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Julie Kagawa

“Why?” I whispered. “Why do you hang around? You and Ash could’ve diedtoday.”Puck’s heartbeat sped up under my fingers. His voice, when it came, wasvery soft, almost a whisper. “I would’ve thought you’d’ve figured that out by now.”~`~`~`~Puck loves me, it whispered, thrilled. He’s in love with me. I knew it. I knew it all along.“You’re kind of blind, you know?” Puck whispered, smiling to soften hiswords. “I wouldn't defy Oberon for just anyone. But, for you…” He leaned forward, touching his forehead to mine. “I’d come back from the dead for you.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You’re awfully quiet, Princess,” Puck said as he arranged the firewood intoa tepee. His slanted green eyes shot me a knowing look. “In fact, you haven’t said a word since his royal iciness left. What’s wrong?”“Oh.” I cast about for an excuse. No way was I telling Puck about myfeelings for Ash. He’d probably challenge him to a duel the moment he walked through the door. “I…um…I’m just weirded out, you know, with all those wiremen bodies around. It’s kinda creepy, like they might come to life and attack us while we’re sleeping.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I’ve seen thousands of mortal girls,” he said softly, “morethan you could ever count, from all corners of your world. To me, they’re all the same.They see only this outer shell, not who I reallyam, beneath. You have. You’ve seen me without the glamour and the illusions, even the ones Ishow my family, the farce I maintain just to survive. You’ve seen who I really am, and yet,you’re still here. You’re here,and the only dance I want is this one.""For better or worse, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me now.""I plan to keep you, from everyone, for as long asI’m alive. That includes Puck, the false king, and anyone else who would take youaway. I guess I should’ve warned you that I have a slight possessivestreak."“My name is Ashallyn’darkmyr Tallyn, third son of the Unseelie Court. Let it be known—from this day forth, I vow to protect Meghan Chase,daughter of the Summer King, with my sword, my honor, and my life. Her desires aremine. Her wishes are mine. Should even the world stand against her, my blade will be ather side. And should it fail to protect her, let my own existence be forfeit. This I swear,on my honor, my True Name, and my life. From this day on…I am yours.”“My life…everything I am…belongs to you.”“I will always be your knight, Meghan Chase. And I swear, if there is a way for us to be together, I will find it. No matter how long it takes. If I have to chase your soul to the ends of eternity, I won’t stop until I find you, I promise.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I think our last kiss was meant to be quick and chaste, but after the first touch of his lips fire leaped up and roared through my belly. My fingers yanked him close, digging into his back, and his arms crushed me to him as if wanting to meld us together. I knotted my fingers in his hair and bit down on his bottom lip, making him groan. His lips parted, and my tongue swept in to dance with his. There was nothing sweet or gentle in our last kiss; it was filled with sorrow and desperation, of the bitter knowledge that we could've had something perfect, but it just wasn't meant to be.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I know who you are.” Ash’s voice shook slightly, which chilled me even more. That Ash, fearless, unshakable Ash, was afraid of this thing filled me with dread.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Grimalkin sighed loudly, causing me to look back and Razor to hiss at him. “Am I the only one here who has any insight at all?” he said, looking to each of our faces. We stared at him, and he shook his head. “Drawing a blank, are you? Think about what you just said, human. Repeat that last phrase, if you would.”I frowned. “Isn’t that where you want to be?”He closed his eyes. “The next phrase, human.”“With all the other gremlins.” He stared at me expectantly, and I raised my hands. “What? What are you getting at, Grim?”Grimalkin thumped his tail. “It is times like these I am ever more grateful that I am a cat,” he sighed. “Why do you think I brought you that creature, human? To keep up my stalking skills? I assure you, they are quite adequate already. Please attempt to use the brain I know is hidden somewhere in that head.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Anyway, here.” He handed me a bag. “Thought you might be hungry. Since you’re our guests, it would be impolite if we didn’t share our food with you. That’s your rations for the week. Try to make it last.” At my surprised look, he rolled his eyes. “Not all of us live on oil and electricity, you know.”“What about Ash and Puck?”“Well, I’m pretty sure eating our food won’t melt their insides to gooey paste. But you never know.” (Glitch)-----------------Puck sat and gazed mournfully into the bowl I handed him. “Not an apple slice to be found,” he sighed, picking through the gooey mess with his fingers. “How can mortals even pass this off as fruit? It’s like a peach farmer threw up in a bowl.”Ash picked up the spoon, gazing at it like it was an alien life form.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Don’t tell me you’re guarding the pearly gates. You never struck me as the angelic type.”(Meghan to Machina)”
Julie Kagawa
