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Julie Gittus

Julie lives on a tidal inlet on Westernport Bay in Victoria, Australia. Her stories have been broadcast on radio and included in Australian anthologies and journals. She's worked as an early literacy consultant, a Read Aloud facilitator, as well as lots of other roles, most of which involved a love of books.

Her new young adult novel Messages For Sun is an expanded edition of Saltwater Moons published by Hachette Livre in 2008 and no longer in print. Copyright restrictions required the replacement of the original poems, leading to a re-write and the addition of an extra chapter at the end. Julie hopes the added elements will come close to satisfying the readers who were keen for Saltwater Moons to continue.

“Time stretched, expanded so there was just him and me and the closenss, and I thought how it was all very well to tell yourself what you should and shouldn't feel but in the end the should word didn't make the slightest scrap of difference.”
Julie Gittus
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“It was time for me to go, to accept the dream was over and the poem exchange meant nothing; that the person I though I was no longer existed.”
Julie Gittus
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“But no one ever explains how it's the little choices that send your life careening in another direction, like deciding to send a poem in the mail or saying yest to a walk on a moonless night.”
Julie Gittus
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“But I don't believe coincidences are chance events. I think they're the times we happen to see the mysterious pattern connecting everything.”
Julie Gittus
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“People say that it's the big decisions that are important... that these are the type of issues worthy of prolonged consideration. But no one ever explains how it's the little choices that send your life careening in another direction.”
Julie Gittus
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