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Julia Quinn

#1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, answered all of her history and geography questions correctly, and knew that there was a Da Vinci long before there was a code.

A graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, Ms. Quinn is one of only sixteen members of Romance Writers of America’s Hall of Fame. Her books have been translated into 32 languages, and she lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

The Bridgertons, her popular series of historical romance, is currently in production by Shondaland as a Netflix original series starring Julie Andrews, Phoebe Dynevor, and Rége-Jean Page.

“I have friends who have children, and they have told me how remarkable it is to have a new life that is a piece of your own flesh anf blood. But I --""I realized that I didn't love her because she was a piece of me, I loved her because she was a piece of you.”
Julia Quinn
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“Não preciso de ser mesmo boa. Só preciso de retirar prazer do que faço. E de saber que tentei.”
Julia Quinn
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“As far as bad ideas went, this stole the prize.”
Julia Quinn
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“It‟s not your fault you had no siblings,” he told her. “You have no experience in intrafamilial squabbles. Trust me, it all works out in the end. I predict we shall manage to get all four to adulthood with at least fifteen of their major limbs intact.”
Julia Quinn
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“Were you tempted?" "Of course not! Kate would slit my throat." "I'm not talking about what Kate would do to you if you strayed, although I'm of the opinion that she would not start at your throat.”
Julia Quinn
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“He'd been waiting for a love fraught with passion and drama; it hadn't even occurred to him that true love might be something that was utterly comfortable and just plain easy.”
Julia Quinn
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“There was a certain history to this. While heavily pregnant with Amelia, she had asked him if she was radiant or if she just looked like a waddling duck. He told her she’d looked like a radiant duck. This had not been the correct answer.”
Julia Quinn
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“Something important is always about to happen... And if not, you'd do well to act as if it were. You'll enjoy life better that way.”
Julia Quinn
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“And you, Lord Bridgerton," she replied in a tone that could have frozen champagne, "are almost as handsome as your brother."Colin snorted again, only this time it sounded as if he were being strangled."Are you all right?" Miss Sheffield asked."He's fine," Anthony barked.She ignored him, keeping her attention on Colin. "Are you certain?"Colin nodded furiously. 'Tickle in my throat.""Or perhaps a guilty conscience?" Anthony suggested.Colin turned deliberately from his brother to Kate. "I think I might need another glass of lemonade," he gasped."Or maybe," said Anthony, "something stronger. Hemlock, perhaps?”
Julia Quinn
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“I knew nothing but love and devotion when I was growing up. Trust me, it makes everything easier.”
Julia Quinn
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“He was proud and stubborn, and all the ton looked up to him. Men curried his favor, women flirted like mad. And all the while he'd been terrified every time he'd opened his mouth.”
Julia Quinn
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“Any man, you'll soon learn, has an insurmountable need to blame someone else when he is made to look a fool.”
Julia Quinn
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“Did you know I have always suspected that men were idiots," Daphne ground out, "but I was never positive until today.”
Julia Quinn
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“what a sad pair we are," she said. "Surely we can manage a conversation on a topic other than our respective terrible evenings.”
Julia Quinn
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“It was those eyes as much as anything that had earned him his reputation as a man to be reckoned with. When he stared at a person, clear and unwavering, men grew uncomfortable. Women positively shivered.”
Julia Quinn
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“It's the curse of motherhood. You're required to love us even when we vex you.”
Julia Quinn
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“I don't like your tone," was Violet's standard answer when one of her children was winning an argument.”
Julia Quinn
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“A gentleman might have stopped then. She had climaxed, and she was still a virgin, and he was probably a beast for wanting to make love to her fully, but he simply couldn't...not.She was his.But not, he was coming to realize, quite as much as he was hers.”
Julia Quinn
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“Siempre me pareció una tontería desear a una mujer que conversara apenar mejor que una oveja. ”
Julia Quinn
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“If someone loved you -someone decent and kind that is- you had a responsibility not to trample all over her heart. And while he had no intention of hurting Emma, he knew that he could injure her just by not loving her back. Of course, maybe, he did love her back.But then again, maybe she didn't love him in the first place. She hadn't actually said as much. He couldn't very well love someone back if she didn't love him first.He could, however, love her first.And that meant that he was going to have to convince her to love him back.But the question was moot anyway because he hadn't yet decided to love her.Or had he?”
Julia Quinn
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“He had to kiss her. He had to. It was as basic and elemental as his breath, his blood, his very soul. And when he did...The earth stopped spinning.The birds stopped singing.Everything in the world came to a halt, everything but him and her and the feather-light kiss that connected them.”
Julia Quinn
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“Love was the best present of all...”
Julia Quinn
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“No words for the passion. No words for the need. No words for the sheer epiphany of the moment. And so, on an otherwise unremarkable Friday afternoon, in the heart of Mayfair, in a quiet drawing room on Mount Street, Colin Bridgerton kissed Penelope Featherington. And it was glorious.”
Julia Quinn
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“Apakah orang bisa menghargai kesempurnaan bila hal itu merupakan sesuatu yang konstan dalam hidup mereka?”
Julia Quinn
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“A misunderstanding?" Elizabeth echoed. "With an anvil?""Oh, stop," Harriet admonished her. "I think he looks very dashing.""As if he dashed into an anvil.”
Julia Quinn
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“When he looked up at Annabel, he was just a man, looking at a woman, praying and hoping that she loved him the way he loved her.”
Julia Quinn
