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Julie Kagawa

“Right. The Briars. Just a second, Princess. Hey, Rusty,” he called, motioning to Ironhorse, who pinned back his ears, “why don’t you walk ahead of us, huh? I want your big ugly ass where I can see it.”
Julie Kagawa
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“if I made a habit of waiting for an invitation, I’d never get to go anywhere. - Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“A violin?” I echoed, making a face. “Really? You’re calling in a favor for that? What, you don’t want to wait until you’ve lost a pipe organ or something?” - Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“He had no illusions about his addiction to her. She had her fingers sunk firmly into his heart, and could do with it what she wished.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I know I was the one who left," he continued, still staring at the wall. "I said we were enemies and that we couldn't be together. I knew it would break your heart, but...I also knew Puck would be there to pick up the pieces. Whatever came of that, I brought on myself. I know I have no right to ask...”
Julie Kagawa
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“One of the hazards of having a faery in love with you.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I looked at Ash over the table; his silver gaze met mine, and I felt my heart swell in my chest. I was in a faery tale, wasn't I? I was playing my part in the story, the human girl who had fallen in love with a faery prince.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Excuse me a moment, princess. I have to go play with the puppies.”
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“But if the Nevernever dies, won’t you disappear, as well?”“I am a cat,” Grimalkin replied, as if that explained anything.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I love her.”
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“You don’t need a plan. You have the Puck with you, remember? I’m an expert at this. And I’ve never needed an elaborate plan to pull anything off.”...“Worry not, human,” the cat sighed, giving himself a thorough shake. “I am going with you as well. With Goodfellow’s exemplary planning, someone has to make sure you go through the right door.”
Julie Kagawa
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“I would kiss you, cat,” Puck said as we crowded through the doorway, “if we weren’t in such a hurry. Also, the hairballs could be unpleasant.”
Julie Kagawa
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“What she did to me was bad enough.” Ash’s silver eyes glittered as he turned back, cold as the moon overhead. “What she made me do, I will never forgive.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ash,” Mab crooned as he drew near. “My poor boy. Rowan told me what happened between the two of you, but I know you had your reasons. Why would you betray me?” “I love her.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Excuse me, Princess.” For a moment, my heart leaped at the soft, deep voice. The voice that could either be Rowan’s or Ash’s, they sounded so much alike. Bracing myself, I turned, but it wasn’t Ash standing there. Thankfully, it wasn’t Rowan, either. It was the other brother, the oldest of the three. Sage. Dammit, he’s gorgeous also. What was with this family, that all the sons were so freaking handsome it hurt to look at them?”
Julie Kagawa
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“He watched her from the fading dark, unseen and invisible, just another shadow in the trees. He wondered if he had been right to come here, to see her one last time, though he knew resisting her was futile. He couldn't leave without seeing her again, hearing her voice and seeing her smile, even though it wasn't for him. He had no illusions about his addiction to her. She had her fingers sunk firmly into his heart, and could do with it what she wished.He watched her walk away with the Iron faery and the dog, watched them leave to return to her own realm, back to a place he couldn't follow.For now.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Water splashed over my jeans, and I yelped as something burned my skin.We examined my leg. Tiny holes marred my jeans where the drops had hit, the material seared away, the skin underneath red and burned. It throbbed as if I’d jabbed needles into my flesh.“What the heck?” I muttered, glaring into the storm. It looked like ordinary rain—gray, misty, somewhat depressing. Almost compulsively, I stuck my hand toward the opening, where water dripped over the edge of the tube.Ash grabbed my wrist, snatching it back. “Yes, it will burn your hand as well as your leg,” he said in a bland voice. “And here I thought you learned your lesson with the chains.”Embarrassed, I dropped my hand and scooted farther into the tube, away from the rim and the acid rain dripping from it. “Guess I’m staying up all night,” I muttered, crossing my arms. “Wouldn’t want to doze off and find half my face melted off when I wake up.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Fine, princess.... But if I get sick, I expect you to wait on me hand and foot.""If you get sick, I'll just have Ash put you out of your misery.""I'm touched that you care.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Escort service,” Puck replied, shifting to the side so that Twiggs could get a clear viewof me. Those beady eyes fixed on me, blinking in confusion. Then, suddenly, they gothuge and round, as Twiggs looked back at Puck.“Is…is that…?”“It is.”“Does she…?”“No.”“Oh, my.” Twiggs opened the door wide, beckoning with a sticklike arm.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Do not demean yourself by stating the ridiculous," Grimalkin replied smoothly. Just because my species is vastly superior does not mean you should flaunt your idiocy freely. I know why you are here, dog.""Really", Puck called, craning his head to look up at the cat. "Well then, would you like to share your theory, furball?”
Julie Kagawa
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“Right, cause I'm bleeding all over the place for shits and giggles.”
Julie Kagawa
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“She reeks of sadness, of indecision and guilt. And desire, of course. It's even stronger than yours.”
Julie Kagawa
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“the edges of the steel blade as Iron glamour flared around her, a maelstrom of deadly power. I saw her lips move, a name on them, perhaps mine, and felt nothing. My glamour rose up to meet hers, cold and dangerous, and our powers slammed into each other with the roar of dueling dragons.Flashes of images, like broken mirror shards, falling to the earth. Iron and ice, clashing against each other. Rage and hate, swirling in vicious, ugly colors around us. Glamour and pain and blood.”