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“I have always loved you, princess," Robin Goodfellow promised, his green eyes shining in the darkness. "I always will. And I'll take whatever you can give me."I looked down, unable to meet his open stare, human fears and self-consciousness coming to the surface. "Even if all I can offer is friendship? Will that still be enough?""Well, not really." Puck dropped his hand, his voice turning light and carefree again, more like the Puck I knew. "Damn not being able to lie. Princess, if you suddenly decide ice-boy is a first-class jerk and that you can't stand him, I'll always be here. But for now, I'll settle for being the best friend.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Of course I knew what time you would get here, girl. Just as I know what time Goodfellow will knock over my nineteenth-century French mantle clock.” Puck jerked up at this, bumping a table and sending a clock crashing to the floor. “To the second,” the Clockmaker sighed, closing his eyes.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I hate it when you’re reasonable.”He laughed. “Someone has to be." ...(Meghan and Ash)”
Julie Kagawa
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“Sure you’ll be all right?” Glitch asked, breaking through my thoughts. “I could come with you, if you’d like. They won’t even see me.”I shook my head. “Better if I do this alone. Besides, there’s one member of that household who can see you. And he’s seen enough scary monsters to last him a lifetime.”“Begging your pardon, your highness,” Glitch smirked, “but who are you calling a scary monster?”I swatted at him.”
Julie Kagawa
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“One night, bored and restless, I found a stack of dusty board games in a closet, and bullied Ash into learning Scrabble, checkers and Yahtzee. Surprisingly, Ash found that he enjoyed these “human” games, and was soon asking me to play more often than not. This filled some of the long, restless evenings and kept my mind off certain things. Unfortunately for me, once Ash learned the rules, he was nearly impossible to beat in strategy games like checkers, and his long life gave him a vast knowledge of lengthy, complicated words he staggered me with in Scrabble. Though sometimes we’d end up debating whether or not faery terms like Gwragedd Annwn and hobyahs were legal to use.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Iron. Ice.A Love Doomed From the Start”
Julie Kagawa
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“I guess the sacrifice of my dignity is the only thing that will save us now. The things I endure for love. The Fates laugh at my torment.”
Julie Kagawa
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“He sat across from me now, chin on his hands, brooding into the fire. Part of me wanted to walk up to him and hug him from behind, and part of me wanted to hurl a snowball at his perfect face to get some kind of reaction.I opted for a less suicidal route. “Hey,” I said, poking at the flames with a stick, making them cough sparks. “Earth to Ash. What are you thinking about?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Hi, Princess. Sorry I'm late. Traffic was a bitch.”
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“Shopping is just another form of hunting. All fey are hunters, whether they admit it or not. It's in our nature, pet, nothing unnatural about it.”
Julie Kagawa
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“My closet! Mine!”
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“I'm a cat.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Whatever happens, we're together now.Always.”
Julie Kagawa
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“There was a soft chuckle beside me, and my heart stopped. "So this is Oberon's famous half-blood," Ash mused as I whirled around. His eyes, cold and inhuman, glimmered with amusement. Up close, he was even more beautiful, with high cheekbones and dark tousled hair falling into his eyes. My traitor hands itched, longing to run my fingers through those bangs. Horrified, I clenched them in my lap, trying to concentrate on what Ash was saying. "And to think," the prince continued, smiling, "I lost you that day in the forest and didn't even know what I was chasing."I shrank back, eyeing Oberon and Queen Mab. They were deep in conversation and did not notice me. I didn't want to interrupt them simply because a prince of the Unseelie Court was talking to me. Besides, I was a faery princess now. Even if I didn't quite believe it, Ash certainly did. I took a deep breath, raised my chin, and looked him straight in the eye."I warn you," I said, pleased that my voice didn't tremble, "that if you try anything, my father will remove your head and stick it to a plaque on his wall."He shrugged one lean shoulder. "There are worse things." At my horrified look, he offered a faint, self-derogatory smile. "Don't worry, princess, I won't break the rules of Elysium. I have no intention of facing Mab's wrath should I embarrass her. That's not why I'm here.""Then what do you want?"He bowed. "A dance.""What!" I stared at him in disbelief. "You tried to kill me!""Technically, I was trying to kill Puck. You just happened to be there. But yes, if I'd had the shot, I would have taken it.""Then why the hell would you think I'd dance with you?""That was then." He regarded me blandly. "This is now. And it's tradition in Elysium that a son and daughter of opposite territories dance with each other, to demonstrate the goodwill between the courts.""Well, it's a stupid tradition." I crossed my arms and glared. "And you can forget it. I am not going anywhere with you."He raised an eyebrow. "Would you insult my monarch, Queen Mab, by refusing? She would take it very personally, and blame Oberon for the offense. And Mab can hold a grudge for a very, very long time."Oh, damn. I was stuck.”