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“She'd spent seven long years without so much as a hug, and she was starved for physical affection. She had known what it was like to be touched and kissed, and she had no idea how much she'd missed it until that very moment.”
Julia Quinn
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“People saw what they expected to see. It was one of the basic truisms of life.”
Julia Quinn
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“Love works in mysterious ways,”
Julia Quinn
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“He’d tried so hard to convince himself that it didn’t matter if she loved him, that having her as his wife was enough. But now…Now that she’d said it, now that he knew, now that his heart had soared, he knew better.This was heaven.This was bliss.This was something he’d never dared hope to feel, something he never could have dreamed existed.This was love. --(Michael)”
Julia Quinn
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“And I hope you will not think me foolish when I also extend my thanks.Thank you, Michael, for letting my son love her first.—from Janet Stirling, dowager Countess of Kilmartin, to Michael Stirling, Earl of Kilmartin”
Julia Quinn
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“Oh, go right ahead,' she replied. 'You seem to have such an affinity for canines.' 'Clearly,' he shot back, keeping his voice low so that Mary could not hear, 'they are not so different from women. Both breeds hang on my every word.”
Julia Quinn
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“Watch over Honoria, will you? See she doesn't marry an idiot. (Daniel Smythe-Smith)”
Julia Quinn
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“You'll lose your audience and then where will we be? We have future gray-eyed babies to feed, you know.”
Julia Quinn
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“I vow to spend the rest of my life keeping your hands and feet warm.”
Julia Quinn
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“What are you doing here?"Lady Vickers asked, turning her frosty glare to Sebastian."Exactly what you think, my lady," he said.”
Julia Quinn
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“Annabel stared at the door, then turned to Sebastian, feeling quite dazed. "I think my grandmother may have just given me permission to ruin myself.""I'll do all the ruining tonight," he said with a grin. "If you don't mind.”
Julia Quinn
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“I think your eyes might be the exact same color as mine," she said wonderingly."What fine gray-eyed babies we shall have," he said, before he thought the better of it.”
Julia Quinn
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“You've already danced with him," Louisa said.Annabel nodded. "I know.""People will talk."Annabel turned and blinked, trying to set her cousin's face into focus. "People are already talking," she said.Louisa opened her mouth as if she planned to say more, but then she just smiled. "Annabel Winslow," she said softly, "I do believe you are falling in love."That snapped Annabel right out of her daze. "I'm not.""Oh, you are.""I hardly know him.""Apparently you know enough.”
Julia Quinn
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“I love you," he said, and it felt as if the whole world settled into place when he finally told her. "I love you, and I cannot bear the thought of a moment without you. I want you at my side and in my bed. I want you to bear my children, and I want every bloody person in the world to know that you are mine.”
Julia Quinn
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“This has been a perfect day," Anne said quietly. "Almost," Daniel whispered, and then she was in his arms again. He kissed her, but it was different this time. Less urgent. Less fiery. The touch of their lips was achingly soft, and maybe it didn't make her feel crazed, like she wanted to press herself against him and take him within her. Maybe instead he made her feel weightless, as if she could take his hand and float away, just as long as he never stopped kissing her. Her entire body tingled, and she stood on her tiptoes, almost waiting for the moment she left the ground. And then he broke the kiss, pulling back just far enough to rest his forehead against hers. "There," he said, cradling her face in his hands. "Now it's a perfect day.”
Julia Quinn
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“Lucy nodded dutifully, all the while making a mental list of all the places she would rather be. Paris, Venice, Greece, although weren’t they at war? No matter. She would still rather be in Greece.(On the Way to the Wedding, Bridgertons #8, by Julia Quinn)”
Julia Quinn
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“What did one say when a gentleman confessed to a shortcoming? She couldn’t recall ever hearing one do so before, but surely, sometime in the course of history, some gentleman had.(Lucy about Gregory, On the Way to the Wedding, Bridgertons #8, by Julia Quinn).”
Julia Quinn
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“But Hyacinth Bridgerton, who at ten should have known the least about kisses of anyone, just blinked thoughtfully, and said, “I think it's nice. If they're laughing now, they'll probably be laughing forever.” She turned to her mother. “Isn't that a good thing?”
Julia Quinn
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“The slanted light of dawn was rippling through the windowpane, and Miss Anne Sainsbury was huddled beneath her thin blanket, wondering, as she often did, where she would find money for her next meal."That was really good. Even he wanted to know what happened to Miss Sainsbury, and he was making it up.”
Julia Quinn
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“Then it’s settled,” Harriet said. “We shall work out the smaller roles later.”“What about you?” Elizabeth demanded.“Oh, I’m going to be the goddess of the sun and moon.”“The tale gets stranger and stranger,” Daniel said.“Just wait until act seven,” Miss Wynter told him.“Seven?” His head snapped up. “There are seven acts?”“Twelve,” Harriet corrected, “but don’t worry, you’re in only eleven of them. Now then, Miss Wynter, when do you propose that we begin our rehearsals? And may we do so out of doors? There is a clearing by the gazebo that would be ideal.”
Julia Quinn
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“But looking beautiful isn't, I think, as important as feeling beautiful,”
Julia Quinn
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“Turner let his face fell into his hands. "I'm never going to touch her again", he moaned. "He's never going to touch me again!" they heard Miranda roar."Well,it doesn't look like you'll have much argument from your wife on that point", Olivia chirped.”
Julia Quinn
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“All of this presupposes that I have set my sights on a single male.' Susan's eyes bugged out. 'You certainly cannot set your signs on a married man!' 'I meant a particular man,' Elizabeth retorted, swatting her sister on the shoulder.”
Julia Quinn
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“If looks could have killed, Susan would have been bleeding profusely from the forehead.”
Julia Quinn
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