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Julia Quinn

#1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, answered all of her history and geography questions correctly, and knew that there was a Da Vinci long before there was a code.

A graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, Ms. Quinn is one of only sixteen members of Romance Writers of America’s Hall of Fame. Her books have been translated into 32 languages, and she lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

The Bridgertons, her popular series of historical romance, is currently in production by Shondaland as a Netflix original series starring Julie Andrews, Phoebe Dynevor, and Rége-Jean Page.

“You're twisting my words.""I think you are doing a fine job of twisting them yourself.”
Julia Quinn
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“He was discovering that may be there was more him than his name. And may be, when all was said and done, he'd still be whole.”
Julia Quinn
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“What is there not to like about cupids?""You don't find them rather dangerous?""Chubby little babies?""Carrying deadly weapons.”
Julia Quinn
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“We plan to avoid cupids," Mr. Audley said."Cupids?" Amelia echoed. Good heavens, he did move from topic to topic.He shrugged. "I have discovered that I am not fond of them."How could anyone not be fond of cupids?”
Julia Quinn
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“ Amelia, do meet my cousin.Your cousin?Indeed. He might be the duke.Then who are you?Excellent question.”
Julia Quinn
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“There was a huge difference between dislike and disregard.”
Julia Quinn
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“Nonetheless, I can't help but be flattered that you noticed the latest addition to my collection," he said.She rolled her eyes. "Because personal injuries are such a dignified thing to collect.""Are all governesses so sarcastic?”
Julia Quinn
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“What happened to your face?" Harriet asked."It was a misunderstanding," Daniel said smoothly, wondering how long it might take for his bruises to heal. He did not think he was particularly vain, but the questions were growing tiresome."A misunderstanding?" Elizabeth echoed. "With an anvil?""Oh, stop," Harriet admonished her. "I think he looks very dashing." "As if he dashed into an anvil.""Pay no attention," Harriet said to him. "She lacks imagination.”
Julia Quinn
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“She was petite, small in that way that made a man want to slay dragons.”
Julia Quinn
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“It wasn‟t even desire. It was far more than that.It was love.Love. With a capital L and swirly script and hearts and flowers and whatever else the angels—and yes, all those annoying little cupids—wished to use for embellishment.”
Julia Quinn
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“I don‟t know what to say,” she whispered.“Normally, I‟d advise „thank you,‟ but as I am the one thanking you, a mere „You are a princeamong men‟ would suffice.”
Julia Quinn
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“His hand was on her arm, and he could feel her skin, feel the soft warmthof it, and then when he looked down, her face was tilted toward his, and her eyes, deep and bluebut so completely unmysterious, were gazing up at him, and in truth there was no way—simplyno way—he could do anything in that moment but kiss her.Anything else would have been a tragedy.”
Julia Quinn
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“Will you leave my companion alone!” the dowager barked.He sighed and shook his head toward Miss Eversleigh. “She‟s so domineering, don‟t you think?”Miss Eversleigh blushed. Truly, it was the prettiest pink he‟d ever seen.“Pity about these bindings,” he continued. “We do seem to be caught in a romantic moment,your employer‟s acidic presence aside, and it would be far easier to drop one exquisite kiss onthe back of your hand were I able to lift it with one of mine.”
Julia Quinn
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“Lovely house,” Jack said, as he was led—hands still bound—through the grand entrance ofBelgrave. He turned to the old lady. “Did you decorate? It has that woman‟s touch.”Miss Eversleigh was trailing behind, but he could hear her choke back a bubble of laughter.“Oh, let it out, Miss Eversleigh,” he called over his shoulder. “Much better for yourconstitution.”
Julia Quinn
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“Very well,” he said with a small sigh. “Ladies today are so very capable. It breaks my hea rt,really.” He leaned in, almost as if sharing a secret. “No one likes to feel superfluous.”Grace just stared at him.“Rendered mute by my grace and charm,” he said, stepping back to allow them to exit. “Ithappens all the time. Really, I shouldn‟t be allowed near the ladies. I have such a vexing effecton you.”
Julia Quinn
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“I have to go out,” she said, her words oddly curt and abrupt. “There‟s something I need to do.”“At half eight in the morning?”“I‟ll be back soon,” she said, hurrying toward the door. “Don‟t go anywhere.”“Well, damn,” he tried to joke, “there go my plans to visit the King.”
Julia Quinn
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“No man of any intelligence would pretend to know a female mind.”