Julie Kagawa
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“... What do you want, Ash?" "Your head," Ash answered softly. "On a pike. But what I want doesn't matter this time." He pointed his sword at me. "I've come for her."I gasped as my heart and stomach began careening around my chest. He's here for me, to kill me, like he promised at Elysium. "Over my dead body." Puck smiled, as if this was a friendly conversation on the street, but I felt muscles coiling under his skin. "This was part of the plan." The prince raised his sword, the icy blade wreathed in mist. "I will avenge her today, and put her memory to rest." For a moment, a shadow of anguish flitted across his face, and he closed his eyes. When he opened them, they were cold and glittered with malice. "Prepare yourself.""Stay back, princess," Puck warned, pushing me out of the way. He reached into his boot and pullet out a dagger, the curved blade clear as glass. "This might get a little rough.""Puck, no." I clutched at his sleeve. "Don't fight him. Someone could die.""Duels to the death tend to end that way." Puck grinned, but it was a savage thing, grim and frightening. "But I'm touched that you care. One moment, princeling," he called to Ash, who inclined his head. Taking my wrist, Puck steered me behind the fountain and bent close, his breath warm on my face. "I have to do this, princess," he said firmly. "Ash won't let us go without a fight, and this has been coming for a long time now." For a moment, a shadow of regret flickered across his face, but then it was gone."So," he murmured, grinning as he tilted my chin up, "before I march off to battle, how 'bout a kiss for luck?"I hesitated, wondering why now, of all times, he would ask for a kiss. He certainly didn't think of me in that way... did he?”
Julie Kagawa
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“They got married and, as humans do, began to drift apart.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I'm not particularly fond of the Summer bitch, pardon my French,”
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“This impossible situation also comes with a time limit. No pressure.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I glanced at Puck and smiled. "Are you going to stop me?"He held up his hands. "Wouldn't dream of it.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Puck blinked, looking incredulous. "Uh, running toward the enemy? Isn't that like the opposite of what fall back means?”
Julie Kagawa
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“It’s not that I don't trust the guy, but…no, wait--that's exactly the reason.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Sounds pretty impossible to me," Puck grinned. "When do we start?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Grim, wait. Are you sure you'll be all right?"Grimalkin smiled. "I am a cat."And, just like that, he was gone.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Bad kitty!" he screeched, snarling and baring his fangs at Grimalkin, who yawned and turned away to groom his tail. "Evil, evil, sneaky kitty! Bite your head off in your sleep, I will! Hang you by your toes and set you on fire! Burn, Burn!"-Razor”
Julie Kagawa
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“It is the iron." Grimalkin picked his way over a puddle, then leaped atop a fallen tree, shaking out his paws."This close to the false king's realm, his influence is stronger that ever. It will be worse once you are actually within its borders."Puck snorted."Doesn't seem like it's affecting you much, Cat."That is because I am smarter than you and prepare for these things.""Really? How would you prepare for me tossing you into a lake?”
Julie Kagawa
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“I ached for him, my stomach twisting painfully. He looked so desolate standing there alone facing a mad queen and several thousand angry fey. His voice was flat and resigned, as if he'd been pushed into a corner and had given up, not caring what happened next.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Oh, goodie," Puck said as I stepped forward. "I'm going to have a rash in the most uncomfortable places.”
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“My, aren't we bossy today. Give a girl an army and it goes straight to her head.”
