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Julie Kagawa

“Knock, knock!" he called in a high, singsong voice.For a moment, silence. Then a thud and a crash, as if something heavy had been hurled at the door. "Go away!" snarled the voice from within."Ah, no. That's not how the joke goes," called Rob. "I say 'knock, knock', and you're supposed to answer with 'who's there?'""Fuck off!"Nope, that's still wrong." Robbie seemed unperturbed. I, however, was horrified at Ethan's language, though I knew it wasn't him. "Here," continued Rob in an amiable voice, "I'll go through the whole thing, so you'll know how to answer next time." He cleared his throat and pounded at the door again. "Knock, knock!" he bellowed. "Who's there? Puck! Puck who? Puck, who will turn you into a squealing pig and stuff you in the oven if you don't get out of our way!" And with that, he banged the door open.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Summer and Winter were not supposed to fall in love.”
Julie Kagawa
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“He shook his head, examining the wound again. “It's not frostbitten,“ he muttered. “It'll blister, but you should be fine. You might only lose a couple fingers.“I glanced at him sharply, but he was smirking. For a moment, I was speechless. Good God, the Ice Prince was making jokes now; the world must be ending.”
Julie Kagawa
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“He stood in the doorway with his hands in his pockets, the picture of nonchalance, and even as a human, he was too gorgeous for words. His dark hair had been combed back, falling softly around his face, and his mercury eyes, though they should've seemed pale against all the white, glimmered more brightly than anything. And they were fixed solely on me.”
Julie Kagawa
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“There was nothing sweet or gentle in our last kiss; it was filled with sorrow and desperation, of the bitter knowledge that we could've had something perfect, but it just wasn't meant to be.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You might have to teach me a little about the human world, but I'm willing to learn if it means being close to you." - Prince Ash”
Julie Kagawa
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“For better or worse, I'm afraid you're stuck with me now." -Ash”
Julie Kagawa
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“Touch her, and I'll freeze your testicles off and put them in a jar. Understand?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Bravo," said Grimalkin, peering down from Cold Tom's chest. "The Winter prince and Oberon's jester agreeing on something. The world must be ending.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Oh, we're playing nice now? Shall we have tea first? Brew up a nice pot of kiss-my-ass?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Fey bersifat magis, tidak logis, dan tidak bisa dijelaskan. Sains tidak dapat membuktikan keberadaan faery. Jadi menurut sains, kami tidak ada. -- Grimalkin, tokoh dalam The Iron King)”
Julie Kagawa
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“I have to be on top of my game if I'm going to kill things for you, right?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Me? Die? Didn't they tell you, princess? I'm Robin Goodfellow.”
Julie Kagawa
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“No, no. We can kill each other later.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Then I made a stupid mistake and looked up at him. His eyes met mine, and for a moment, his face was open and vulnerable in the moonlight. I caught a hint of wonder there as we stared at each other. Slowly, he leaned forward. I caught my breath, a tiny gasp escaping. He stiffened, and his expression shuttered closed, eyes going hard and frosty.[...]'This is getting old,' he said in a voice that matched his eyes.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I licked my lips and whispered, "Is this where you say you'll kill me?" One corner of his lips curled. "If you like," he murmured, a flicker of amusement finally crossing his face. "Though it's gotten far too interesting for that.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Grimalkin yawned and licked his whiskers. 'Not dead,' he replied. 'Hardly dead. But she changed her name and appearance so many times, even the oldest fey would hardly remember her. She likes to keep a low profile, you know.' Puck frowned, knitting his bows together. 'Then how is it you remember her?' he demanded, sounding indignant. 'I am a cat,' purred Grimalkin.”
Julie Kagawa
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“The satyr gave me a sympathetic glance. She was shorter than me by a foot, with large hazel eyes that matched her curly hair. I tried to keep my eyes away from her furry lower half, but it was difficult, especially when she smelled faintly like a petting zoo.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Human?' The girl cocked her head the other way. I caught a glimpse of pink gills under her chin. 'My sisters told me stories of humans. They said they sometimes sing to them to lure them underwater.' She grinned, showing off her sharp needle-teeth. 'I've been practicing. Want to hear?”
