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Ju Honisch

Ju Honisch started writing at the age of twelve much to her parents' chagrin who thought she should apply her time to more useful endeavours. Decades later, useful endeavours still do not seem to be entirely her forte. She has lived in Germany and Ireland and currently lives in Frankfurt with her husband, too many books and too many musical instruments. She has an MA in literary studies and history which explains her love for stories with an historical background.

For her first novel "Das Obsidianherz" (English version "Obsidian Secrets") she received the German fantasy award (Deutscher Phantastik Preis) in 2009. The last book in the same series was awarded the SERAPH, the award for speculative literature given out by the Phantastische Akademie at the Leipzig Book Fair.

She is also a singer/songwriter with three Pegasus awards and two SAMs

“Wenn du jetzt mein Hirn gleichmäßig über den Teppich verteilst, wird das meinem Wohlbefinden abträglich sein.”
Ju Honisch
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“Er war die Nacht durchgeritten, um sie schnell zu erreichen. In gestrecktem Galopp durch die Finsternis - wie ein verdammter Ritter aus einem blöden Heldenepos. Er war gerade rechtzeitig eingetroffen, um zu sehen, wie der andere sie am Morgen verließ.”
Ju Honisch
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