyce Meyer
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“There are no drive-thru breakthroughs. Breakthroughs take time.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Character is doing what you don't want to do but know you should do.”
Joyce Meyer
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“We don't want to survive. We want to be healed.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Excellence - Take what you have and do the BEST with it.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Strive for excellence, not perfection, because we don't live in a perfect world.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Where there is a rotten root, there will always be rotten fruit.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Addictions - Run to Jesus instead of running to your addiction.”
Joyce Meyer
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“1 Peter 5 - Be well balanced because Satan 'roams about like a hungry lion seeking who he can devour.”
Joyce Meyer
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“It is not about reading the Word. It is about obeying the Word.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Romans 6 - Our flesh is the instrument that Satan works through. When we say no to the flesh, we say no to the devil.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Start believing the Word of God over our feelings. The truth always overrides our feelings. Find the truth in the scriptures.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Brother and Sister So & So are not your standard; Jesus is.”
Joyce Meyer
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“It is not about doing what we feel like. It is about doing what God says.”
Joyce Meyer
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“It is not as important how we start (our past), but how we finish.”
Joyce Meyer
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“We need a backbone, not a wishbone.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Don't just learn from God's Word, but believe it will change your life.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Be it unto you, even as you believe.In God's economy, we believe first and then see.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Unity increases power.”
Joyce Meyer
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“An affirmation to say everyday:The healing power of God is working in me right now. Eveyr day I get better and better in every way.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Have God make a message out of your mess.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Everytime you feed the flesh, you strenghten it. This is good if you are trying to build a good habit, but detrimental if you are trying to stop a bad habit. The way to "kill the flesh" is to starve it; to stop feeding it.”
Joyce Meyer
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“You can not live your life just based on what everyone else thinks.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Stop determining your worth and value by what other people say. Be determined by what the Word of God (scriptures)says.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Stop being tomented by everyone else's reaction to you.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Satan can control you if you let outward things determine your security.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Don't let your feelings be a God to you.”
Joyce Meyer
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“80% of people's problems are about how they feel about themselves.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Our joy does not have to be based on our circumstances.”
Joyce Meyer
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“Put your expectations on God, not on people.”
Joyce Meyer
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