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Judith McNaught

You can find Judith McNaught in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjudith...

Judith McNaught is a #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author, with more than forty million copies of her novels in print, in over eighty countries and more than thirty languages. She was also the first female executive producer at a CBS radio station. McNaught is credited with inventing the modern Regency Historical romance subgenre.

“Maybe I ought to do exactly what I told Nick I was going to do and pursue you myself."Lauren smiled. "I have a feeling you're as jaded and cynical as he is." He looked so stung that she added teasingly, "Well,you are-but still very attractive,for all that.""Thanks," he said dryly.”
Judith McNaught
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“When I came back from lunch and found out you'd been reassigned to Nick, I went up to be certain that you were doing all right. Mary told me that you'd just gone into Nick's office, so I opened the door and looked in to see if you needed rescuing. There you were-smiling angelically at him while you gave him messages from other women and turned down his offer of an 'affair.'"Resting his head against the back of his chair, Jim closed his eyes and laughed. "Oh Lauren, you were magnificent! I was just about to leave when you pushed him too far and told him you'd call him when your daughter was of age, so that he could, er, initiate her,as I gather he initiated you?”
Judith McNaught
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“We need to straighten out some personal matters between us. Why don't we do it over dinner tonight?" he suggested.Lauren courteously refused with a half truth. "I'm sorry, I already have a date.""All right,how about tomorrow night?" he asked,holding out his hand for hers.Lauren plunked his messages into his outstretched palm. "You already have a date-Miss Moran at seven at the Recess Club."Nick ignored that reminder. "I'm leaving for Italy on Wednesday-""Have a good trip," Lauren interrupted lightly."I'll be back on Saturday," he continued with a trace of impatience. "We'll go-""Sorry," Lauren said with an amused little smile that was intended to annoy him. "I'm busy Saturday, and so are you. Vicky called to find out if the party Saturday night is formal or not." And then because she was thoroughly relishing his visible frustration, she added with a dazzling smile, "She calls you Nicky.I think that's adorable-Vicky and Nicky.""I'll break the date," Nick stated tersely."But I won't break mine.Now,is there anything else?”
Judith McNaught
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“You're rather young, Miss Danner," Mary summarized, her pale blue gaze scraping Lauren's face and figure."I'm aging quickly," Laruen replied. Ignoring the older woman's piercing look, she settled into the secretarial desk opposite Mary's in the large officec.”
Judith McNaught
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“Nick,please let me go.""I can't." His forehead creased into a dark frown of irritated bewilderment. "Whenever I see you,I can't seem to let you go.""You fired me!"He grinned. "I just rehired you.”
Judith McNaught
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“With a regal inclination of her head, she said, "You know,I was positive you wouldn't want me to work for you either, and I tried to tell Mr. Weatherby that." She started toward the rosewood doors. "But he felt that when you realized I'm bilingual, you'd change your mind.""Bilingual?" Nick scoffed contemptuously.She turned toward him with her hand on the doorknob. "Oh,but I am. I can tell you exactly what I think of you in perfect Italian." She saw a nerve jerk in his tightly clenched jaw, and she added in a low,scathing voice, "But it's much more satisfying to say it to you in English; you're a bastard!"Wrenching open the door,Lauren marched across the luxurious reception area. She was punching the button to summon the elevator when Nick's hand clamped over her wrist. "Get back into my office," he growled between his teeth."Take your hand off me!" she whispered furiously."There are four people watching us," he warned. "Either you walk into my office on your own,or I'll drag you in there in front of them.""Go ahead and try it!" she raged right back at him. "I'll sue you for assault and subpoena all four of them as witnesses!"Unexpectedly,her threat wrung a reluctant, admiring smile from him. "You have the most incredibly beautiful eyes. When you're angry,they-""Save it!" Lauren hissed, jerking violently at her wrist."I have been," he teased suggestively."Don't talk to me like that-I don't want any part of you!""Little liar.You want every part of me.”
Judith McNaught
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“In the first place, you aren't qualified or experienced enough to work at this level.In the second place, I don't want you here."His contempt brought Lauren's simmering fury to a rolling boil, and she couldn't stop herself from goading him."Perfect!" she said brightly, backing away a step. "Now would you just be kind enough to call Mr. Weatherby and tell him that? I've already given him my reasons for not wanting to work for you, but he insisted that I come up here."Nick jabbed at the intercom. "Get me Weatherby," he snapped, then his gaze sliced back to Lauren. "Just what 'reasons' did you give him?""I told him," Lauren lied wrathfully, "that you are an arrogant conceited lecher, and that I'd rather be dead than work for you.""You told Weatherby that?" he asked in a low, threatening voice.Lauren kept her smile fixed on her face. "Yep.""What did Weatherby say?"Unable to endure the icy blast of his gaze, Lauren pretended to study her manicure. "Oh,he said that a lot of women you've slept with probably feel that way about you,but that I should put company loyalty above my understandable revulsion for you.""Lauren," Nick said silkily, "you're fired.”
