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Julie Kagawa

“Si van a hacer eso ¿les importaría no empujar la cama demasiado —dijo una voz sarcástica cerca de la cabecera—. Tal vez ustedes podrían rodar por el suelo. -Grim”
Julie Kagawa
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“Yo no iría contra Oberon por cualquier persona. Pero por ti… —se inclino hacia adelante tocando mi frente con la suya—. Volvería de entre los muertos por ti. -Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“Wow," Puck mused, standing beside me. "The River of Dreams." ... Moons, comets and constellations rippled on the surface, and other, stranger things floated upon the misty black waters. Petals and book pages, butterfly wings and silver medals. The hilt of a sword stuck out of the water at an odd angle, the silver blade tangled with ribbons and spiderwebs. A coffin bobbed to the surface, covered in dead lilies, before sinking into the depths once more. The debris of human imaginations, floating through the dark waters of dream and nightmare.”
Julie Kagawa
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“It seemed Lady Luck hated me worse than usual.”
Julie Kagawa
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“There will come a time when man is no longer concerned only with survival, when he will once more be curious as to who came before him, what life was like a thousand years ago, and he will seek out answers for a hundred years or so, but humans' curiosity has always driven them to find answers.”
Julie Kagawa
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“My emotions still held a stubborn hope that humans could be loyal, that they could hold out against the promise of an easy life. But I knew better.”
Julie Kagawa
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“A silent road stretched before me, damp with rain and littered with cars. As I watched, pale figures began to slip through the trees or claw their way out of the earth. Rabids edged onto the pavement, filling the road, their hisses and snarls rising into the air. Their empty white eyes blazed with madness and Hunger, and they began to sprint forward . Reaching back, I drew my bladem feeling it rasp free, gleaming as it came into the light. Looking up at the approaching rabids, I smiled.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I wasn't thinking of his blood, rushing just below the skin. I wasn't thinking of his heartbeat or his touch or the pulse at his throat. Right now, all I was thinking of was Zeke.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You don't dwell on what you've lost, you just move on."-Allison”
Julie Kagawa
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“Why should I fear something that probably can't kill me.”
Julie Kagawa
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“War?" Something cold touched my cheek, and I glanched up to see snowflakes swirling in a lightning-riddled sky. It was eerily beautiful, and I shivered. "What will happen then?" Ash stepped closer. His fingers came up to brush the hair from my face, sending an electric shock through me from my spine to my toes. His cool breath tickled my ear as he leaned in."I'll kill you.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Yeah, Mom, Ethan’s turned into a monster and my best friend thinks he’s a faery. How was your day?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Listen to yourself You really expect me to believe that my brother is some kind of pixie with glitter dust and butterfly wings.” “Don’t be stupid ” Rob said mildly. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re thinking ‘Tinker Bell’ which is a typical human response to the word faery. The real fey aren’t like that at all.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You’ve gone off the deep end. Time to cut back on the anime Rob. There’s no such thing as faeries.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I could almost feel Meghan against me, shaking with sobs as she mourned her Winter prince. I could feel my arms around her as I whispered that it would be okay, that she still had me, and I would never leave. Ant then I wanted to kick myself in the head for thinking that”
Julie Kagawa
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“Believe it or not, Princess, I don´t want Ash dead, any more than you do". He sniffed. "Well maybe a little more than you but...”
Julie Kagawa
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“What am I going to do?""Hopefully obsess in silence so I can get to sleep".Meghan and Grimalkin”
Julie Kagawa
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“I missed Ash, and the longing was ripping my stomach to pieces, but I also wanted Puck to come back and kiss me some more" Meghan Chase”
Julie Kagawa
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“I could handle goblins and bogeymen and evil, flesh-eating horses, but giant freaking spiders? That´s where I drew the line." Meghan Chase”
Julie Kagawa
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“Take her back to Court? That´s easy. I was going to do that anyway, whether you liked it or not. Comes with the whole rescue thing, you know...”
Julie Kagawa
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“Rowan doesn´t know me as well as he thinks," he murmured, seemingly unconcerned with the jagged blades closing in on him, "otherwise he never would´ve made such a mistake."Edgebriar smiled, leering at Ash fron behind the trio of knights, content to let his guards engage the Winter prince."And what mistake would that be?""There only four of you.”
Julie Kagawa
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“It ended much too soon. Ash pulled away, eyes bright, shaking with desire and passion. Both our hearts were thudding wildly, and Ash´s fingers were digging painfully into my shoulders. "Don´t ask me this again".”
