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julia woodman

Using my nickname Jay Woodman, I have published a lot of poetry in mags around the world and 17 collections of my own work. I am available as a poet for readings and/or workshops in schools, bookshops, festivals, etc.


I used to publish and edit the environmental mag "And What of Tomorrow?" and then the Poetry and Art mag "Rustic Rub", which was respected for attracting vital new poets as well as established ones.

My real name is Julia Woodman, and I'm a writer and therapist offering books and articles, plus phone or email advice and support via my Radiance-Solutions.co.uk website : holistic health, nutrition, life coaching, personal and spiritual development, stress management, counselling, families, young people, relationships, communication, current issues, consciousness, self-empowerment, nature, creativity, healing, meditation.....

Non-Fiction Books forthcoming are - "No Paradox - Living both in and outside of the Matrix", and my book "Intent-Aware - Tools for Our Conscious Journeying" has actually been broken down into several shorter books, available on the guides page of my website


My facebook page for these is https://www.facebook.com/WritingsOfJu...

After that I am writing "Back to The Garden" for which there is an open group on facebook for people to join in with - http://www.facebook.com/groups/471253... This includes information on community sustainability and global meditation link-ups.

I also have plenty of ideas for fiction, and have started the first (literary) novel of a compelling series with a unique overall concept.

As Julia Woodman, I‘m on SoundCloud, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and have a google blog - http://juliawoodmanwriterandtherapist... and a wordpress blog - http://radiancesolutions.wordpress.com/

I am on Amazon as Jay Woodman and my Jay poet page on facebook is http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jay-Woo...

Apart from useful articles, affirmations, etc, my website also contains a route to buying my poetry books, tapes and CD's, an Inspiration page, including lots of quotations, and some ImagineOgram pages - inspiring, beautiful or funny - art, photos, quotes or fun quips. There is also a section of my website called The Love Pages - http://www.radiance-solutions.co.uk/t...

Namaste, Julia / Jay / Joules -

“good dreams can be inspirations to bring in to make reality fantastic enough to share”
julia woodman
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