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Julie Kagawa

“The lesser of two evils was still evil.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I have good news and bad news The good news is that the jeep is still where we left it, and I got the damned thing working again.""What's the bad news?""Something took my fuzzy dice.”
Julie Kagawa
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“For the rest of my existence, if I lived to see the end of this world, there would never be another Ezekiel Crosse. There would never be another soul as bright as his. And that both terrified me and made me savagely - and maybe selfishly - determined to keep him. Zeke was mine now. Forever.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You're still beautiful and dangerous and incredible, and I'll keep telling you that for as long as it takes you to believe it. But right now, all I want to do is kiss you, except I'm terrified that if I try you might throw me off this balcony.”
Julie Kagawa
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“It was almost better to be caught by the hungry, soulless vampires; the most they would probably do was drink your blood and leave you to die. Humans were capable of far, far worse.”
Julie Kagawa
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“There are no good choices, Allison," Kanin offered in a quiet voice. "There are only those you can live with, and those you can work to change.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Only death will take me away from you, vampire girl," he whispered. "And even then, I'll watch over you from wherever I end up.”
Julie Kagawa
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“But I'm touched that you care. One moment, princeling," he called to Ash, who inclined his head. Taking my wrist, Puck steered me behind the fountain and bent close, his breath warm on my face. "I have to do this, princess," he said firmly. "Ash won't let us go without a fight, and this has been coming for a long time now." For a moment, a shadow of regret flickered across his face, but then it was gone."So," he murmured, grinning as he tilted my chin up, "before I march off to battle, how 'bout a kiss for luck?"I hesitated, wondering why now, of all times, he would ask for a kiss. He certainly didn't think of me in that way... did he?”
Julie Kagawa
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“You will always be a monster - there is no turning back from it. But what kind of monster you become is entirely up to you.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Somos esclavos sólo si dejamos que el destino nos controle. Siempre hay una elección.”
Julie Kagawa
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“El futuro está en constante cambio y nadie puede predecir lo que sucederá después. Nosotros tenemos el poder de cambiar nuestro destino, porque el destino no está tallado en piedra y siempre tenemos la libertad de hacer una elección.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Sabes que siempre estaré contigo, incluso si no puedes verme.”
Julie Kagawa
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“—¿Qué esperabas, Goodfellow? —Grimalkin pasó con la cola en alto y no nos miro—. Soy un gato.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Aunque no creas que no sé lo que estás haciendo. Si todos terminamos como llamas, voy a pasar el resto de mi vida a tu alrededor diciendo: "Te lo dije” en el idioma de las llamas.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ustedes los humanos son tan adeptos a afirmar lo obvio.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Extraño a mi familia, pero mi casa es Mag Tuiredh, o donde sea que desees gobernar. Nunca jamás, el Reino de hierro, incluso el mundo de los mortales, no me importa. Meghan... —Se movió más cerca, cerrando la distancia entre nosotros y una mano se elevó a acariciar mi mejilla—. Mi casa... está contigo.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Te obedeceré, incluso si me ordenas cortar mi propio corazón.”
Julie Kagawa
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“My queen,” he breathed, one hand reaching up to frame my cheek, making my stomach jump and twirl. “I belong to you. No matter what Mab says, no matter how long I’ve been in Tir Na Nog, my life is yours. Nothing will ever make me leave your side.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I am yours to command, my queen,” he whispered, making my heart clench in complete, helpless love. “I will obey, even if you order me to cut out my own heart. Even if you order me to the hell that is the Winter Court Elysium.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I know what it’s like to miss someone. To feel like you’re just…wandering around, lost.”
Julie Kagawa
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“It was fine and good to be defiant to the end, but it was better not to get caught in the first place.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I don't believe in fate," he said carefully, "but... I do believe everything happens for a reason. That there is some plan, some meaning to this darkness we live in.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I wouldnt defy oberon for just anyone. But for you.....I'd come back from the dead for you - Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“While I'm fixing up this idiot. I want you to get some sleep ... and tell Amano that if he bothers you, I'll break his other leg.”
Julie Kagawa
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“If you two need my help, just scream.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You wound me, prince." Puck looked anything but hurt, and I crossed my arms. "Um, I guess you're still mad about that whole harpy fiasco. I swear, I thought those caves were empty.”
