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Julie Anne Peters

Julie Anne Peters was born in Jamestown, New York. When she was five, her family moved to the Denver suburbs in Colorado. Her parents divorced when she was in high school. She has three siblings: a brother, John, and two younger sisters, Jeanne and Susan.

Her books for young adults include Define "Normal" (2000), Keeping You a Secret (2003), Luna (2004), Far from Xanadu (2005), Between Mom and Jo (2006), grl2grl (2007), Rage: A Love Story (2009), By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead (2010), She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not... (2011), It's Our Prom (So Deal with It) (2012), and Lies My Girlfriend Told Me (2014). Her young adult fiction often feature lesbian characters and address LGBT issues. She has announced that she has retired from writing, and Lies My Girlfriend Told Me will be her last novel. She now works full-time for the Colorado Reading Corps.

“Take it as a token. Because tomorrow when I go, I want you to believe friends are possible.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“This is my fault. Mine. Making her think I'd be here for her.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Don't choose me. I'm not worth your time.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“What did she see in me? What does she see that I don't?”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I don't have alot of people to talk to. Not alot of people are worth my time.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“But you'd sell your soul for it, wouldn't you? For one day of feeling beautiful.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“People don't change. There are two kinds of people in the world: winners and losers. Black and white. I don't know where gray fits in, or if you can even live in that shade.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Why am i here? What's my purpose?”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Life is so unfair.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“As they were carting him off on a gurney, all I could think was, I wish that was me.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I wish I was invisible to him, to everyone.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“She'll go to hell. They all will. If hell will even have them.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“But its not funny. Not to people who've been told they're losers their whole lives and believe they will never be anything else.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I hated him. I hated them all. They made me hate myself even more than I already did.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Yeah, I hear the truth. But this is my truth.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I got singled out. I don't know why. Why do people always target me? Is it because I'm short and they figure I can't fight back? They're right, I can't, but it's not because I'm vertically challenged.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I think about my choice. Either outcome is bleak. If I stay and live through high school, go to college, get a job, what will ever change? This blackness inside will never go away. I don't make friends; I'll always be alone. If I go, at least there's hope of peace. Chance of a new and better life on the other side.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Who becomes you? No one. No one should become me. When I die, I don't want my body or soul inhabited. I wouldn't wish me on anyone.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I throw him two bones: a smile and a nod. Both lies.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“My parents will be sad for a while, and they may even blame themselves, the way they do now. Eventually they'll come to peace with my decision. I hope they'll realize I'm finally at peace.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I'm all she's got and if I don't make it this time . . ." You'll pass through the light. A ribbon of guilt twists my stomach. I'm all Kim and Chip have too. But the difference is, they'll be better off without me.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Never question the sanity of a woman who can render you defenseless with a look.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“This is my vision-what I imagine I'll pass through on my way to the light. The blue sky, the clouds, the rays of light.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“No one else knows I'm alive, which means they won't notice when I'm gone.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“She's still doing it, pushing me into situations I can't handle, making me cope. She knows I can't cope.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Do what, Kim? Lead a normal life? Too late. Way too late.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“There's no reason to speak. I have nothing to say.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“You can't trust machines. You can't trust people.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I had to fight so hard not to cry.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“They didn't guarantee you'd come out a whole person.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“The truth remains. I was, and am, disgusted with myself.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“That's love? To let someone beat you and be hateful to you? These people are all so... Weak. Powerless to change their lives. I know the feeling. All you can do is take it. No one understands how it beats you down.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Like anyone cared where I was, or who I was.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I don't have to answer. Until you know the question.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I suppose I'll be remembered as dull. Timid. No one ever knew me. People came. They went. I was kind, I think. Not sympathetic, but considerate of others. I always gave up my place in line. I loaned out pencils and paper, or let people take them from me. I never reported a sexual assault.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I know it's hard on her. If I don't tell her she'll kill me." He pauses. "That was supposed to be funny.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I'd decided to write him and tell him to leave me alone. Please, in a nice way, go away, I really can't deal with you.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Why couldn't I have a fatal disease? It'd be so much easier.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I hear you. I just don't believe a word you say.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I may be fat and ugly, but I'm not stupid. If anyone had ever gotten past my looks, they might've noticed I have a brain.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“At times like this, I'm thankful I don't feel love.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“You would never understand, Kim. You think I'm normal; you wish I was.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I'm going to die a virgin. I like the thought if it. So pure.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Oh sure. Because we always talk about deep down stuff.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I knew right then and there nothing was ever going to change. It wouldn't matter if I was tall or short or fat or thin or absent every day. I was a loser from birth.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Who will see you through the darkness? "Me," I key in the answer. "I'll find my own way.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“I won't be alive so I won't care who finds me.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“It was her way of saying, "You should kill yourself.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“Girls scare me more than boys. Boys are cruel. Girls are mean.”
Julie Anne Peters
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“There's always a way out. All you have to do is take it.”
Julie Anne Peters
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