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Juli Caldwell

I've been writing since I could hold a crayon and probably made up stories in my head long before that. I was born in California and have lived all over the U.S., but I admit I'm partial to places with a good beach.

I hold a degree in English with a minor in psychology, which means I'm imagining what goes on in your head and putting it into my next book.

Just kidding.


I'm married to a guy you may call the big hairy man, and together we have two daughters who just might be crazier and more sarcastic than I am. We live near the Great Salt Lake where I spend my time playing chauffeur to the kids, writing, and trying to convince the dog not to shed on my couch.

“Sisters share a bond that no one can explain. They understand each other in a way not even girl friends can approach. Secrets, heartbreaks, codes, history, delights, and sheer happiness can be shared in a simple glance between sisters. Many have attempted to decipher the language between sisters, and many have failed. sisters everywhere understand the importance of the bond and respect the relationship in other sisters. There is nothing more prized to a women than the secrets she shares with her sisters.”
Juli Caldwell
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