Julie Kagawa
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“This new Ariella, quiet and sad, bowed under the weight of terrible knowledge and countless secrets,”
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“We were born from their dreams, their fears and imaginations. We are the product of their hearts and minds. Without a soul we are immortal, yet empty. Remembered, we exist. Forgotten, we die. And when we die, we simply fade away, as if we never existed at all.”
Julie Kagawa
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“The pain was swift and immediate. It wasn't stabbing, or fiery, or unbearable. More like a fraying of my inner self, a few threads tearing away, vanishing into the ether. I winced and stifled a gasp,”
Julie Kagawa
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“Dreams are for mortals, humans whose emotions are so strong, so consuming, they spill over into their subconscious minds. The fey do not usually dream; our sleep is untroubled by thoughts of the past or future, or anything except the now. While humans can be tormented by feelings of guilt, longing, worry and regret, most fey do not experience these things. We are, in many ways, emptier than mortals, lacking the deeper emotions that make them so...human. Perhaps that is why they are so fascinating to us.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Once upon a time, I had two close friends. Shocking, I know, given my natural charm, but there are those who just don't appreciate my brilliance.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Idiot. I told you not to fight the horse thing.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Oh that looked painful," called another Puck, a little farther down. "We really need to talk about your anger-management problems.”
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“I rolled my eyes." Has anyone told you you have the maturity level of a four-year-old?”
Julie Kagawa
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“I won't forget,” he whispered, and I swallowed the lump in my throat.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Oh, we're playing nice now?” Puck remained seated, looking anything but compliant. “Shall we have tea first? Brew up a nice pot of kiss-my-ass?”
Julie Kagawa
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“I won't turn into a pumpkin when midnight comes, will I?”“If you annoy the wrong people, you might.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You're scared?'He shook his head. 'Floppy's scared.''What's Floppy scared of?''The man in the closet”
Julie Kagawa
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“I dropped the bug with a shudder. 'Is that why Mab wants me?' I asked Ash, who still stood a few feet away. 'As a weapon?' 'Ridiculous isn't it?' Grimalkin purred. 'She cannot even use glamour. She would be a horrible assassin.”
Julie Kagawa
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“He touched my cheek softly, his eyes intense as they gazed into mine."You might have to teach me a little about the human world, but I'm willing to learn if it means being close to you." He smiled again, a wry quirk of his lips. "I'm sure I can adapt to 'being human' if I must. If you want me to attend classes as a student, I can do that. If you want to move to a large city to pursue your dreams, I will follow. And if, someday, you wish to be married in a white gown and make this official in human eyes I'm willing to do that, too." He leaned in, close enough for me to see my reflection in his silver gaze." For better or worse, I'm afraid you're stuck with me now.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Don't leave," I whispered, tightening my hold. "Never leave me again. Stay with me. Forever." The winter prince smiled, a small, easy smile, and lowered his lips to mine. "I promise.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Forgive me," Ash murmured, and I heard the faintest of tremors beneath his voice. "But I can't... I won't... give her up. Not now, when I've just found her."-Ash”
Julie Kagawa
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“Ash pulled me back against him, brushing my hair from my neck. His mouth skimmed my shoulder, up my neck, sending butterflies swarming through my insides. "If you want to rest, then do so," he murmured against my skin. "The rain will not touch you, I promise.”
Julie Kagawa
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“Grimalkin jumped up beside Ash again. "The park," he said calmly. "We take him to the park. The dryads should be able to help him." "Should? What if they can't?""Then, human, I would start praying for a miracle."-Grimalkin and Meghan”
Julie Kagawa
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“I seem to remember a certain someone swearing that she couldn't dance at all. Obviously I must have been with her twin sister, because i was expecting you to step on my toes all night. Been taking lessons, Princess?"-Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“Princess." Puck's voice broke through my numb trance. I glared poisoned daggers at him and he gave me a weak smile. "Scary, you can rip me to pieces later. His royal iciness isn't looking so good. We have to get him to a healer, now."-Puck”
Julie Kagawa
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“I could have taken a nap instead of waiting for you to finally show up. What took you so long human? Did you walk?"-Grimalkin”
Julie Kagawa
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“What are you doing here, Goodfellow?"Rescuing the princess from the winter court, of course. Though it appears I'm saving your sorry-ass as well.""I could've handled it.""Oh, I'm sure. Well then, shall we get on with it? Try to keep up, your highness.""Just stay out of my way.”
Julie Kagawa
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“You look like crap, prince. Did you miss me?"-Puck”
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“Ah, this is Princess that turned Prince traitor," he hissed, eyeing me up and down. "And now they need goblin tunnels out of city, good, good."-Sweetfinger”
Julie Kagawa
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“I rose from the bed, my heart thudding in my chest. "Kiss me," I whispered, and saw his eyebrow arc in surprise. "Just once more," I pleaded, "And I promise it will be the last time. I'll be able to forget you after that."-Meghan”
Julie Kagawa
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“From the moment you stepped into the nevernever, you've been my undoing. I should never have agreed to that contract."-Ash”
Julie Kagawa
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“Then you came along," he muttered, touching my wet cheeks, "and suddenly...I don't know. It was like I was seeing things for the first time again. When I saw you with Puck, the day you came to the Nevernever..."-Ash”
Julie Kagawa
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