Julia Quinn
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“Bridgerton,” he grunted. Damn damn damn. Colin Bridgerton was the last person he wanted to see right now. Even the ghost of Napoleon, come down to slice a rapier through his gullet, would have been preferable.”
Julia Quinn
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“Michael, I am most pleased to see you up and about and looking so fine and healthy.”He inclined his head, thanking her for the compliment.She dabbed the corners of her mouth daintily with her napkin. “But now you must attend to your responsibilities as the earl.”He groaned.“Don‟t be so petulant,” Janet said. “No one is going to hang you up by your thumbs. All I was going to say is that you must go to the tailor and make sure you have proper evening clothes.”“Are you certain I can‟t donate my thumbs instead?”
Julia Quinn
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“Daniel immediately knelt at her side, pulling her close. “It’s all right,” he murmured. “Everything is going to be all right.”Anne shook her head. “No, it’s not.” She looked up, her eyes shining with love. “It’s going to be so much better.”
Julia Quinn
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“He was trying not to grin, but it was exceedingly difficult with Lady Penwood gasping like a fish on land.”
Julia Quinn
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“Sophie shook her head, completely unable to speak. Posy had knocked her breath clear to Scotland.”
Julia Quinn
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“It was cold. Really cold. And there was an awful scurrying noise that definitely belong to a small, four-legged creature.Or even worse, a large, four-legged creature. Or to be more precise, a large version of a small, four-legged creature.Rats."Oh,God," Sophie moaned. She didn't often take the Lord's name in vain, but now seemed as good a time as any to start. Maybe He would hear, and maybe He would smite the rats. Yes, that would do very nicely.A big jolt of lightning. Huge. Of biblical proportions. It could hit the earth, spread little electrical tentacles around the globe, and sizzle all the rats dead.It was a lovely dream. Right up there with the ones in which she found herself living happily ever after as Mrs. Benedict Bridgerton.Sophie took a quick gasp as a sudden stab of pain pierced her heart. Of the two dreams, she feared that the genocide of the rats might be the more likely to come true.”
Julia Quinn
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“Forty-five minutes later, Benedict was slouching in his chair, his eyes glazed. Every now and then he had to stop and make sure his mouth wasn't hanging open.His mother's conversation was that boring.The young lady she had wanted to discuss with him had actually turned out to be seven young ladies, each of which she assured him was better than the last.Benedict thought he might go mad. Right here in his mother's sitting room he was going to go stark, raving mad. He'd suddenly pop out of his chair, fall to the floor in a frenzy his arms and legs waving, mouth frothing-"Benedict, are you even listening to me?"He looked up and blinked. Damn. Now he would have to focus on his mother's list of possible brides. The prospect of losing his sanity had been infinitely more appealing.”
Julia Quinn
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“But if he had indeed blushed-and his cheeks did feel a touch warm-neither of his brothers saw it, because they didn't say anything, and if there was anything in life as certain as, say, the sun rising in the east,it was that a Bridgerton never passed up the opportunity to tease and torment another Bridgerton."She's been talking about Penelope Featherington nonstop," Colin said with a scowl. "I tell you, I've known the girl since we were both in short pants. Er, since I was in short pants, at least. She was in..." He scowled some more, because both his brothers were laughing at him. "She was in whatever it is that young girls wear.""Frocks?" Anthony supplied helpfully."Petticoats?" was Benedict's suggestion. "The point is," Colin said forcefully, "that I have known her forever, and I can assure you I am not likely to fall in love with her."Anthony turned to Benedict and said, "They'll be married within a year.Mark my words."Colin crossed his arms. "Anthony!""Maybe two," Benedict said. "He's young yet.""Unlike you," Colin retorted. "Why am I besiged by Mother, I wonder? Good God, you're thirty-one-""Thirty," Benedict snapped."Regardless, one would think you'd be getting the brunt of it.”
Julia Quinn
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“She glared at him. "I'm not asking you to apologize.""Well, that's a relief.I doubt I could find the words.”
Julia Quinn
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“Sophie stared at the door, trying desperately to keep her eyes focused on anything but Benedict. She'd spent all week hoping for a glimpse,but now that he was here, all she wanted was to escape. If she looked at his face, her eyes inevitably strayed to his lips. And if she looked at his lips, her thoughts immediately went to their kiss. And if she thought about the kiss..."I need that thimble," she blurted out, jumping to her feet. There were some things one just shouldn't think about in public."So you said," Benedict murmured, one of his eyebrows quirking up into a perfect-and perfectly arrogant-arch."It's downstairs," she muttered. "In my room.""But your room is upstairs," Hyacinth said.Sophie could have killed her. "That's what I said," she ground out."No," Hyacinth said in a matter-of-fact tone, "you didn't.""Yes," Lady Bridgerton said, "she did. I heard her."Sophie twisted her head sharply to look at Lady Bridgerton and knew in an instant that the older woman had lied. "I have to get that thimble," she said, for what seemed like the thirtieth time. She hurried toward the doorway, gulping as she grew close to Benedict."Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself," he said, stepping aside to allow her through the doorway.But as she brushed past him, he leaned forward, whispering, "Coward.”
