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Judy Nichols

Judy Nichols grew up in a Batavia, Ohio, a small town 20 miles east of Cincinnati. Now, along with her husband and daughter, she is lucky enough to live on the coast of North Carolina where she never has to drive in snow and the ocean is ten minutes away.

For no good reason, she decided to write a book while her infant daughter napped. Five years and several viewings of "Toy Story" later, her novel "Caviar Dreams" was finished, a murder mystery based in Cincinnati.

Her daughter is all grown up now, and Judy never stopped writing. Her books include two featuring journalist/single mom Kate Dennison: "Tree Huggers" and "The Reason for the Season" and the Ian Dodge Mystery series, following the cases of a British transplant living in rural North Carolina.

Any resemblance between Ian Dodge and her husband Nigel is purely intentional.

Her latest book is a Young Adult Paranormal Mystery titled "Echoes of Evil," available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Echoes-Evil-Ju...

In April of 2012, Judy achieved her lifelong dream of competing on the quiz show Jeopardy! She was a two day champion winning a total of $46,500 and the distinction of being officially named the smartest person in a room full of very smart people.

Judy is available to speak at book clubs, libraries, whatever either in person if you're near Wilmington, NC or via skpye. Contact her at judyfivecents@gmail.com.

“My glass is not only half-empty, I'm convinced someone spit in it.”
Judy Nichols
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“On the freeway of life, Lisa Watson was stuck at the entrance ramp, trapped behind a cautious old lady in a Buick.”
Judy Nichols
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“If you can work anywhere, anytime, then pretty soon you're working everywhere all the time.”
Judy Nichols
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