Julie Kagawa
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“Even if I turned ninety, lost my mind and forgot everytging else, the memory of the Winter prince would be a shining beacon that would never fade”
Julie Kagawa
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“What do you want of me, Meghan?" he asked, a low thread of anguish flickering below the surface. Tears blurred my vision, all the fear and heartache of the past few days rising to the surface."Just you" I whispered. "I just want you".He closed his eyes. "I can´t do that”
Julie Kagawa
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“What was with this family, that all the sons were so freaking handsome it hurt to look at them”
Julie Kagawa
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“But be warned, Queen Mab, this is not yet over. One way or another, I will have my daughter back." Oberon”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ash just does that to people. No silly mortal can look at him and not fall head over heels. How many hearts do you think he´s already broken”
Julie Kagawa
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“You´re playing with fire, you know that?That´s weird, considering you´re an ice prin- I didn´t get any further, as Ash leaned in and kissed me”
Julie Kagawa
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“Incluso si cumpliera noventa, perdiera la razón y olvidara todo lo demás, el recuerdo del príncipe de Invierno seria un faro brillante que nunca desaparecería.”
Julie Kagawa
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“My soul cried out for Ash, for his courage and determination; for the way his eyes thawed when he looked at me, as if I were the only person in the world; for that beautiful, wounded spirit I saw beneath the cold exterior he showed the world.”
Julie Kagawa
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“But for now, the only thing I wanted was standing right here, looking at me with an expression so open and unguarded that I thought my heart would burst out of my chest. "Don't leave," I whispered, tightening my hold. "Never leave me again. Stay with me. Forever."The Winter prince smiled, a small, easy smile, and lowered his lips to mine."I promise.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Un dolor llenó mi pecho, tan agudo que me quedé sin aliento. ¿Era así como un corazón roto se sentía? ¿Era posible morir de dolor?-,Meghan”
Julie Kagawa
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“Maldita sea, él era bellísimo también. ¿Qué tenía esta familia, que todos los hijos eranalucinantemente guapos que dolía verlos? - Meghan”
Julie Kagawa
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“¿Era así como un corazón roto se sentía?¿Era posible morir de dolor?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Bienvenida a la Corte del Invierno. Por favor, ponte cómoda. e temo que podrías estar aqui durante mucho, mucho tiempo -La Reina Mab”
Julie Kagawa
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“Las otras dríadas se fueron, dejándome sola con un gato, un príncipe, y un palo. Suspiré y miré hacia abajo a la madera en mis manos. ―Sin presión ni nada, -murmuré.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Well, this should be easy, then.” Puck smirked. “We’ll just stroll in the front door, waltz up to Virus, grab the scepter, have some tea and save the world before breakfast. Silly me, thinking it would be hard.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I swallowed. “Is that…for me?”One of the other gnomes, a short man with a nose like a potato, laughed.“Well, the prince certainly isn’t going to wear it.”
Julie Kagawa
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“What is that?""A hunt," Puck replied, looking off into the distance. He grimaced. "You know, I was just thinking we needed to be run down like rabbits and torn apart. My day just isn't complete without something trying to kill me."-Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“Las emociones pueden ser armas mortales, y conocer el punto de quiebre de tu enemigo puede ser clave para ganar una batalla -Ash”
Julie Kagawa
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“Remind me to kill Grimalkin next time we see him.”
Julie Kagawa
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“When I saw you with Puck, the day you came to the Nevernever…”“The day you tried to kill us,” I reminded him.”
Julie Kagawa
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“―Siempre seré tu caballero, Meghan Chase (...)Y juro, que si hay alguna manera de que estemos juntos, la encontraré. Sin importar lo que tome. Si tengo que perseguir tu alma hasta el fin del mundo, no me detendré hasta encontrarte, lo prometo.‖”
Julie Kagawa
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“La única cosa que el mal necesita para vencer es que nosotros y aquellos que son como nosotros no hagamos nada, ¡y no me sentaré a ver eso pasar! ¡Llevaremos esta batalla al frente del falso rey, le mostraremos lo que pasa cuando nos unimos en contra de él! ¿Quién está conmigo? -Meghan”
Julie Kagawa
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“No hay utilidad en desear lo imposible, humana.”Grim”
Julie Kagawa
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“Por favor, intenta usar el cerebro que sé que está escondido en algún lugar de esa cabeza.-Grim”
Julie Kagawa
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“Time is the cog that turns the wheelWinter leaves scars that do not healSummer is a fire that burns insideKnowledge is a terrible burden to hideStrength and death go hand in handOne answer lies within the sandBut seek the answer all aloneLest the sand claim you as its own.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Pero algunos de nosotros hemos estado alrededor el tiempo suficiente para saber cuándo hay que dejar ir, y lo que es más importante. La felicidad de mis dos mejores amigos debe ser más importante que alguna antigua enemistad -Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“―¡Idiota!‖ Quería golpearlo y abrazarlo al mismo tiempo. ―¿Qué pasó? Pensamos que estabas muriendo.―¿Yo? Nah. (...)Fue un golpe feo en el cráneo que me dejó fuera por unos minutos, eso es todo. Hubiera dicho algo antes, pero estaban en un rollo y no quería interrumpir.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Bueno, esto es divertido (...) No todos los días puedo decir que fui atacado por un par de anteojos de lectura que volaban.”
Julie Kagawa
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