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Jude Arnold

[email protected]



Judith Arnold has worked as a natural health and wellness professional in this ever-burgeoning field since 1977. Rev. Dr. Jude is CEO of a non-profit corporation providing educational retreats and lifestyle consulting to a diverse customer clientele seeking new or complementary approaches to traditional health and wellness. Her subject matter is sought out by a wide variety of holistic and alternative health practitioners to help shape both clinical and business-related opportunities. Current areas of expertise include clinical nutrition and dietary counseling, detox, Energy Medicine, Plant Spirit Medicine, Traditional Oriental Medicine (Chinese and Japanese), Medical Tourism, Homeopathy and Ayurveda. She has worked to insure people's right to choose natural health alternatives throughout her multifaceted career. Believing in the body’s ability to heal itself she has been teaching her clients for 40 years to make their own medicines out of food, exercise and attitude. She is the author of 6 books. She is semi-retired in Costa Rica as Chief of Staff at Eden Retreat Center, Wellness Community and Institute. An ordained minister and Registered Nurse, her academic credentials include BS and MS degrees in Nursing and (abd) PhDs in Educational Psychology and Natural Medicine.

“Meet Jan! (Quotes from Jan Does Europe)"I'm having a wonderful life."I visualize myself strong, beautiful and good."I love with all of me."Everyday my mind is filled with thoughts of people I love."I am the person I want to be."I do all the things I fear I can't."I'm where I should be."I have much to be happy for."Isn't that the point, to enjoy our lives no matter what?”
Jude Arnold
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