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“He waited until she was standing directly across his desk from him before he said quietly, "You've chosen a poor time to apologize,Lauren. I have to leave for a luncheon appointment in five minutes."Lauren almost choked on his outrageous presumption that she owed him an apology,but she merely favored him with an amused smile. "I hate to bruise your ego, but I didn't come up here to apologize.”
Judith McNaught
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“Now that you've had other men to use as a basis for comparison,how do I rate?" he teased."That's an adolescent question," Lauren retorted scornfully.”
Judith McNaught
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“How am I doing so far?" she asked, forcing a cheerful lightness into her voice."You're doing very well," Nick's lazy voice mocked. "I'm half convinced that I'm invisible.”
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“She remebered the angry hurt she had felt because his mother had abandoned him as a young boy,and she cried even harder.His mother should have drowned him!”
Judith McNaught
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“I had wonderful grandparents, and I promise you that I don't have any emotional scars from what happened with my mother.""Of course you do-anyone would! She walked out on you, then practically before your eyes lavished her attention on her next son...""Stop it," he teased, "or you'll have me in tears."With quiet gravity Lauren said, "I was crying for the boy you were then, not for the man you are now. Despite everything that happened-no, because of it-you became a strong, independent man. Actually,the one to pity is your half brother."Nick chuckled. "You're right-he's an ass."Lauren ignored his humor. "What I meant was that you've succeeded on your own, without wealthy parents to help you. That makes you a bigger man than your half brother.""Is that why I'm bigger?" he joked. "I always thought it was in my genes. You see, my father and grandfather were both tall...""Nick,I'm trying to be serious!""Sorry.”
Judith McNaught
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“What did she say?" Lauren breathed."She told me to check the oil," Nick replied imperturbably.Despite his outward attitude of total indifference, Lauren couldn't believe that as a younger man he'd been so vulnerable. Surely having his own mother treat him as if he didn't exist must have hurt him terribly. "Is that all she said?" she asked tightly.Unaware that Lauren was not sharing his ironic humor in the story,he said, "No-I think she asked me to check the air in her tires too."Lauren had kept her voice neutral, but inwardly she felt ill. Tears stung her eyes, and she turned her face up to the purpling sky to hide them,pretending to watch the lacy clouds drifting over the moon."Lauren?" His voice sounded curt."Hmmmm?" she asked,staring steadfastly at the moon.Leaning forward,he caught her chin and turned her face toward his. He looked at her brimming eyes in stunned disbelief. "You're crying!" he said incredulously.Lauren waved a dismissing hand at him. "Don't pay any attention to that-I cry at movies too.”
Judith McNaught
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“Firmly, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger,Nick turned her face up to his, forcing her to look into his teasing gray eyes. "If I'm so beautiful, why won't you look at me?""That was a silly thing for me to tell you," Lauren apologized with quiet dignity, "and...""It was definitely a gross exaggeration-" he smiled, taking his hand away from her chin "-but I liked it.And, in case you're interested," he added, his voice turning husky, "no one has ever told me that before.”
Judith McNaught
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“Well?" she teased in turn. "What do you think?"The gray eyes that finally lifted to hers were flaming, but instead of answering, he flicked his burning gaze down her length again. He hesitated, and then said abruptly, "I think that the dress fits you perfectly."Lauren burst out laughing. "Don't ever let anyone tell you that you have a way with flattery, because you don't.""Is that right?" he mocked, his eyes challenging. "In that case, I'll you exactly what I think: I think that you're exquisitely lovely, and that you have the fascinating ability to look like an extremely sexy, sophisticated young woman and an utterly angelic girl at one and the same time. And I wish to hell that we weren't trapped here with a hundred other people for the next few hours, because whenever I look at you I become...uncomfortably eager...to find out how you're going to feel in my arms tonight.”