Julie Kagawa
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“he smelled so good a mix of frost and something sharp like peppermint.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Wow, icy reception here. And to think I came back from the dead for this." - Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“Try Not to bleed so much on the thorns," he said as I jabbed myself in the palm and hissed in pain. "Right Now, anyone could follow us, and you are leaving a very easy trail."Right, 'cause I'm bleeding all over the place for shits and giggles." A Bramble caught my hair, and I yanked it free with a painful tearing sound.-Grimalkin and Meghan”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ash!" I called. "What are you doing? Come on!""Meghan." Ash's voice despite the pain below the surface, was calm. "I hope you find your brother. If you see Puck again tell him I regret having to step out of our duel.""Ash, no! Don't do this!"I felt him smile. "You made me feel alive again," he murmured.Screeching, the greemlins attacked.”
Julie Kagawa
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“This is war, human.” Mab’s voice was cold and remorseless. “It is either kill or be destroyed ourselves.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I wished that, for once, faery tales – real faery tales, not Disney fairy tales – would have a happy ending.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You are my heart, my life, my entire existence." -Ash”
Julie Kagawa
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“Puck’s eyes gleamed, feral and menacing. “Oh, I don’t know, princess. Maybe it was because I was stupid enough to care about you. Maybe I actually thought I had a chance. Silly me, thinking that one little kiss meant anything to you.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Hey, hot cheeks!" A hand smacked my ass and I shrieked. Spinning around, I glared at Dan Ottoman, a blond, pimply, clarinet player from band. He leered back at me and winked. "Never took you for a player, girl," he said, trying to ooze charm but reminding me of a dirty Kermit the Frog. "Come down to band sometime. I've got a flute you can play”
Julie Kagawa
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“Hey, princess.”“Hey,” I whispered, as Ash slipped his arms around my waist from behind, drawing me close. I could feel his glare aimed at Puck over my head, a silent, protective gesture that spoke louder than any words. Mine. Back off.”
Julie Kagawa
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“My closet!" hissed the figure. A spiderlike hand darted out and grabbed the doorknob. "My closet! Mine!" And it slammed the door with a bang.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Oh, hey princess!” Puck waved inanely as the nymphs pulled him to his feet, still giggling. His hair gleamed, his eyes gleamed, and I barely recognized him. “Wanna play ride the phouka with us?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Meghan,” whispered a voice, heart wrenchingly familiar, drawing me out of the void. I recognized it immediately, just as I realized it was a figment of my desperate imagination, because the real owner of that voice would never be here, talking to me.Ash?“Wake up,” he murmured, his deep voice cutting through the layers of the darkness. “Don’t do this. If you don’t come out of this soon, you’ll fade away and drift forever. Fight it. Come back to us.”I didn’t want to wake up. There was nothing but pain waiting for me in the real world. If I was asleep, I couldn’t feel anything. If I was asleep, I didn’t have to face Ash and the cold contempt on his face when he looked at me. Darkness was my retreat, my sanctuary. I drew back from Ash’s voice, deeper into the comforting blackness. And, through the layer of dreams and delirium, I heard a quiet sob.“Please.” A hand gripped mine, real and solid, anchoring me to the present. “I know what you must think of me, but…” The voice broke off, took a ragged breath. “Don’t leave,” it whispered. “Meghan, don’t go. Come back to me.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I'm not going to lose you again.""SHE IS RIGHT."We looked up. Ironhorse stood on the other side of the glass, watching us. His eyes glowed red in the darkness. "IT IS TOO DANGEROUS. FOR YOU."I frowned. "What are you talking-""PRINCESS." Abruptly, he bowed. "IT HAS BEEN AN HONOR. WERE THINGS DIFFERENT, I WOULD GLADLY SERVE YOU UNTIL THE END OF TIME." He looked at Ash and nodded, as it suddenly dawned on me what he was implying. "SHE THINKS THE WORLD OF YOU, PRINCE. PROTECT HER WITH YOUR LIFE.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ash brushed my cheek with the back of his hand, catching a loose strand of hair between his fingers. "I've seen thousands of mortal girls," he said softly, "more than you could ever count, from all corners of your world. To me, they're all the same." His finger slid below my chin, tilting my head up. "They only see this outer shell, not who I really am, beneath. You have. You've seen me without the glamour and illusions, even the ones I show my family, the farce I maintain just to survive. You've seen who I really am, and yet, you're still here." He brushed his thumb over my skin, leaving a trail of icy heat. "You're here, and the only dance I want is this one.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You could've just told them to go away." I'd seen that cold, don't-bother-me-or-I'll-kill-you glare. No one in their right mind would continue pestering the Ice prince once that chilling gaze was turned on them.”