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“Yes, I still know where I’m going!” I snapped as he emerged beside me yet again, cutting him off before he could say anything. Ash walked on my other side, silent and protective, but I caught him rolling his eyes as Glitch came up. The rebel leader scowled. “Relax, your highness. I wasn’t going to ask this time.” “Aw, that’s a shame,” Puck said, falling into step beside him. “You’re gonna make me lose my bet with ice-boy. Come on, be a sport. Say it one more time, for me?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Jealousy isn't something we deal with well, but some of us have been around long enough to know when to let go, and what is most important. The happiness of my two best friends should be more important than some ancient feud. - Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ouch. Well, you know what they say - you always hurt the one you love. Or is that the one you hate? I can never remember. - Puck”
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“I learned long ago that you don't get in the middle of a lover's spat. Nothing EVER goes as planned - People fall in love with the wrong person, someone ends up with a donkey head and then its a whole big mess. - Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“Well, don't worry about it too much, princess. Let ice-boy cool off for the night and then try to talk to him tomorrow. He won't stay angry with you too long, I bet. Ash isn't one to hold a grudge. ''''What are you talking about? He's held a grudge against you for centuries!''''Oh, right.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Hey, corpse-breath, why don't you do everyone a favor and sew your lips shut? It'll match the rest of your face AND be an improvement. - Puck”
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“I saw Oberon charge into the fray on a huge black warhorse, glamour swirling around him, and sweep a hand toward the thickest of the fighting. Vines and roots erupted from the ground, coiling around the Iron fey, strangling them or pulling them beneath the earth. Atop a rise, Mab raised her arms, and a savage whirlwind swept across the field, freezing fey solid or impaling them with ice shards. The armies of Summer and Winter howled with renewed vigor and threw themselves at the enemy.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Besides,” Puck said, grinning his evil grin, “who says I came alone?”“You did,” called another Puck from the rooftop he just left. Glitch’s eyes bugged as the second Puck grinned down at him.“No, he didn’t,” said a third Puck from the opposite roof.“Well, I’m sure they know what he meant,” said yet another Puck, sitting atop a street lamp. “In any case, here we are.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Goodfellow?” Glitch stared at Puck nervously. “Robin Goodfellow?”“Oh, look at that, he’s heard of me. My fame grows.” Puck snorted and leaped off the roof. In midair, he became a giant black raven, who swooped toward us with a raucous cry before dropping into the circle as Puck in an explosion of feathers. “Ta-daaaaaaaaaa.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Aw, boss.” The redcap who was spit on smiled at me and licked his fangs. “Can’t we chew on the princess, just a little?”One-Eyed Jack slapped the offending faery upside the head without looking at him. “Idiot,” he snapped. “I have no desire to pick your frozen guts off the pavement. Now move, you stupid lot. Before I lose my temper.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Puck threw Ash a mocking smile. “You look like crap, Prince. Did you missme?”Ash frowned, stabbing a faery that was clawing at his feet. “What are youdoing here, Goodfellow?” he asked coldly, which only caused Puck’s grin to widen.“Rescuing the princess from the Winter Court, of course.” Puck looked downas the wire-fey piled on the squealing boar, ripping and slicing. It exploded into a pile of leaves,and they skittered back in confusion. “Though it appears I’m saving your sorry ass, as well.”“I could’ve handled it.”“Oh, I’m sure.” Puck brandished a pair of curved daggers, the blades clear asglass. His grin turned predatory. “Well, then, shall we get on with it? Try to keep up, YourHighness.”“Just stay out of my way.”
Julie Kagawa
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“The nurse whirled and fixed him with a gimlet eye. “You—” she began, then threw her hands up. “Go get ready, idiot. You’ve been hovering at the door like a lost puppy all day. Tell the prince we’ll be leaving as soon as Miss Chase is ready. Now, get.”Puck retreated, grinning, and the nurse sighed. “Those two,” she muttered.“They’re either best friends or darkest enemies, I can’t tell which. Come with me, Miss Chase.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ash nodded. “Look for Oberon or Mab,” he said grimly, scanning the battlefield. “They’ll likely be on opposite sides of the river. Try not to engage anything, Goodfellow. We don’t want a fight — we just want to get the scepter to the queen.”“Don’t kid yourself, Prince.” Puck grinned and drew his daggers, pointing to Ash with the tip. “You’re a traitor, Meghan’s the Summer princess, and I’m Robin Goodfellow. I’m sure the ranks of Unseelie will just let us waltz right through.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ooh, Snowberry, you were right,” one of them said, wrinkling her nose like she smelled something foul. “She does reek of a dead pig in the summer. I don’t know how Mab can stand it.”Clenching my fists, I tried to keep my cool. I was so not in the mood for this now.God, it’s like high school all over again. Will it never end? These are ancient faeries, for Pete’s sake, and they’re acting like my high school pom squad.”
Julie Kagawa
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