Julia Quinn
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“What are you up to?" she asked."Why would you think I'm up to anything?"Her lips pursed before she said, "You wouldn't be you if you weren't up to something."He smiled at that. "I do believe that was a compliment.""It wasn't necessarily intended as such.""But nonetheless," he said mildly, "that's how I choose to take it.”
Julia Quinn
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“...there us a difference you know, between the male and the female ghost-""What is the difference?" Georgina asked."Oh, the male ghost is obsessed with venegemce, I find." Lear said, drinking again."And what are females obsessed by?" Hugh asked."Prick songs," Lear said. "Snogging. Same as when they are alive, really.”
Julia Quinn
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“I would be pleased to participate in this conversation to a greater degree," he drawled, "except that you have not seen fit to share with me any of the details of your life.""It was not an oversight on my part."He clucked disapprovingly. "So hostile."Her eyes bugged out. "You abducted me-"Coerced," he reminded her."Do you want me to hit you?""I wouldn't mind it," he said mildly. "And besides, now that you're here, was it really so very terrible that I browbeat you into coming? You like my family, don't you?""Yes,but-""And they treat you fairly, right?""Yes,but-""Then what," he asked, his tone most supercilious, "is the problem?"Sophie almost lost her temper. She almost jumped to her feet and grabbed his shoulders and shook and shook and shook, but at the last moment she realized that that was exactly what he wanted her to do.And so instead she merely sniffed and said, "If you cannot recognize the problem, there is no way that I could explain it to you."He laughed,damn the man. "My goodness," he said, "that was an expert sidestep."She picked up her book and opened it. "I'm reading.""Trying,at least," he murmured.She flipped a page, even though she hadn't read that last two paragraphs. She was really just trying to make a show of ignoring him, and besides, she could always go back and read them later, after he left."Your book is upside down," he pointed out. Sophie gasped and looked down. "It is not!"He smiled slyly. "But you still had to look to be sure, didn't you?"She stood up and announced, "I'm going inside."He stood immediately. "And leave the splendid spring air?""And leave you," she retorted, even though his gesture of respect was not lost on her. Gentleman did not ordinarily stand for mere servants."Pity," he murmured. "I was having such fun."Sophie wondered how much injury he'd sustain if she threw the book at him. Probably not enough to make up for the loss to her dignity.”
Julia Quinn
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“You don't understand how fragile life is. You don't realize that the thread breaks between one moment and the next.”
Julia Quinn
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“It was so strange how someone could love another person so much and so well but still not understand what made her happy.”
Julia Quinn
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“And then Alec had a providient thought. "D'you want my sister?""Octavia!" Hugh gasped at him. "isn't she twelve?""She's nineteen.""I can't marry her. I'd keep picturing her as twelve.”
Julia Quinn
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“So now you're jumping out at me from closets?""Of course not." He looked affronted. "That was a staircase."Sophie peered around him. It was the side staircase. The servants' staircase. Certainly not anyplace a family member would just happen to be walking. "Do you often creep down the side staircase?" she asked, crossing her arms.He leaned forward, just close enough to make her slightly ucomfortable, and, although she would never admit it to anyone, barely even herself, slightly excited. "Only when I want to sneak up on someone.”
Julia Quinn
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“I am beggining to realise," Alex murmured, "why people always hope for sons. It has nothing to do with producing an heir.""That was unkind," Octavia said, not sounding the least bit insulted."Females are a prodigious amount of work.”
Julia Quinn
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“What are you smiling about?" Benedict demanded.She didn't bother to glance up as she replied, "I'm plotting your demise."He grinned-not that she was looking at him, but it was one of those smiles she could hear in the way he breathed.She hated that she as that sensitive to his every nuance. Especially since she had a sneaking suspicion that he was the same way about her."At least it sounds entertaining,"he said."What does?" she asked, finally moving her eyes from the lower hem of the curtain, which she'd been staring at for what seemed like hours."My demise," he said, his smile crooked and amused. "If you're going to kill me, you might as well enjoy yourself while you're at it, because Lord knows, I won't."Her jaw dropped a good inch. "You're mad," she said.”
