Juan Ramon Jimenez photo

Juan Ramon Jimenez

Platero y Yo

(1914) ranks as most famous work of Spanish poet Juan Ramón Jiménez, who introduced modernism to Spanish verse and won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1956.

He won this prize "for his lyrical poetry, which in Spanish language constitutes an example of high spirit and artistical purity."

See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Ram...

“That day, that day when I can gaze at the sea--both of us calm--and I, trusting, having poured my whole heart into my Life Work....when death--black waves!--no longer courts me and I can smile, constantly, at everything because, my bones, there will be so little of myself left to give it.”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“En la soledad no se encuentra más que lo que a la soledad se lleva.”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“Lo que más indigna al charlatán es alguien silencioso y digno.”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“Si te dan papel pautado, utiliza el otro lado.”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“I am not I.I am this onewalking beside me whom I do not see,whom at times I manage to visit,and whom at other times I forget;who remains calm and silent while I talk,and forgives, gently, when I hate,who walks where I am not,who will remain standing when I die.”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“…Perhaps this momentary life of ours is only the light that divides our infinite origin from our infinite end. ”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“To live is nothing more than to come here to die, to be what we were before being born, but with apprenticeship, experience, knowledge of cause, and perhaps with will. ”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“Si te dan papel rayado, escribe de traves""Bila mereka memberimu kertas bergaris, tulis di sebaliknya”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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“I unpetalled you, like a rose,to see your soul,and I didn't see it. But everything around-horizons of land and of seas-,everything, out to the infinite,was filled with a fragrance,enormous and alive.”
Juan Ramon Jimenez
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