Julie Kagawa
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“When I was Allie the Fringer, I used to collect books like this, from anywhere I could find them. Of Course, in the Fringe, owning them was highly illegal. The vampire lords didn’t want their cattle to be able to read—it might put ideas in our heads if they knew what life was like before. But one of my greatest secrets was that I could read. My mom had taught me when she was still alive, and I’d clung to that accomplishment fiercely. It was the one thing the vampires couldn’t take from me.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Fine." I glared at him and shook my head. Stubborn idiot."But at least try to look a little more raider-ish, okay? We don't want to attract attention."Zeke's snort sounded suspiciously like laughter. "Allie, you're a beautiful, exotic-looking vampire girl with a katana. Trust me, if anyone is going to attract attention, it's not going to be me."I didn't answer as we crossed the flimsy, creaking bridge into the lair of the vampire king. If Zeke had asked, I would've said that I was thinking of how to find everyone, but that wasn't entirely true. I was thinking of the others and how I was going to get them out alive...but I kept being distracted by the thought that Zeke had called me beautiful.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Listen Zeke, i have to go. There's something i have to do, someone i have to find. i owe him a lot, and he's in trouble now. i just wanted to say goodbye." Zeke slept on. i put my hand on his uninjured arm, squeezing gently. My eyes burned, but i ignored them. "you probably won't see me again," i murmured, feeling something hot slide down my cheek. "i got you here, like i promised i would. i wish... i wish i could've seen your Eden, but this place isn't for me. it never was. i have to find my own place in the world.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You should know there is nothing more dangerous than a man who is not afraid to die. i have lost everything, but that frees me.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Will you prey on those you consider friends and companions, or a stranger who already owes you his life? Know that each path is evil; you must decide which one is the lesser of two.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Growing up on the fringe, you came to accept hard truths. Nothing was fair. the world was cold, unforgiving, and people died. it was just the way things were.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Having a weapon you do not know how to use is better than having nothing at all, but not by much. -Kanin”
Julie Kagawa
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“In this world, you were either strong, or you were dead. you did what you had to if you wanted to survive. And i could barely take care of myself; i couldn't worry about someone else's insecurities.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Fear was the knowledge of pain, the awareness that you could be hurt, that you could die.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Remember that, so that next time you can just agree with whatever I say and we’ll be fine.” Though he didn’t open his eyes, one corner of his mouth curled, ever so slightly. It was what I was hoping for. For a moment, the barriers had crumbled and we were all right again.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I would not worry about that, mortal. No one ever leaves the Nevernever completely sane.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Did I ever mention how much I hate cats?”“Do not blame me, Goodfellow.” Grimalkin blinked, managing to sound bored and indignant at the same time. “I was minding my own business long before you and the princess started humping like rabbits.”Puck snorted. Rolling to his stomach, he pushed himself off the bed and pulled me up with him, wrapping me in his arms.”
Julie Kagawa
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“But there are things I want to do before I die, a whole list that I know I probably won't get to, but I'm sure as hell going to try.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Prometí que encontraría una forma de que estuviéramos juntos. Tengo la intención de mantener esa promesa.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Mi caída empezó, como muchas historias lo hacen, con una chica. Una chica llamada Meghan Chase, la hija medio humana de nuestro antiguo rival, el Rey de Verano. El destino nos unió, y a pesar de todo lo que hice para ocultar mis emociones, a pesar de las leyes de nuestra gente y de la guerra con los feys de Hierro y de la amenaza de eterno destierro de mi hogar, aun así me enamoré de ella. Nuestros caminos estaban entretejidos, nuestros destinos entrelazados, y antes de la última batalla juré que la seguiría al fin del mundo, para protegerla de cualquier amenaza, incluyendo a mi propia familia, y para morir por ella si era llamado a hacerlo. Me convertí en su caballero, y habría servido con alegría a esta chica, la mortal que había capturado mi corazón, hasta que el último aliento abandonara mi cuerpo.Pero el destino es un amante cruel, y al final, nuestros caminos fueron forzados a separarse, como había temido que lo fueran”
Julie Kagawa
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“Oh, claro, no me malinterpretes. Estoy a favor de andar a los cinco rincones de Nuncajamás siendo perseguido por enojadas Reinas de Verano, de entrar al sótano de un ogro, de luchar con arañas gigantes, de jugar a las escondidas con un irritable dragón, buenos tiempos. Pero este es como el sexto lugar a donde hemos ido a buscar a ese miserable gato, y si no está aquí estoy casi asustado de a dónde vamos a ir a continuación”
Julie Kagawa
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“Mi lealtad y mi amor le pertenecen a otra reina ahora”
Julie Kagawa
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“La lucha en el barro no es de mi agrado, a menos que implique poca ropa - Puck xD”
Julie Kagawa
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“—¿De dónde vienes, viajero?—Vengo desde el Fin del Mundo —dijo una voz tranquila que hizo que mi corazón deje de latir—. Desde el Río de los Sueños, a través del Pozo, las Zarzas y el Wyld profundo, con el fin de estar aquí. Sólo tengo una petición, retomar mi lugar a tu lado. Para continuar con mi deber como Caballero, y para protegerte a ti y a tu Reino mientras siga respirando. —Alzó la cabeza y empujó hacia atrás la capucha, y un grito de asombro recorrió la sala del trono—. Sigo siendo tuyo, mi Reina —dijo Ash, mirándome fijamente a los ojos—. Si tú me quieres.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Tomé una respiración profunda, me adelanté y le tendí una mano.Puck parpadeó, entonces muy en serio extendió la mano y agarró la mía, apretándola fuerte, mientras yo hacía lo mismo.—Buena suerte —dije en voz baja, reuniéndome con sus ojos. Él sonrió, no una de sus sonrisas lascivas, burlonas, una real.—Tú también, Ash.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Debido a todo el daño, todo el dolor y la soledad y ver que todo el mundo me dejaba atrás me cegué ante la alegría y el orgullo que sentía por Kierran, la profunda satisfacción en los brazos de Meghan, y el amor ciego y creciente que tenía por mi familia. Y tal vez, eso era lo que significaba ser humano.”
Julie Kagawa
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“No sería para nada divertido si no sufrimos alguna especie de catástrofe. — Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“No dirías eso si hubieras visto algún pez del Wyld profundo, Goodfellow. Pero más importante, ¿verás alguna vez el Fin del Mundo si te arranco la cabeza?-El Lobo”
Julie Kagawa
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“¿No te sientes especial, chico hielo? No solo tuvimos que ir al Fin del Mundo. Sé amable con el agradable hombre encapuchado, y tal vez consigas un alma.”
Julie Kagawa
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