Julia Quinn
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“Why didn't you just let me run home?" she asked."I wanted you here," he said simply."But why?" she persisted.He shrugged. "I don't know.Punishment, perhaps, for spying on me.""I wasn't-" Sophie's denial was automatic, but she cut herself off halfway through, because of course she'd been spying on him."Smart girl," he murmured.She scowled at him. She would have liked to have said something utterly droll and witty, but she had a feeling that anything emerging from her mouth just then would have been quite the opposite,so she held her tongue. Better to be a silent fool than a talkative one."It's very bad to spy on one's host," he said, planting his hands on his hips and somehow managing to look both authoritative and relaxed at the same time."It as an accident," she grumbled."Oh,I believe you there," he said. "But even if you didn't intend to spy on me, the fact remains that when the opportunity arose, you took it.""Do you blame me?"He grinned. "Not at all.I would have done precisely the same thing."Her mouth fell open."Oh,don't pretend to be offended," he said."I'm not pretending."He leaned a bit closer. "To tell the truth, I'm quite flattered.""It was academic curiosity," she ground out, "I assure you."His smile grew sly. "So you're telling me that you would have spied upon any naked man you'd come across?""Of course not!""As I said," he drawled, leaning back against a tree, "I'm flattered.”
Julia Quinn
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“She looked down at her sketch pad. She'd been drawing a rabbit. She decided to give him unpleasant teeth. Vicious little bunny. Excellent.”
Julia Quinn
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“They don't have to all be maidens.""Well, that's very liberal of you," Caroline said with a sisterly smirk. "But since I can hardly hand out a questionnaire as regards their experiences in that regard, we'll have to leave it there.”
Julia Quinn
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“I heard her ask Lord Nebel how many sheep he was running on his estate. He didn't even know he was running sheep.""I have sheep, but from the look of it, all they do is eat. No running.”
Julia Quinn
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“He is asking Caroline to produce a list," Georgina explained."What sort of list?" Finchley asked."A list of women to marry," Hugh said feeling as if his idea had been a stupid one. Now even Finchbird would take the piss out of him as well."I find that one wife is more than enough," his brother-in-law said grinning.”
Julia Quinn
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“But Benedict Bridgerton was obviously determined not to be a gentleman this afternoon, because when she moved one of her feet-just to flex her toes, which were falling asleep in her shoes, honest!-barely half a second passed before he growled, "Don't even think about it.""I wasn't!" she protested. "My foot was falling asleep. And hurry up! It can't possibly take so long to get dressed.""Oh?" he drawled."You're doing this just to torture me," she grumbled."You may feel free to face me at any time," he said, his voice laced with quiet amusement. "I assure you that I asked you to turn your back for the sake of your sensibilities, not mine.”
Julia Quinn
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“You'll stay," he said firmly."But-"He crossed his arms. "Do I look like a man in the mood to be argued with?"She stared at him mutinously. "If you run," he warned, "I will catch you."Sophie eyed the distance between them, then tried to judge the distance back to My Cottage.If he stopped to pull on his clothing she might have a chance of escaping, but if he didn't..."Sophie," he said, "I can practically see the steam coming out of your ears. Stop taxing your brain with useless mathematical computations and do as I asked."One of her feet twitched. Whether it was itching to run home or merely turn around, she'd never know."Now," he ordered.With a loud sigh and grumble, Sophie crossed her arms and turned around to stare at a knothole in the tree trunk in front of her as if her very life depended on it The inferal man wasn't being particularly quiet as he went about his business, and she couldn't seem to keep herself from listening to and trying to identify every sound that rustled and splashed behind her.Now he was emerging from the water, now he was reaching for his breeches, now he was...It was no use.She had a dreadfully wicked imagination, and there was no getting around it.He should have just let her return to the house. Instead she was forced to wait, utterly mortified, while he dressed. Her skin felt like it was on fire, and she was certain her cheeks must be eight different shades of red. A gentleman would have let her weasle out of her embarrassment and hole up in her room back at the house for at least three days in hopes that he'd just forget about the entire affair.”