Judith McNaught
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“Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" she asked softly.A slow boyish smile spread across his features. "What would you think if I told you no?"Lauren laughed. "I'd think you were trying to appear modest.""Then what am I supposed to do now?" he teased. "I suppose you should try to look a little flustered and embarrassed by the flattery.""I don't fluster or embarrass very easily.""In that case, you could try to fluster me by telling me how I look," she hinted broadly.”
Judith McNaught
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“A rueful smile touched Lauren's lips as she turned her head toward the window. Everyone always said she was so intelligent, so sensible, yet here she was, already planning to make Nick Sinclair fall in love with her...because she knew she was already falling in love with him."Lauren,this trip is getting a little lonely on my side of the car. What are you thinking about?"Filled with thoughts of their destiny, Lauren turned to him and, smiling, slowly shook her head. "If I told you, it would scare you to death.”
Judith McNaught
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“Did you know that you're very relaxing company?" he asked softly.She was not particularly pleased to hear that while she found him electryfying, he found her relaxing. "Thank you-I'll try not to put you to sleep before we get to Harbor Springs.""You can put me to sleep after we get there," he said suggestively.Laruen's heart slammed into her rib cage. "What I meant was, I hope I'm not boring you.""Believe me, you haven't bored me." His voice deepened with sensuality. "As a matter of fact, there's something I've wanted to do ever since last night, when I turned around with your glass of tonic in my hand and saw you standing there, trying very hard not to laugh at my shock.”
Judith McNaught
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“Has anyone ever told you that you have incredibly beautiful eyes?""Yes, and you're prevaricating!""And that you're extremely well-spoken, too?" he continued, ignoring her remark.”
Judith McNaught
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“It doesn't feel swollen," he commented, bending his head torward her ankle again. "Does it hurt at all?""Very little. Not nearly as much as my dignity.""In that case, by tomorrow your ankle and your dignity will probably be fine."Still crouching, he cupped her heel in his left hand and reached over to pick up her sandal with his right. Just as he was about to slip the sandal onto her foot, he glanced up at her and his lazy smile sent Lauren's pulse racing as he asked, "Isn't there some fairy tale about a man who searches for the woman whose foot fits into a glass slipper?"She nodded, her eyes bright. "Cinderella.""What happens to me if this slipper fits?""I turn you into a handsome frog," she guipped.”
Judith McNaught
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“Good secretaries are always in demand. Sinco's personnel office will probably call you eventually and offer you a job.""I doubt it," Lauren said with an irrepressible smile. "I'm afraid Mr. Weatherby, the personnel manager, doesn't think I'm very bright," she explained.Nick's head jerked up, his gaze moving with frank, masculine appreciation over her vivid features. "Lauren, I think you're as bright as a shiny new penny. Weatherby must be blind.""Of course he is!" she teased. "Or else he'd never wear a houndstooth jacket with a paisley tie."Nick grinned. "Does he really?”
Judith McNaught
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“Lauren had hoped to make him notice her as a woman, and he was certainly noticing her. Now she rather hoped he would say something nice. But he didn't.Without a word he turned on his heel, strode over to the bar and dumped the ocntents of one of the glasses into the stainless steel bar sink. "What are you doing?" Lauren asked.His voice was filled with amused irony. "Adding some gin to your tonic."Lauren burst out laughing, and he glanced over his shoulder at her, a wry smile twisting his lips. "Just out of curiosity, how old are you?""Twenty-three.""And you were applying for a secretarial position at Sinco-before you threw yourself at our feet tonight?" he prompted, adding a modest amount of gin to her tonic.”
Judith McNaught
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“Lauren was still studying the mobile line of his lips when they quirked suddenly, as if amusement was lurking tere.Her gaze shot up, and to her utter horror she discovered that his gray eyes had shifted to her.Lauren was torn between laughing at his dry observation and blushing because she hadn't fooled him in the least. She did neither, and instead carefully kept her eyes on the elevator doors until they opened on the eightieth floor.”
Judith McNaught
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“You damn fool!" one of the men grated in angry concern as they both squatted down on their haunches and peered anxiously at her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"Bracing herself on her forearms, Lauren lifted her chagrined gaze from the man's shoes to his face. "Auditioning for the circus," she told him dryly, "And for an encore, I usually fall off a bridge."A rich chuckle sounded from the other man as he took her firmly by the shoulders and helped her to her feet. "What's your name?" he asked, and when Lauren had told him,he added worriedly, "Can you walk?""For miles," Laruen assured him unsteadily. Every muscle in her body was protesting, and her left ankle was throbbing painfully."Then I guess you can make it as far as the building so we can have a look at the damage," he said with a smile in his voice.”
