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Julie Berry

“You." I gasped."Me," he agreed, amused.”
Julie Berry
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“There's room.”
Julie Berry
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“I understand you're a common street thief?"Peter bristled. "Hardly a common one.”
Julie Berry
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“Beauty hovers around you wherever you go, which is why these two poor young men chase after you when you're covered in dirt and dressed in rages. Not beauty of the face or form. Something eternal.”
Julie Berry
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“But I did consider you," Peter assured me. "For quite a while. About half an hour. Beatrix wasn't too happy with me.”
Julie Berry
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“Come, come," I said. "You may be a lord someday, but you aren't one yet. No need for the courtly manners, and certainly not the moody temper. If you're to be my escort tonight, I insist you be a cheery one. You can even insult me if you like. It always makes you feel better.”
Julie Berry
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“I don't suppose you believe love could last forever."I'd hurt him. I looked away, chagrined."You're mistaken," I said. "I do believe it could. But it would depend upon the lovers."He folded his arms and watched me, forcing me to return his gaze. Oh, those eyes."And what kind of lovers must they be?" he asked.The You-and-Me kind?”
Julie Berry
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