Julia Quinn
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“He saw nothing but the gentle ruffling of the leaves in the wind, but as he finished his sweep of the area, he somehow knew."Sophie!"He heard a gasp, followed by a huge flurry of activity."Sophie Beckett," he yelled, "if you run from me right now, I swear I will follow you,and I will not take the time to don my clothing."The noises coming from the shore slowed."I will catch up with you," he continued, "because I'm stronger and faster. And I might very well feel compelled to tackle you to the ground, just to be certain you do not escape."The sounds of her movements ceased."Good," he grunted. "Show yourself."She didn't."Sophie," he warned.There was a beat of silence, followed by the sound of slow, hesitant footsteps, and then he saw her, standing on the shore in one of those awful dresses he'd like to see sunk to the bottom of the Thames."What are you doing here?" he demanded."I went for a walk.What are you doing here?" she countered. "You're supposed to be ill.That-" she waved her arm toward him and, by extension, the pond- "can't possibly be good for you."He ignored her question and comment. "Were you following me?""Of course not," she replied, and he rather believed her. He didn't think she possessed the acting talents to fake that level of righteousness."I would never follow you to a swimming hole," she continued. "It would be indecent."And then her face went completely red, because they both knew she hadn't a leg to stand on with that argument. If she had truly been concerned about decency, she'd have left the pond the second she'd seen him, accidentally or not.”
Julia Quinn
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“She slid a slim volume of poetry off the shelf and returned to her chair, swishing her rather unnattractive skirts before she sat down.Benedict frowned. He'd never really noticed before how ugly her dress was. Not as bad as the one Mrs. Cabtree had lent her, but certainly not anything designed to bring out the best in a woman. He ought to buy her a new dress. She would never accept it,of course, but maybe if her current garments were accidentally burned..."Mr. Bridgerton?"But how could he manage to burn her dress? She'd have to not be wearing it, and that posed a certain challenge in and of itself..."Are you even listening to me?" Sophie demanded."Hmmm?""You're not listening to me.""Sorry," he admitted. "My apologies. My mind got away from me. Please continue."She began anew, and in his attempt to show how much attention he was paying her, he focused his eyes on her lips, which proved to be a big mistake.Because suddenly those lips were all he could see, and he couldn't stop thinking about kissing her, and he knew- absolutely knew-that if one of them didn't leave the room in the next thirty seconds, he was going to do something for which he'd owe her a thousand apologies.Not that he didn't plan to seduce her. Just that he'd rather do it with a bit more finesse."Oh, dear," he blurted out.Sophie gave him an odd look. He didn't blame her. He sounded like a complete idiot. He didn't think he'd uttered the phrase, "Oh,dear," in years. If ever.Hell,he sounded like his mother."Is something wrong?" Sophie asked."I just remembered something," he said, rather stupidly, in his opinion.She raised her brows in question."Something that I'd forgotten," Benedict said."The things one remembers," she said, looking exceedingly amused, "are most often things one had forgotten.”
Julia Quinn
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“Her hand tightened around the handle of the serving spoon."Don't do it," he warned."Do what?""Throw the spoon.""I wouldn't dream of it," she said tightly.He laughed aloud. "Oh,yes you would. You're dreaming of it right now. You just wouldn't do it."Sophie's hand was gripping the spoon so hard it shook.Benedict was chuckling so hard his bed shook.Sophie stood,still holding the spoon.Benedict smiled. "Are you planning to take that with you?"Remember your place, Sophie was screaming at herself. Remember your place."Whatever could you be thinking." Benedict mused, "to look so adorably ferocious? No,don't tell me," he added. "I'm sure it involves my untimely and painful demise."Slowly and carefully, Sophie turned her back to him and put the spoon down on the table. She didn't want to risk any sudden movements. One false move and she knew she'd be hurling it at his head.Benedict raised his brows approvingly. "That was very mature of you."Sophie turned around slowly. "Are you this charming with everyone or only me?""Oh,only you." He grinned. "I shall have to make sure you take me up on my offer to find you employment with my mother.You do bring out the best in me, Miss Sophie Beckett.""This is the best?" she asked with obvious disbelief."I'm afraid so.”
Julia Quinn
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“Simon stopped breathing until her forefinger touched his nipple, and then his hand shot up to cover hers. "I want you," he said.Her eyes flicked downward, and her lips curved ever so slightly. "I know.""No," he groaned, pulling her closer. "I want to be in your heart. I want-" His entire body shuddered when their skin touched. "I want to be in your soul.”
Julia Quinn
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“I was told once that the most important part of a fight is making sure your opponent looks worse than you do when you’re through.”
Julia Quinn
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“I won’t be satisfied with anything less than everything,”
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“Love is blind,” Harriet quipped.“But not illiterate,” Elizabeth retorted.”
Julia Quinn
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