Judith McNaught
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“I'll give the girl a few minutes of my time and then send her packing. We don't have a position for anyone with a college degree in music. Even if we did, I wouldn't hire Lauren Danner. I've never met a more irritating, outrageous, ill-mannered, homely child in my life.She was about nine years old, chubby, with freckles and a mop of reddish hair that looked as if it was never properly combed. She wore hideous horn-rimmed eyeglasses, and so help me God,that child looked down her nose at us...”
Judith McNaught
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“They’re going to ask what you said. And if I tell Mr. Twindell you said heaven will be like this, he’ll be very disappointed. He’s counting, you know, on gold streets and angels and horses with wings.”“I see where that could be a problem,” Ian agreed, and he tenderly laid his hand against his son’s cheek. “In that case, you can tell him I said this is almost heaven.”
Judith McNaught
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“Some of the most unkind,judgmental people I've ever known go to church every Sunday and read the Bible.I don't know how some people are able todisassociate their own cruelty and shortcomings from their religious obligations and convictions, but many are able to do that.”
Judith McNaught
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“Sam Littleton was a beautiful woman who would try to play women's games. That meant that if he asked her if she was upset with him about something, she would do what women all do at such times: She would deny that anything was wrong, then continue acting as if something was wrong, in hopes that he would do what men always do at such times -beg for an explanation, agonise over the answer, ask for hints, and agonise a little more.”
Judith McNaught
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“Every week, Michael went to Dean and DeLuca to buy your pears." She shook her head, remembering. "He waas going to school, and he had no money, so he stretched every penny like this -" She made a motion as if she were pulling on rubber band. "But he wanted you to have the best pears. For you, only the best would do.”
Judith McNaught
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“I'd like to shower and change clothes," she said. "Would you mind waiting for me a half hour?" The question seemed to amuse him. "Not at all," he said with exaggerated formality. "Please take all the time you need." Michael watched her walk away. Did he mind waiting a half hour for her? Not at all. He'd been waiting years for her.”
Judith McNaught
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“Christmas came three days ago.”
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“Do you know why I married you, Philip?""Presumably you wanted the financial security and social prestige I could offer."She chuckled at that and shook her head..."I believed," she confessed somberly, "I honestly believed that I had something to offer you too--something you needed. Do you know what it was?""I can't imagine.""I thought I could teach you how to laugh and enjoy life."Philip and Caroline”
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“How do you expect to keep our seeing each other a secret? You've been all over the news here for years. People will recognize you wherever you go.""I won't be recognized, but you will. You're America's corporate sex symbol; you're the one whose motto is "If it moves, take it to bed."Matt and Meredith”
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“You cannot outwit fate by placing little sidebets on the outcome of life. It's either you wade in and play in order to win or you don't play at all." - Matthew Farrell”
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“Did he happen to select a color too?""Blue.""Blue?" Victoria burst out, prepared to do physical battle for white.Madame nodded, her finger thoughtfully pressed to her lips, her own hand plunked upon her waist. "Yes, blue. Ice blue. He said you are glorious in that color-'a titian-haired angel,' he said"Victoria abruptly decided ice blue was a lovely color to be married in.”
Judith McNaught
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“Let me go.” “I can’t”, he said hoarsely, (…)” I’ve tried a hundred times to let you go, Victoria, but I can’t.”
Judith McNaught
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“Jason, stop this,” she pleaded. “You don’t want to kiss me. You don’t even like me more than a little when you aren’t foxed” A harsh laugh escaped him. “I like you too damned much!” he whispered bitterly, then pulled her head down and captured her lips in a demaning, scalding kiss that took everything and give nothing in return.”