Julie Kagawa
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“He sighed, and his eyes closed. "You were right," he murmured, his voice nearly lost in the darkness. "I couldn't do it alone. I should have listened to you back in Tir Na Nog.""Yes, you should have," I whispered. "Remember that, so that next time you can just agree with whatever I say and we'll be fine.”
Julie Kagawa
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“How is Oberon these days? Still being henpecked by that basilisk of a wife?""Don't insult the basilisk...”
Julie Kagawa
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“Good idea,” Puck echoed from the back of the cave. “Why don’t you take first watch, prince? You could actually be doing something that doesn’t make me want to gouge my eyes out with a spork.”Ash’s lips curled in a smirk. “I would think you’re better suited to the task, Goodfellow,” he said without turning around. “After all, that’s what you’re best at isn’t it? Watching?”“Oh, keep it up, ice-boy. You’re gonna have to sleep sometime.”
Julie Kagawa
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“...we could've had something perfect, but it just wasn't meant to be.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ash and Puck shared a brief glance, and then Ash pushed himself off the wall to stand beside me. “Lead the way,” he said, nodding into the darkness. “We’ll be right behind you.”“For the record,” Grimalkin stated as we ventured, single file, into the black, “I do not think this is a good idea. But, as no one listens to the cat anymore, I will have to wait until we are completely lost to say ‘I told you so.”
Julie Kagawa
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“One more thing,” Ash said in his dangerous, soft voice as we turned away. “If you do not return with her,” Ash continued, staring him down, “if she comes to any harm while she is with you, I will turn this entire camp into a bloodbath. That is my promise, lieutenant.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Puck rolled his eyes. Holding out his hand, he gave me an encouraging smile. “Come on, Princess. Don’t want to get separated in here.” I clasped his hand, and he curled his fingers around mine. “Let’s go, then. Rusty can bring up the read. That way, if we’re jumped from behind, we won’t lose anything important.” I felt Ironhorse’s indignant snort as we entered the tunnel, and I pressed closer to Puck as the shadows closed in on us like grasping fingers. - Puck, Meghan Chase, and Ironhorse, page 152.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Looks like nobody’s home,” Puck said, turning in a slow circle. “Hellooooooooo? Anybody here?”“Be quiet, Goodfellow,” Ash growled, peering into the shadows with narrowed eyes. “We’re not alone.”“Yeah? How do you figure that, prince? I don’t see anyone.”“The cait sith has disappeared.”“ … Crap.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ah.” Puck’s emerald eyes sparkled with glee. “And so they come crawling back for Puck’s help after all. Tsk tsk.” He shook his head and took another bite of the apple. “How easy it is to forget grudges when someone has something you need.”
Julie Kagawa
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“His forehead bumped softly against mine, his brilliant silver gaze searing into me. “I plan to keep you, from everyone, for as long as I’m alive. That includes Puck, the false king, and anyone else who would take you away.” One corner of his mouth quirked, as I struggled to catch my breath under his powerful scrutiny. “I guess I should’ve warned you that I have a slight possessive streak.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Tu puedes ver a travès del Glamour y la Neblina”
Julie Kagawa
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