Judith McNaught
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“Was it me you were discussing?” he countered with lifted brows. “I couldn’t tell from the description you were giving. Since when am I kind, considerate, refined, and amiable?” “You’re angry,” Victoria concluded on a sigh. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest and his arms tightened, drawing her close to his leann, muscular body. “I’m not angry,” he said in a husky, gentle voice. “I’m embarrassed”
Judith McNaught
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“Every fop and fool in London has been sniffing after her." Having said that, Jason returned his attention for the report. "Go ahead and read off the names, if you must." Frowning in surprise at Jason's dismissive attitude, Charles took the seat across the desk from him and put on his spectacles. "First, there is young Lord Crowley, who has already asked my permission to court her." "No. Too impulsive," Jason decreed flatly. "What makes you say so?" Charles said with a bewildered look. "Crowley doesn't know Victoria well enough to want to 'court' her, as you so quaintly phrased it." "Don't be ridiculous. The first four men on this list have already asked my permission to do the same thing- providing, of course, that your claim on her is not unbreakable.” “No, to all those four men- for the same reason,” Jason said curtly, leaning back in his chair, absorbed in the report in his hand. Who’s next?” “Crowley’s friend, Lord Wiltshire.” “Too young. Who’s next?” “Arthur Landcaster.” “Too short,” Jason said cryptically. “Next?” “William Rogers,” Charles shot back in a challenging voice, “and he’s tall, conservative, mature, intelligent, and handsome. He’s also the heir to one of the finest estates in England. I think he would do very well for Victoria.” “No.” “No?” Charles burst out. “Why not?” “I don’t like the way Roger sits a horse.” “You don’t like_” Charles bit out in angry disbelief; then he glanced at Jason’s implacable face and sighed. “Very well. The last name on my list is Lord Terrance. He sits horses extremely well, in addition to being and excellent chap. He is also tall, handsome, intelligent, and wealthy. Now,” he finished triumphantly, “what fault can you find with him?” Jason’s jaw tightened ominously.“I don’t like him.”
Judith McNaught
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“(...)Did she really tell Roddy Carstairs she could outshoot him with his own pistol?""No," Jason said dryly. "She told him that if he made one more improper advance to her, she would shoot him- and if she missed, she would turn Wolf loose on him. And if Wolf didn't finish the job, she had every faith I would." Jason chuckled and shook his head. "It's the first time I've been nominated for the role of hero. I was a little crushed, however, to be second choice after the dog.”
Judith McNaught
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“I was a fool! Loving someone who doesn't love you is hell! Don't ever let anyone convince you that you can be happy with someone who doesn't love you.”
Judith McNaught
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“Love can't be forced into existence,(...)It won't come simply because you will it to happen”
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“It would have hurt no matter who took you the first time.”
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“Jenny gaped at the rather comic spectacle, unable to believe her own eyes until Friar Gregory was so close she could actually see the stricken expression on his face. Rounding on her husband, sputtering in her furious indignation, she burst out, "You—you madman! You've stolen a priest this time! You've actually done it! You've stolen a priest right out of a holy priory!”
Judith McNaught
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“I love life, even when bad things happen to me. I can't stop loving it. Every season of the year comes with a promise that something wonderful is going to happen to me someday.”
Judith McNaught
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“Jennifer," he said, his voice sharp with dawning alarm, "where are you going?"A moment later, Aunt Elinor looked down from the gallery above and cheerfully replied, "She is going to have your baby, your grace."The serfs in the hall turned to exchange smiling glances, and one of them dashed off to spread the news to the scullions in the kitchen."Do not," Aunt Elinor warned in direst tones when Royce started up the stairs, "come up here. I am not inexperienced in these matters, and you will only be in the way. And do not worry," she added breezily, noting Royce's draining color. "The fact that Jenny's mother died in childbirth is nothing to be concerned about." Royce's tankard crashed to the stone floor.”
Judith McNaught
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“The amusement fled from Royce's face and with a groan he pulled her roughly against his chest, crushing her to him. "Jenny," he whispered hoarsely, burying his face in her fragrant hair. "Jenny, I love you."She melted against him, molding her body to the rigid contours of his, offering her lips up for his fierce, devouring kiss, then she took his face between both her hands. Leaning back slightly against his arm, her melting blue eyes gazing deeply into his, his wife replied in a shaky voice, "I think, my lord, I love you more.”
Judith McNaught
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“What were you thinking about justnow while you were looking out the window?" To his surprise, the question flustered her. "I—wasn't thinking.""Then what were you doing?" he asked, his curiosity aroused.A rueful smile touched her inviting lips, and she shot him a sideways look before turning back to thewindow. "I was… talking to God," she admitted. "'Tis a habit I have."Startled and slightly amused, Royce said, "Really? What did God have to say?""I think," she softly replied, "He said, 'You're welcome.' ""For what?" Royce teased.Lifting her eyes to his, Jenny solemnly replied, "For you.”
Judith McNaught
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“Royce's eyes narrowed in discouragement at the thoght of having to sing to jenny. his deep bariton voice would surely bring every hound for miles to yap and nip at his heels.”
Judith McNaught
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“Don't do this to us." He warned, his voice hoarse with angry desperation as he realize he was losing her. "You're letting eleven years of mistrust color everything you've discovered I've done".”
Judith McNaught
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